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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. I love how GMTM is just staring at the pen.....SIGN IT ALREADY!!!!! Not going through this again...
  2. That's all I hear in my neighborhood, those things are ridiculously loud...
  3. Just making sure Bylsma puts in a full pay opt out clause in his contract...
  4. I like the hire, but if we have to give up a pick, it's total BS. I believe that's what's holding up the official announcement... Just give them Ville Leino instead of a third...
  5. Read this article today and remembered this thread...
  6. Yes, good old Nick Bakay.
  7. Great show! One of the producers or something was from the Buffalo area, Doug wore a UB shirt on a few occasions and Arthur had a North Tonawanda reference. I would love a remake, maybe with Doug, Carrie, and a child.
  8. http://www.26shirts.com/buffalo-williams.html
  9. You mentioned previously, "Commute from Colden to Amherst gets old." Where would she prefer to work?
  10. Maybe they are saying MD is cheating himself by using synthetic as opposed to the real deal...
  11. Anyone watch Dig? The premise sounds interesting... here's some new summer shows: https://www.yahoo.com/tv/summer-tv-preview-new-shows-c1174755580403767.html Public Morals might be one to binge watch...
  12. Toronto made a great hire, Babcock is a very good coach and he's working with a GM in which he is very familiar. Toronto has a long way to go, but in hockey things can turn around pretty quick. It always blows my mind how awful the leafs have been the past 10 years, an original 6 team that can draw FA's because of a huge bank role and they just suck at putting a team together. I can see Babcock turning that team around and the Buffalo/Toronto rivalry will heat up even more when the meet up in the playoffs in the near future...
  13. Sounds like Boobie "accidentally" took McCoy's turn bowling, I would be pissed as well...But honestly it looks like McCoy was just playing, but let's start the McCoy is a DIVA posts, it is TBD and the off season...
  14. Agreed! It was a fitting farewell, nothing over the top, just a few laughs. My favorite part may have been how excited his son was when he announced his friend. I hadn't watched much in recent years, but he always made me laugh...
  15. I am disappointed the Sabres didn't get Babcock, but I am glad they didn't get him for that contract. Talk about setting a precedence for HC salaries! About 4 million more per year than any other coach, and 8 years is a very long time. So, I am happy Pegula didn't solidify his ownership reputation of just having deep pockets. Babcock is a very good coach, he probably was the best coach available, but he's not the best coach in the league. Top 10 definitely, but for that contact, no thanks. Bylsma would be a good hire, but they are in no hurry. Take some time and make a good decision.
  16. This might have been posted somewhere, if so, oh well. \ I definitely want to get this book, Erin is an impressive young woman... http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/kelly-family-s-strength-through-jim-s-cancer-chronicled-in-new-book-154959606.html
  17. Yes, that's exactly what I meant. You're better than that, very lame statement.
  18. If I ever moved, I would find Lloyds on my visits home for sure... www.whereslloyd.com
  19. Exactly....he also learned what NOT to do, which was probably equally as important.
  20. No, but you can learn a lot from watching him practice, play, the way he calls signals in the huddle, audible, etc...
  21. I did think of him as a possibility. But he was behind a hall of fame QB, might have been more Favre than the coach. And he probably could have started a couple years prior had they not had Favre.
  22. That's and interesting statement. What current starting QB's in the league have been "developed" by their HC? Maybe Eli Manning could fall into this category, he's the only one I can think of, and I'm not really sure about him. Rex had Sanchez and I think he got all he could get out of him, there wasn't much more there. He played well at times in Philly under Chip's system, but he's still average. And he didn't have a lot of time with Gino,so I'm not sure that's a fair statement. Interesting topic though...
  23. This is a picture of my first car...Click the link below [internet Link - peter pan guy] Ha ha...this is going to be great...
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