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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. Maybe he should strart growing the porn moustache.
  2. Believe me...I am in that 75%, but I am just stating the facts. Every year it seems its becoming a more difficult decision whether to renew my season tickets, but in the end I always do. I am willing to be somewhat patient with Marv, we can only hope his approach pays dividends. If not....well I'll just leave it at that and BILLIEVE.....
  3. The key phrase is building this team!! He is not over spending for quick fixes, but is building the team. Unfortunately that translates to a dismal season next year, but does give us some hope for the future.
  4. The big difference between Fowler and Teague is that Fowler actually played center his whole career. Teague had to relearn the position as he hadn't played there since college.
  5. Without reading any other posts in this thread, JP's numbers are similar to Aikman's in his first year. G Comp Att pct TD INT RAT Aik 11 155 293 52.9 9 18 55.7 JP 9 113 228 49.6 8 8 64.9 I know this doesn't mean anything, but it's interesting that Aikman only played 11. Does anyone recall if he was injured or benched? Or did he not start the year as starting QB? Anyway Dallas had no line in his first year and built an offensive line that not only made Aikman a Hall of Famer, but E. Smith as well.
  6. They are being patient, like they always are, and not over spending for the big name free agents available at the moment. There will be additional players cut in the next few weeks befor their bonuses kick in and I'm sure the Pats will sign one or two of them. It doesn't make me nervous, which is why I am not overly concerned that the Bills have not done more to date.
  7. It's my observation that if we draft another QB, we are going to have the Flutie/Johnson situation all over again. Two highly paid QB's and a split locker room on who should start. I would be surprised if the Bills drafted a QB, but then again I was surprised when they drafted McGahee. It's my observation that if we draft another QB, we are going to have the Flutie/Johnson situation all over again. Two highly paid QB's and a split locker room on who should start. I would be surprised if the Bills drafted a QB, but then again I was surprised when they drafted McGahee.
  8. I pretty much agree with that. Plus i have to add that coming into the season it was assumed that JP only would have to manage games and not lose them, due to our high powered defense. Well that assumption went to crap in a hurry, with our D last year he would have lost a few games had he been perfect.
  9. Liked him as a backup, but don't think he'll cut it as a starter.
  10. I'm sure that's what Philly fans were thinking as well....Hmmm, McNabb and TO....seems like a good fit!!!
  11. LOL...I think he played for the Saints....
  12. "To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible." --Thomas Aquinas Or to quote the Great Yoda: "Do, or do not. There is no 'try'."
  13. The Bills are going to run a cover 2 scheme, which requires a fast safety. Milloy is way too slow for this type of D and that's the reason he was released.
  14. No, excuse me....i didn't mention anything about the way that Nailz played. Just said the he lost a lot of weight and was in the best shape as a pro with the fins.
  15. Watch...Mike Williams will pull a Jamie Nailz and get in great shape for his new team. He'll play fairly well and everyone will continue to mock ML as a GM. But the truth is...if you have a player that isn't giving 110% to the organization, on and off the field/during the season and throughout off season, you cut him. Unfortunately, the Bills had no choice in releasing the bum.
  16. I re-sign from this thread as well.
  17. How has Todd Collins hung around this long? I hope Snyder gives him a couple mill to back up....
  18. Your exactly right. But now just about every move that the Bills make has to be right. There is no room for bad FA signings because the Bills have to make sure every penny is accounted for and well spent. They don't get anywhere near the $200,000 that the Skins get for their luxury boxes. So it's not going to be easy, but it can be done. Here's a quote I read today: "The revenue sharing basically solidifies the future of the Bills in Buffalo “after” Ralph for the next several years, unless the Bills new Levy-Jauron team completely blows the on-field product." That's the main reason I am happy about the deal! Do I love the deal, NO. Is it better than the alternative, ABSOLUTELY YES!!! Winning will sell tickets, always has and alway will. This offseason and the next will be critical and I am hoping for the best.
  19. Exactly, Ralph's the man and no ones going to stick it to the man. Go Bills!!!
  20. Unfortunately the Skins have a huge advantage, unless Ralph digs into his own pocket (not going to happen). I understand that the Bills are at a disadvantage, but i also believe that the cap is the only way the Bills can survive. Even with a 85 million cap the skins will have a 100+ million team. But without a cap the skins would have a 200 million team, ala the Stanks...
  21. um let's see, no salary cap and the Bills....hmmmm...that would kind of suck... now...let me think...a salary cap and the Bills...hmmm...not so bad... assertion confirmed...
  22. Well, I am still glad the vote went through. Maybe I'm being selfish and not thinking of RW maybe making a couple million less next season, but this agreement does keep Buffalo competitive. Now we just need to get the right players!!!
  23. While I do agree with most of you post, I do not think that Ralph realized the consequences of voting no. The union made it perfectly clear that this was the last proposal. The NFL as we know it would be gone. No cap in 2007? No draft in 2008? A lockout in 2008? There was a lot of risk in voting "No" and I am glad the more owners did not follow suit.
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