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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. I was on hold for 30 minutes starting at 9, but managed to get through. Of course the only available tickets are upper deck. They are saving the others for possible season ticket purchases, nice....
  2. lol, that must have been it.... Found the pic
  3. That was a pretty entertaining game. The refs swallowed the whistle early, so it turned into a goon fest for the better part of the game, but a fun game to watch. Crosby getting nailed into the boards was classic, he'll be feeling that hit for a while. I'll give the Pens credit for giving all they had, but Detroit is just too good. Their D and puck control are phenomenal, must be nice for a goalie to only face around 20 shots every game. On a side note, just wondering if anyone noticed Hasek during the photograph of the team with the cup. All the Red Wings are holding up the "we're #1" finger and here's Hasek holding up 2 fingers, as in this is my second Stanley Cup. Talk about a selfish b@stard, it's all about him. I didn't see Lidstrom holding up 4 fingers, what a class act....
  4. See you in Toledo
  5. That may be the case, as I am sure a lot of players in the NFL are. And it's "busted" as nuklz2594 says...
  6. Hope this doesn't affect those poor seagulls....
  7. Wow EZC replied to post by erynthered, before he even posted. It's like a LOST episode, sweet....
  8. My post was accurate and did not need any "fixing"! IF he is guilty and runs for 1500 yards with double digit TD's, and leads the Bills to the playoffs, will you not be cheering for that "PoS"? If he is guilty and you don't watch a minute of the Bills games this season because of it, then I applaud you. But guilty or not I will be cheering for him and the Bills along with everyone else on this board. May sound crass, but it's the truth. We can bag on these guys for doing all sorts of stupid things, but in the end we help to pay their million dollar contracts with ticket and merchandise purchases. He may never win humanitarian of the year. But if he helps the Bills win a SB, right or wrong, isn't that what it's all about....
  9. If Lynch is innocent, he will be the Bills week 1 starting running back. If Lynch is "busted", he will be the Bills week 1 starting running back.
  10. Here's a link to his debut with Journey, opening with Separate Ways... ARNEL's debut performance as JOURNEY's LEAD SINGER
  11. C'mon, there's 5 pages of posters who know exactly what happened...
  12. Did he list "All in the Family" Meat Head?
  13. The problem is she was Canadian and requested an MRIA, totally confused everyone. Hence the long wait...
  14. What if Moss hit Lynch with his car by accident? Stupid Patsies...
  15. --Who will make the team/final roster posts... --Who will make the pro bowl posts... --Anything to do with the OTA's... --Madden video game posts... --Reasons to hate the off season posts... Almost forgot the #1 offender --MOCK DRAFT posts...... EDIT: Post I like during the offseason: --Countdowns to the season opening tailgate.. --19-0 Baby posts....
  16. "As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly" -- The Big Guy, AC....
  17. Supposed to be 90 on Friday!!!
  18. Yeah, I try to stay away from those as sometimes they are more confusing than anything. One thing I did find online was about Kate's dream. She receives a phone call in which you cannot understand what is being said, but leave it to tue LOST guru's to play it backwards. When played backwards you hear That was pretty interesting. Another thing that I forgot about and erased the episode before I had a chance to go back and check is, when Syid asked the man in the car the time, did he start to say 8:15 before he was shot? That would be pretty clever.
  19. Must have missed that part of the show. But yes, that would have done it...
  20. There were 324 passengers on that flight and I do not believe the full manifest has ever been shown on the show, but it's possible that Jeremy Bentham could have been one of the passengers. Jack talked about how Locke visited him and Kate implied that he visited as well, so I don't think Locke is dead just because he is off the island. Or at least he did not die as soon as he left the island. I think it's interesting that the island kept Michael alive even when away from the island, but not Locke. One scenario could be that Locke (or Ben) used that paralyzing drug from the Medusa spiders to give the appearance that Locke is dead, the same spider that bit Nikki and Paulo before they ended up being buried alive. This may all be a ruse to get everyone back to the island. Just a guess, but who knows...
  21. So was there anyone who swallowed their pride to listen to the DW interview? Could you provide a synopsis?
  22. Probably posted previously, but here's an article by Pete Pisco regarding Trent: Link
  23. Yes, it's current or very close. There are flashbacks, flashforwards, and who really knows what is considered current time. Alabany's post was a bit confusing, but there are definitely flashbacks...My point is that even if Locke is dead in 2007 or 2008, he will obviously still have a prominent role in the show because the show jumps all over the place. There is no such thing as getting killed off this show...
  24. That's really the only logical outcome, his character is too popular to kill off. Although with the flashbacks, I guess you're never really killed off the show.
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