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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. They trusted him to hold onto the ball, huh...
  2. The Bills really have to wait until Friday to cut him, he will be the #2 in the event Simms does not finish the game Thursday...
  3. He has a hamstring injury. He might be ready for week 1, he might not. I don't really think this is breaking news. We hope he will be ready obviously. I think just as big of a question is whether all the backup RB's will be healthy for week 1, since they just cut a healthy one...
  4. Keeping Luck in the pocket will be huge as well, he can run. They may be thinking with MD out, they'll be able to run Gore up the middle. I don't see much success with that...
  5. I believe so. He had a workout yesterday and just finished his 40 yard dash a few minutes ago...
  6. Exactly, he was the only QB of the bunch that had nothing to prove. You know what you're going to get...
  7. Rex did say he was testing his defense. To me that almost sounds like he would initially put them in a difficult situation with the hopes that they would communicate and correct it. The growing pains of a Rex led defense I guess. Hopefully that learning technique has helped, we shall see, some very good opposing QB's under center to start the season...Definitely concerned...
  8. Love me some pomp...
  9. it's not funny at all, he was pretty bad his first couple years. But that goes along with the whole "give him time" argument. Leo's problem early on was that he would always try for the interception, which he whiffed on the majority of the time. It was so frustrating watching him leap with both hands up and having the ball sail through his fingers! The past couple seasons he has learned to just knock the ball down or deflect it and he's become a very good CB...
  10. A lot of people here like to use the "company line" bs when talking about most of the reporters, but I never really noticed that as much as others appear to. I like Vic Carucci, he's solid, does a decent job. Sal is ok. He's like talking to a passionate Bills fan. He has some good opinions and some really bad ones, but he's not afraid to say what he thinks. But he's never going to blow you away with his insights. Jay Skurski is pretty solid. He's on Rich Gaenzler's show on the FAN quite a bit and I enjoy his takes. Rich is pretty tough to listen to though, he just babbles and bounces around all over the place, but the only one on at that time. Tyler Dunne is pretty good thus far, he's not as bitter as the rest at the BN, but give it some time. John Murphy is very good IMO, he has the most insight and runs a really good show.
  11. I think they bring someone in after cuts to 53.
  12. Yes, someone mentioned he was glass act in that thread. I don't think he'll ever make it through a full season...
  13. You should just do all 19 games...
  14. Should be plenty of Bills jerseys in the crowd...
  15. 5 teams have inquired about trading for Kane, Chicago is rumored to have had enough of his antics... http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/five-teams-have-called-blackhawks-about-trading-for-patrick-kane--report-171920024.html;_ylt=A0LEV1HMBuZV9jEA66dXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--
  16. This theory was posted in the "RB Fred Jackson released" thread and it could be possible.
  17. Probably posted, but didn't go through all 23... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CNxYQOGU8AALbTg.jpg:large
  18. I agree, it makes perfect sense. TT, EJ or Cassel (appears to be EJ), and Simms on the PS.
  19. Rex said 3 QB's...TT, EJ, and Simms...It really wouldn't surprise me either way.
  20. In the first preseason game, there was designed roll out that was played well by Carolina. There were at least 2 Panthers just waiting and TT simply slid and took a minimal gain instead of trying to get and extra yard or 2 and risking injury. That showed me his smarty early on...
  21. This +1000000 Can you imagine the Ralph erupting when it starts!!!! And this game wasn't even in VT, but posted because of TT...
  22. This gave me a coffee on the monitor type laugh...
  23. No one ever said forward thinking didn't have it's flaws...
  24. pretty much spot on.... But seriously, do you feel comfortable with the Bills QB situation? I know I have big concerns. I feel a little better than I did coming into camp, but I am still not sold on any of these QB's. And I am a Bills fan, so what are unbiased reporters expected to say?
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