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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. Thanks for the update Josina...
  2. Me too, could not even find 1 ticket available to purchase...
  3. Agree...let me help...
  4. I pretty much disagree with most of Tito's moves initially, but they just work....Wooooooooooooo........WhooooooooWhoooooooooooJuuuuuuuuuuulio......GO TRIBE!!!!
  5. It would be amazing if the Indians can steal this game with Ryan Merrit taking the mound. Let's hope he can duplicate what Matt Moore did in 2011... Merritt has pitched 11 innings in the big leagues. Eleven! He will be the least experienced starter in LCS history and the least-experienced in any round since Matt Moore, who had 9 1/3 innings under his belt when he twirled seven scoreless innings for the Rays in Game 1 of the 2011 AL Division Series against the Rangers in Texas.
  6. I would assume you question this only because he was suspended for cheating. In Baseball, it might take a cheater, but great player, a few tries to get in. But in the NFL, he gets suspended for cheating, for violating the integrity of the game, yet is interviewed at half time of the Thursday night game before his suspension was over. In other words, we don't care what you did, welcome back...So yes, he's a first ballot HOF'er, but also a first ballot a-hole...GO BILLS!!!
  7. Yes, the Sabres have been burnt by this many times...
  8. http://r1---sn-q4fl6ner.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?upn=lw2WxoQZomU&lmt=1476654078945500&ratebypass=yes&source=youtube&key=yt6&ip=2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fe91:aa21&mn=sn-q4fl6ner&mm=31&ms=au&id=o-ALhCU2FD-lNO-5pecRZlZzMg_b9GkHsMd5epKfOyZOQZ&pl=32&mv=m&mt=1476882091&initcwndbps=7760000&ipbits=0&signature=0EE2CA4D8F8BB4E50354CA739BA718CA93AFC07B.D330F3FA2848182B77BB25818240041DE6117B1B&sparams=dur,ei,id,initcwndbps,ip,ipbits,itag,lmt,mime,mm,mn,ms,mv,nh,pl,ratebypass,source,upn,expire&ei=MXIHWKCKHcKMuwXB3LZI&dur=31.161&mime=video/mp4&itag=22&nh=IgpwcjAyLmRmdzA2KgkxMjcuMC4wLjE&expire=1476904593 McCoy a little excited...
  9. I don't think 75 people would have made that much of a difference, so I wouldn't think this one was "best" in the long run. Although it did create the urgency to build the break walls, which actually maybe saved more lives in the long run.
  10. Lehner did not have a great game, but the defense needs to be better. 3 out of 4 points for the first 2 games of a Western Canadian swing is good though, let's hope they can steal at least one in Vancouver....
  11. I did not know this, a chilling read.... http://buffalonews.com/2014/10/18/oct-18-1844-great-flood-1844-devastates-buffalo/
  12. That was a couple sections over from me, the 49ers fan actually ended up with the ball. That area he jumped into had about a dozen 49er fans and just a couple Bills fans. I was really surprised at the number of SF fans at the game.
  13. I'd be thrilled, it would mean I was a Bill....
  14. I am ready to make some noise, lets go Bills....
  15. Well if TT is as bad as most here say, and McCoy is overpaid, and drafting Sammy wasn't worth the price, and our Defensive scheme is outdated, and the GM sucks, and the owner is meddling, and the WR corp is weak, and TE is overpaid, and Dareus was suspended for 4 games and now hurt, 1st round draft pick hurt, 2nd round draft pick hurt, and Gilmore is letting his contract affect his play, and on and on....Then Rex coaching this team to a 3-2 record is remarkable...
  16. Fire GMTM, Cut Lehner, Kane is injury prone...next game is a must win to keep their playoff hopes alive, if they don't win the next game, I'm done...
  17. A lot of players do not agree or they all would be taking a knee, but they all respect his decision to protest. Therefore a player disrespecting his protest likely would never happen.
  18. Absolutely. He'll get boo'd the same way Tommy boy will be boo'd. It's really no story, but it's fun to get some "moral highroad" comments off of lame jokes...
  19. Any local (Buffalo) Tribe fans go out to watch the games? If so, where? I plan on heading out for a few of the games. GO TRIBE...
  20. Just finished the first season of "Queen of the South" on USA. It was pretty good. Didn't seem like a huge budget, but looking forward to season 2. Also, a couple more interesting USA shows coming soon, The Shooter and Eyewitness. Watched the first 2 episodes of "Designated Survivor", so far pretty entertaining.
  21. He will get boo'd big time. It's a fact, it's going to happen. Then the soap boxers here will have a week to post about how embarrassed they are...BAU...
  22. Stadiums are allowed to play music between plays up to a certain point on the play clock (NE absolutely blasts the music when on D), what if they played the Anthem during that time. He would have to take a knee, then rush to the line for the snap. That may just work...
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