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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. Indeed, Packers are in serious t-r-o-u-b-l-e and the Vikings look very g-o-o-d...
  2. But if it was truly just the 2 of them, why would they want to draw anyone near them. My guess, if it was the "douche couple", is that they were captured by Negan and their plea to spare their lives was to draw Daryl and Co. to them. The Forrest guy did say, they have to trade things to stay alive or at least be sheltered in that group.
  3. But Freddie + Cassel equals seven minus two...think about that one!
  4. A big win against the **patsie's means we'll lose the next 2....A loss, everyone jumps off the band wagon, but they win there next 2 and there's hope again....Ah, to be a Bills fan...
  5. ok, must have been a bridge. that makes more sense, i was just typing away thinking about the episode, but it's just stupid that Abe would take a stroll when he was just ambushed...
  6. random thoughts... I would think the "help" message was from Glenn's radio, who's in possession of the radio is the big question. the call could have come from Alexandria as well though....that was probably the best part of the episode along with finding the missile launchers. But why was there a jeep on the roof? I like how some zombies can just sleep and then wake up when someone is close. or the ones that sneak up on someone and start roaring uncontrollably after biting them from behind. Whoever those people were (the saviors?), they are heavily armed and have vehicles, I wonder if they will track them back to the compound? I think Daryl may still have his walkie talkie, they didn't ask for it and he had it pretty much the whole episode. do the walls begin to give in the next episode, I think the Alexandria story line is all but over. time to move on... 2 episodes left until the break....
  7. 5-2 is not a bad way to start your career. there are area's in which he can improve for sure, but he's better than anything we have had in a very long time.
  8. I think there's more too it, it's not just TT. yes, he needs to recognize the blitz and check to a quick pass play or whatever. but he also needs time to do so. when they weren't taking timeout's, TT was rushing to get the ball snapped, most of the time right when it hit zero. so, i can't put that all on TT, but they need to figure it out fast.
  9. Would have won the Jax game with that description...
  10. What's with the guy to Spag's right flapping like a bird?
  11. The NFL should donate $1000 to charity for every official apology issued...Maybe that will force them to try to get things right...
  12. If the ball was thrown to the right, it's most likely 6. Sammy even pointed to the right after. I do not think it was catchable because of the speed at which Sammy was running and the angle in which he had to adjust to get to the ball. Just a poorly thrown ball if that was the correct route, but we'll never know if he was to go straight up the field or to the right...
  13. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/colorblind-nfl-bills-jets_5645ef84e4b08cda3488576c?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592 great quote: Colorblind NFL fans say Jets/Bills jerseys made it impossible to tell the teams apart, although this qualifies them to be Jets quarterbacks
  14. How's that stanky leg dance go?
  15. The intermission show looked like the post game show, all empty seats in the background. Sabres and Bills fight off a late barrage to pull out a win, great night!
  16. If there is a delay in getting calls in from the sideline, they are screwed. TT is responsible for so many calls at he LOS, he needs time to get through them. If he ever masters it though, it will be fun to watch, but right now it's a learning process....
  17. wasn't monumental, but it was a big mistake. But I think it was a bigger mistake with the play call, the Jets were containing TT all day, he had no room to run...
  18. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/the-jaguars-and-titans--color-rush--uniforms-remind-us-of-something-161156413.html
  19. The Ralph might actually be a good spot to take up residence. They have all the new gating along the outside, you could always block off some of the tunnels or move up to the suites or upper deck, should be plenty of beer and food in storage...there still would be long lines at the bathrooms, but other than that, sounds good to me...GO BILLS!
  20. Buildings in Buffalo to be lit up in red Thursday night... http://www.bizjournals.com/buffalo/news/2015/11/11/buffalo-buildings-to-be-red-thursday-night.html
  21. My whole point as far as safety is that as long as a herd of walkers are surrounding it, and the walls are strong (a big if), you have plenty of food (another big if), you're protected from both walkers and humans. Although you're never really protected from walkers, as someone inside could die....This world would really suck!
  22. I don't know if impressive is the word I would use (as you eluded to in your last comment), but it sure was hilarious...
  23. Eyeballs would be the first to go on any zombie, they are mostly water, and they would go relatively fast. The only zombies that should still have their eye's are newbies. But obviously this is a show about zombie's, so you kind of have to check out of reality before tuning in.... So, the walls are beginning to crack. Could be the first half of the season cliff hanger. You have to think, as long as you had plenty of food, no place would be safer than a compound surrounded by walkers...
  24. Anyone in the sun sections at the game Sunday know how brutal that sun was and he had to look directly into it to try and track the ball. i wore my hat sideways half the game, it was ridiculously bright....
  25. I think Glenn is dead as well. The only thing that would kind of make sense in Glenn surviving is if Negan and "the saviors" save him and Glenn leads him to the base. They get there and thank you Glenn, boom...
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