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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. That's pretty funny right there, and a good point as well...
  2. That's not the point, trust me i did plenty of celebrating with shots and drinks. But instead of spending $40 or $50 at Pearl Street, I would have happily spent it in the HSBC. Multiply that by a few hundred people and you have nice profit, just doesn't make sense to me...
  3. I bet that sounds about right to most of the ignorant posters here, welcome to Two Bliss Drive....
  4. I read this a while back and it's a plausible theory, but this is just one guys theory. It's not really a spoiler, it's just his opinion on who he thinks is in the coffin. This theory would completely dismiss the grown up Walt theory.
  5. My IT company just got bought out, so that's a great feeling. Has to get all the share holder and SEC approvals to become official, but in about 4 months anything can happen. I've been checking out all the online job sites and found that Buffalo really has a lot of opportunities in IT, you have to do some digging, but they are there. I haven't applied for another position in 10 years, so my interviewing skills are rusty. Hopefully, it won't come to that though. With the "suicidal" state of IT and programming, there is a great need for IT skills, because college kids are avoiding IT like the plague. With most companies offering ERO's, and IT graduates declining, it leaves a major hole in the IT industry...
  6. Shouldn't hinder her ability to cook and clean... Although mowing the lawn could take a bit longer.
  7. damn...I want my 10 grand back!! The site sounded legit...
  8. Great game, I absolutely had a blast. Mikey comes up huge, big save after big save, especially considering the Bandits didn't score in the final 5 and half minutes. The crowd was insane, can't wait to see the replay (Tuesday 2pm, on ESPN 2 locally). The only thing that pi$$ed me off was that the harbor Club was closed after the game. For an owner crying poverty, they could have made some good cash by keeping the bar open an hour or 2 after the game....GO BANDITS!!!!!
  9. Very nice disply of sportsmanship indeed. But since you're not the first to post this story, we'll let you off easy....
  10. Yes, I agree. And how big of an embarrassment is it? The kid made a mistake and hopefully he learns from it. If it happened mid season, it would have received more attention for sure. But outside of Buffalo, is it even a topic of conversation?
  11. The "high-character" talk was during the Marv era. I don't think the Bills will go Cincinnati or anything in the post Marv era, but they are not going to be afraid to take a chance on a player with a checkered past. And hopefully this minor incident is a big time wake up call to Hardy and scares him straight, get your butt to Buffalo where the only place to go is Applebee's...
  12. Not really, I think we know a lot about who the people on the island are confronting. We know that they are there to get Ben and destroy the island, whereas in season 2 we didn't know what "the others" motives truly were. I see your point, but I personally do not feel it is anything like the end of season 2.
  13. Remember this gem: Sawyer to Hurley, Charlie and Aaron: "Three men and a baby" ("I counted Hurley twice")
  14. I'd have to go with Genny Light. Not one of my top 10 choices any other time, but if I were on a tight beer budget the price is tough to beat....
  15. Definitely true and this topic has been discussed to no end, but logistically moving/re-routing that section of the 190 "north" is a nightmare. Actually first on the list is removing the sky way, this is the hottest current infrastructure topic... That's your opinion and that's fine. I've been to several cities with inferiority complexes, who's worse is a matter of opinion and has a lot to do with the time you were in that particular city.
  16. Also for the pilot, "Shaggy"....
  17. Aren't they relatively close though? Hurely, Jack, Kate, and Sayid are all very close to the Orchid. And Sun and Aaron are already on the freighter. It will be interesting to see what Bens plan is, should be a shocker, most likely involving the others. I agree with your analysis of Ben, he has become one of the best characters on the show.
  18. I really hope that's not the case. I know this show is out there and you have to turn your perception of reality completely off when watching, but that would be very over the top. I really didn't like the whole staging of a fully seated crashed airliner in the ocean, I thought that was a stretch. But this would just be corny in my opinion, although this could very well be true. Speaking of weird occurrences, I have the strangest feeling that I have hit 800 posts before.....
  19. That would be my guess as well. Which probably means that most of the people on the freighter are stuck on the island as well. My guess would be Sayid takes a few by boat and a few leave on the helicopter and then the island is "moved". Could be interesting. But Ben must have a way of obtaining the new coordinates, still a lot of questions to be answered....
  20. Kind of figured you were in your early 20's from this gem, "I just want to go get fugged up on a beach all day". I would try Cancun or something in Mexico, it's pretty cheap and a good time. If you go to Cancun, stay at the Jack Tar Village. It's an 18 and over resort, so there are no kids running around....
  21. I guess the real question is, how many of you grew up in the ghetto, hood, or slums in extreme poverty with gangs, guns, and violence a normal way of life? How many of you have a "father" that spent the majority of his life in prison for crimes such as cocaine dealing and armed robbery? Then imagine your "father" gets out of jail, a "father" you never really knew, and now wants to be a part of your life as well as your childs. I'd probably do whatever it takes to keep the scum bag low life "father" away from me and my family. But fortunately I can't put myself in his shoes, since I had a very good upbringing. Although it seems a lot of the folks on this board grew up in those circumstances and know exactly what it is like and know exactly what happened in this instance.....
  22. I agree. I would imagine it would be one of those deals where you have to have X percent of condo's sold or down payments on lease's before they start building, which would push the project back many years.
  23. If this is a serious question, not really. At this point and time there is absolutely nothing else around there. There are proposals (again) to develop that whole waterfront stretch, but we know all to well how that goes. yeah, cause they wouldn't get rid of the rats when they tear down the existing building....
  24. I would imagine you park in the parking ramp and enter a warm condo, maybe spending 3 minutes at most in the cold garage. A little common sense would tell you not to take a walk along the waterfront in the winter.
  25. It's kind of like a younger brother or sister. You can be rude and mean to him or her all day and night. But if someone else comes along and picks on them, you're ready to throw down! I B word and moan about NYS taxes and lack of development in Buffalo all the time, but I will defend Buffalo as much as possible when someone on this board or anywhere else bashes my home...
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