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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. No evidence in the Super Bowl? They have camera's and video from every angle! Even the blimp is flying over head. I think the officials missed that call. A player needs to get to the 40 yard line or something close to that and well out of bounds, obviously the Colts noticed he wasn't and threw the flag.
  2. This is pretty typical of the NFL.... Church Denied!!!
  3. Good point. No TV or radio broadcast in the bathroom, just like the Ralph!!
  4. Option 1 would probably be the best scenario. Option 2 would be a mess waiting to happen. Most "manly" men will not sit to pee, so they would have to turn to see the TV while peeing and therefore paying no attention to where the stream is going. This could get messy, especially towards the end of the night.
  5. No need to check, i think we all know the answer to that one....
  6. Top 5? He's the number 1 pick! He has all the skills to be the next superstar in the NBA.
  7. I usually record the show and fast forward through all the hype, just open the damn case!!!! Deal or No Deal
  8. I agree, who the heck likes good looking girls...
  9. Good point, it is what it is because she isn't what she was...
  10. Just goes to show how weak the QB position was in the AC. Baltimore - McNair was very average Buffalo - JP improved and had a decent year Cincinnati - Palmer, came on strong later in the season Cleveland - Nothing to see here people Denver - Changed QB's during the season Houston - Carr, very disappointing season Indy - Manning, probably the best Qb in the league Jax - QB position a mess KC - Injury to Green, Huard played well Miami - A mess (LOL) NE - Brady had a good year NYJ - Pennington had a good year, but no arm strength Oakland - Another mess Pitt - Big Ben had a down year, played better towards the end of the season SD - Rivers had a good year Tenn - VY had an average year for a rookie That being said, Manning, Palmer, & Rivers voted in the 2007 PB. Rivers is hurt, so Brady is a good fill in. After that, who do you go with?
  11. I always said that about Audry Raines.
  12. I think it is what it is, therefore I am...
  13. Ah yes, the old TSRSA... René was the man...
  14. Exactly...Lame comment... Hey, actaully this could be the new catch phrase. It could replace "it is what it is". What do you think taterhill? Of course mine would be "at the end of the day, I'm broke and watching TV".....just doesn't have the same affect!!!
  15. You might be right, but I thought it was Natalia. But like B-Mike said, who cares, she's still hot...
  16. She actually took the criticism pretty hard, don't think your quote is anything near her philosophy. I did see a commercial or maybe it was on E or something that she is dedicating a whole show about it on Thursday. I have no idea what time her show is on, but that's what I heard. Your quote could apply to every rich celebrity that receives criticism.
  17. Found this online: I actually use it quite a bit. To me it means what happened has happened and there's nothing we can do to change the past. I mostly gear it to people who say "why did this happen" or "how did this happen", instead of saying "what can we do to better the situation." In other words, I mostly use it to answer my wife....
  18. Wasn't really referring to hockey, but more life in general. But yes, hockey is a very expensive sport to play.
  19. I know you can do about anything to a picture, isn't modern technology grand!! Man, everyone takes things so literally on this board. I guess I should use more tags, [kidding] or [sarcasm] or whatever.
  20. From the article:
  21. Got to love Wikipedia, here's another good story from the site. Link
  22. Also if you have a strong stomach, watch her show. She looks pretty good to me and to my knowledge you can't airbrush on TV (yet).
  23. I agree for the most part, most magazines do hide flaws and I have stated that in other posts. But to airbrush those thunder thighs in the other picture you'd need a leaf blower... You can airbrush minor flaws, but come on dude!!
  24. I had no idea he was that old and never knew his life story. His rough childhood must fuel his desire to make the NHL and good for him he has finally found a full time spot in the NHL (even if it's on the TML). Just goes to show what you can accomplish if you put your heart and soul into something. You hear too many people blaming their surroundings for the tough life they now have.
  25. The picture that everyone is talking about it clearly modified to make her look bigger. Banks is on the cover of people and is not ever close to the picture in question. I guess some people believe anything posted on the internet.
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