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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. Just curious....when are you going? last name? room number?
  2. Should this go on the Ralph was right list?
  3. Easy solution....practice squad...
  4. It was a very good article, I was wondering how that worked as not many athletes in the armed forces get to the NFL. To answer your question...if they knew it was indeed going to be a one-way ticket, they may have to seriously consider keeping him. But I'm sure the tax payers of this great nation would buy a return ticket to bring the soldier back home if necessary and the Bills could rest easy with their decision...
  5. yes, 2 of the 3 were there (lucky bastard Hef...). Bridget and Kendra, my wife noticed it as well.
  6. Hazing takes place in every school at some level. The coaches generally know what's involved, but the kids crossed the line this time by turning in into sex abuse (I heard rumors of a cell phone involved). When I was in school the varsity sat in the back of the bus and the junior varsity towards the front, as is probably still the case. For baseball, the varsity players would take a hat of a JV player and it was up to the JV player if they wanted to retrieve it or not. If you do, you earn their respect. I know, big deal! But at the time it really is a big deal. I went back for my hat and got punched after passing every seat (nothing in the face) and got one of the worst weggie's I've ever witnessed. damn strong underwear!!! But it was over very quick and that was it. The coach new all about it. as I am sure the coach new a little about what was happening in Wilson. But for kids to turn into sex abuse is all about the kids, can't pin this one on the coach or chaperone. That's a parents first response, blame the coach for every bad play call or player action, the teacher for a bad grade, principal for school policy or whoever, it can't be the children, no way it can be the kids fault. It's never the kids fault and it's the main reason that kids have no respect these days. They have absolutely no fear, because it's never their fault. The coach should have stopped it completely, but I don't think anyone would have expected it to escalate to the level in which these kids took it. And I also believe that the initiation or hazing would have happened somewhere else if not on the bus. it's a very fine line when you're a coach. do you stop the initiation completely, when you know it will happen somewhere else unsupervised. or do you let it happen on the bus and hope things do not escalate as they did in this instance. I guess you should just stop it completely, at least you're off the hook somewhat....
  7. Pretty bored at work today, so I checked out some LOST forums. Here's a pretty interesting theory on the location of the island: Tunisia is located pretty much directly on the opposite side of the Earth from where the island is most likely located. You can use this tool to see what's directly on the opposite side of the Earth: http://www.zefrank.com/sandwich/tool.html Notice that if you target Tunisia, the opposite side of the Earth is located basically smack in the middle between New Zealand, Fiji, and Tahiti. Desmond thought he was about a week east of Fiji at 9 knots. Rousseau said she was 3 days out of Tahiti. The plane was traveling from Sydney to LA and was 1000 miles off course. This is all basically consistent with this location. This should clear up why Tunisia has come into play now at least twice. The polar bear was found in Tunisia & Ben was in Tunisia in this episode maybe because whatever device that allows them to time travel will always drop them off on the exact opposite side of the globe? I thought this opposite side of the earth theory was pretty interesting. Don't know if it means anything, but pretty cool none the less. Lot of talk about time travel and time portals and some really out there theories...
  8. They also had a huge question mark at QB and a head coach every Giant fan wanted to get rid of...
  9. C'mon, what's wrong with a polk-a-dot tie, checkered shirt, and striped suit?
  10. More street view stories...
  11. These could be 2 good special teamers. Considering the Bills lost a great core of ST's in Aiken, Stamer, Hagan, and Wire, special teams definitely factored in the draft...
  12. 20/20 did a story about this a few years ago. I believe they concentrated on NYC. The people they focused on would work 8-5 jobs and pan handle at night and make some good cash. More common than you would think...
  13. Got to spell his name right, this guy's a star....
  14. My bad, never really read that thread. The order in which the "celebs" were listed, it was the only way to get to him... FWIW....Lydia's a little hotty as well...
  15. Wanted to start this topic on TSW as I know this guy has quite a following. Click on the Celebs link and check out the 6th Person listed... Buffalo Men's Show
  16. Did you notice how dirty Ben was after re-entering the house. It was as though the "monster" passed over or through him or something, it should be pretty cool when they show how he indeed conjured up the "monster". But did the monster kill those men or just rough them up? They showed the one dude in the previews for the upcoming weeks episode. And yes, the gentlemen's agreement was definitely broken. Never harm family, seems to be the pact. I have to think Desmond will be involved in protecting Penny from Ben. All in all a very good episode, but too many damn commercials.... Certainly looks like that will be the case. Which is most likely the reason Ben theoretically had Sayid's wife killed as UConn eluded to earlier.
  17. Some of my wives farts are the most vile disgusting smells I have ever encountered. For that reason, I try to fart in front of her. Now I'm not going to hold it in until my stomach hurts, but I'm not going to force one out either. Once we start firing at will, it will be like being in a gas chamber for me....
  18. Halle's getting older and FHM is geared towards a younger audience. If I were 21, I would probably relate better to Avril. Being in my 30's, I would take Halle over 90% of that list in a second. Beauty is subjective anyway, that's why I never chime in and challenge some of the "Shallow Hal's" on this board. These women are all beautiful in their own way. Variety is the spice of life, so try them all....
  19. You should have posted this 4 pages ago....next topic!!
  20. They'll be in Lockport, NY on Friday Aug 1st as part of the Molson Canal Series............ The Molson series was hosted in North Tonawanda the past few years, but moved to Lockport this year...
  21. Oh boy, here we go. This has been a heated discussion in the past. Let the fun begin...
  22. I agree, Carly is much better than Castro overall and had a better performance than Brooke on Tuesday. Now it's down to a popularity contest with millions of young girls voting for the cute boys. I have said for years that I think the judges should vote out contestants until it is down to the final 3 or something. But somebody's making a boat load of money from the millions of 866 calls, so that will never happen.
  23. Here's an article from today's Buffalo News. First part is about Buffalo's own Jeff Fahey, the second part contains some spoilers... Link
  24. Hard to argue with #1, she is a hotty. FHM is blocked here at work, so I didn't see the full list. Link
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