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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. Yes. No.
  2. Leonhard is not a super star player. I can't believe how many posts there are for this guy. He is a smart player with good skills. On the current Bills defense he would be average at best. A great pass rush makes any secondary better and the Bills have absolutely no pass rush. Leonhard would be the whipping boy of this board if he were a Bill....
  3. Huh? If that means the Bills ticket prices aren't going up, then cool beans...
  4. I would have no problem with the Bills cutting Kelsey, but it's not going to happen. He will make the final roster next year and unfortunately, probably still be starting...
  5. Looking ahead to next years schedule...For tie-breaking purposes, do you believe Carolina is a must lose game?
  6. I hear you, just playing. I hear it too much as well. Irregardless, rediculous, and noone are probably my top 3...
  7. Nice one crayonz....Didn't think anyone would take the bait, but I guess theirs always someone!
  8. Dirty deeds and they're done with Sheep.... My wife still sings....She was a fax machine, She kept her motor clean...
  9. What about the damn it count? I don't think he has one yet, but there have been several from others...
  10. Want to know how I know you're gay? You want to know the signs that other guys might be gay.... --The 40 Year Old Virgin - Not a chick flick, but a great movie. By the way, Man'ing up and admitting your favorite chick flick is an oxymoron...
  11. Considering he lives there, that much of a statement. I can see Dungy back with the Bucs some day. If not head coach, I think he would be a good front office man...
  12. I know I could have taken the Lions to at least 0-16 this year, maybe I'm in that 5% though....
  13. Maybe Millbank has a philosophical story to help you make your decision....
  14. You missed the first step.... Fly past the bus stop and head home and post the following question on TSW: How do I approach the woman of my dreams??? Sorry Pooj, too easy...
  15. He may be under fire by the media and fans, but the front office is ready to sign him to the largest contract in the league. From what I heard, it will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 million a season....
  16. There's no such thing as a perfect woman, so that option is out. An old lady who looks like she's about to die, I probably past about 100 of them the past week and didn't think twice. hey old friend, hop in, let's go grab a cold one....
  17. I don't see how it's a partnership if you're putting in all the initial capital. I understand that he has all the roofing experience, but there is zero risk for your friend and I would not be comfortable with that. If I were you, I would make myself the primary owner and give my friend a fancy title like executive vp of sales and operations or some bs. You'd have to work out a base salary, but most of his money would be made on commission per job and also some sort of commission for sales leads. There could be a clause added to the contact that once the company is established, your buddy would have an option to buy into the company for half the amount you put in to start or something. A partnership with 0 investment is a no lose situation for anybody and that really could put a strain on the relationship...
  18. I remember sitting next to a Steelers fan and when they put their 3rd string QB in, St. Pierre or something, I said "who the heck is that.' Everyone and their mother new they would run the ball, well except for the Bills, because Parker (their backup at the time) ran for about an 80 yard TD shortly after that...
  19. With all the layoffs, I thought I'd dig this up again. Here's my link: http://www.linkedin.com/in/rjesse Send me invites, I am looking to build my network....
  20. Of course, that's when the Bills brass believed they had a great head coach and locked him up for another 3 years. Same thing the Jests did when they were 8-3, right.... I guess it would have been worse to be the Jests sitting at 8-3 or Bucs at 9-3 (IIRC), but still sucks. I thought they were playoff bound after the SD game as well....
  21. I wouldn't think any less of the Bills front office if they did....Of course, it may not be possible to think any less of them at the moment.
  22. A good pass rush makes every player in the secondary better. Put Leonhard back on the Bills and he would be average at best. Put Donte on the Ravens and he's a stand out player. It's very simple, the Bills need a better pass rush!!!
  23. Ok, you may have it back. Just remember, doing romantic things with women is a necessity. Admitting to such things is on a need to know basis, contests are no excuse. But you are still on double secret probation...
  24. Ahh, memories. I remember my girlfriend (at the time) and I watching Wrestlemania. I proposed shortly there after and 10 years later I ordered Undertaker t-shirts and we watched Wrestlemania LXXVII. It was love at first body slam.... LOL, I voted for you for admitting you ordered Olympic t-shirts and watched the opening ceremonies wearing them. That right there deserves a vote, but revocation of your man card.... Good luck.
  25. Ya, didn't see that one coming! Next prediction will be that the guy assigned to the presidents husband is a bad guy.....
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