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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. If Kelly Kapowski and Jessie Spano are in it, I'm buying it!!!! Ouch........damn Milwaukee Best Light can...
  2. Great idea!! Let's bench JP and stunt his progress even more. Next year will be an even more exciting open QB audition!! Does anyone else picture this dude wearing a black trench coat and scribbling swastika's on his notebook?
  3. Was that a Miluakee Best Light can I just heard crashing down?
  4. I did see a little white car covered in mud in the traffic line. I took a walk to the street as i heard squeeling tires. Turns out someones rear wheel locked up and he was going back and forth trying to get it to turn. poor b@stard, that would really suck....
  5. Would you like that super sized???
  6. I was at the game and have front row end zone seats, so i do not have good depth perception on some of the plays. Were our corners giving too much room on the receivers? you have to be open wuick for a 3 step drop. I only watched the first few plys on my DVR, so I didn't notice. I did see that the fake FG was so close to working and would have been a huge gainer had MF not get blown up again and fall in J. Peter's path!!
  7. The Jets are preparing for the noise in the following way: They are going to be sick of the shout song after listening to it a dozen times this Sunday. I cannot wait, I am so psyched to bring the noise. The best part is my seasons are front row near the tunnel, the opposing team is well within shouting distance as they enter the field. Anyone have some good dirt on some of the players, let me know and I'll be sure to give them and ear full. Also, DO NOT do the wave when the Bills have the ball!!!! Can't tell you how many times I've yelled at the band for this.... GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. A little common sense goes a long way....
  9. If he can maintain his 63% completion percentage and 88 QB rating, it will be a solid year. Hopefully he continues to progress, every game is a learning experience in his young career.
  10. It's a safe estimate.. There's was a ton of construction on my last trip... Columbus is pretty boring, but going to an Ohio State game is pretty cool. The tail gating and after parties are great.
  11. It's about 3 hours from C-town to C-bus...
  12. If your looking for night clubs go to the Velvet Dog or the Bar Fly on W. 6th, both great clubs. Plus there are many more bars in that area. Definitely go to Panini's for an incredible sandwich. It's on 9th street, not too far from the stadium. If you looking for some adult entertainment i would suggest Christie's Cabaret in the flats. The flats used to be the hot spot in Cleveland, but it's a ghost town now. The hot spots are West 6th and the warehouse district.
  13. Ellison is a surprise because no one ever heard of him, but he was a stud at Oregon. He was a tackling machine and the heart and soul of their D. I was very excited that he was still available so late. I didn't think he would play this much so soon, but it's nice to know we have backups that can step in and not miss a beat (at least at LB).
  14. I don't remember and Nugent talk around here, maybe they were referring to Terrible Ted...
  15. 1...But considering that only one punter makes it from the AFC, that's not bad for his 5 year career.
  16. exactly...that's who they wanted, that's who they got. Why take a chance? The draft is a crap shoot as it it...
  17. I was hoping for Huff and was shocked when Oakland didn't take Leinart. You think they may be re-considering that now with Aaron Brooks??? Whitner and McCargo both left college early and are very young. For Whitner to look this good, this early in the season, is a great sign. And he interviews like a vet, very smart individual. I think McCagro will get better, but he isn't an immediate impact player. GO BILLS.........
  18. Great line........Agree 100%!!!
  19. My prediction for week 2 I will be drunk by kickoff and will have no voice by the end of the Bills victory!!! Let's rock the Ralph!!!! Go Bills....
  20. I'll have one chilled for you in the Maple Courts Motel parking lot next week!!!
  21. I'm sitting in my lounge chair, cooking some Chiavitta's chicken, drinking a Molson Canadian, checking out the comments TSW, watching my fantasy football team kick royal a$$, getting psyched to go to next weeks home opener, all in a 70 degree sunny weather after the Bills squished the fish. Life is good.............. Keep the wins coming, I forgot how good it feels. GO BILLS....
  22. Saban is the biggest whinner in the league. He's trying the challenge plays that the whisle blew dead and he's complaining about every spot. So happy to beat these idiots!! Bring'em home baby, let's rock the Ralph next week!!!
  23. Don't get your hope up, their not changing the sweater next year.
  24. Booing Santa is up there.
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