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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. Creative accounting, they've been doing it for years with no results...
  2. Had the ball down 2 with less than a minute to play and the ref calls an f'n moving pick foul on a pick and roll. It would have been an iffy call at best in the first half, but to make that call at that stage of the game was ridiculous! Akron hits 2 free throws, game over...
  3. Wow, Jets are expected to pay around 8 million a year for Scott. What kind of contract does Lewis get?
  4. Lalime between the pipes for tonights game...
  5. Pretty much what BuffaloBud said, it's match play, so it goes by number of holes won. If it were stroke play it would go by the score on that hole and become 10 pages of one liners on this board. so if you're going to the 17th up 2 holes and win that hole, as Sage said, you would be up 3 holes with 1 left or 3&1....
  6. Although I am a Catholic, I do not attend mass regularly. So I feel I would be a hypocrite if I gave up something for Lent. "Lord, I never attend mass, but I never eat meat on Friday's during Lent, is that good enough?"
  7. Obviously you're not married...
  8. nasty, whole new meaning to "son downer"....
  9. Yes, but Fat Tuesday...
  10. A pre-game pint or 2 of Train Wreck German Amber at Pearl Street Grill and Brewery...
  11. Yeah, but Jack was genuinely surprised when he found out Bill and Cloe were running a covert operation, as well as surprised the Tony was alive. So, I would doubt that scenario...
  12. I mentioned that in an earlier post and got something like a "not wanting to cause panic" response. I don't understand it as well, but FYI....the spoiler tags make absolutely no sense for what you posted?? How can something you think might happen be a spoiler? It's just a guess at best, one that I would find hard to believe, but I on this show you never know. Ok, getting off my spoiler tag abuse high horse. I really can't believe Dubaku was just dating some random girl for no other reason. I thought she would have been some official's daughter or something. And as it turns out, she's the one that gets him caught. A ruthless terrorist in the US gets caught because he can't keep it in his pants, that's pretty bad writing IMO. Another thing that stuck out from last night episode was the download of the Dubaku file. Wouldn't they download it onto a stand alone PC? As it turns out Cloe was smart enough to cover her ass, but why take the risk? Especially when you know the FBI is compromised.
  13. I agree, they do need to show more fight. But I think the situation was just odd. Gomez clearly ran Miller, whether it was intentional or not (IMO he wanted to give him a tap, but lost his edge), and yet there was no whistle or penalty. The bottom line is he hit Miller, not all high sticks are intentional, yet they are penalties. I think had the whistle blown right away and a penalty called, there would have been Sabres in his face. The Sabres were down one man when it happened, so to go after Gomez when no penalty was called, would have gave NY a 5-3 advantage. I do believe they need to acquire a physical defenseman in a trade to establish a more phical presents. And maybe now with Miller out, they will be forced to do that.
  14. Plus everyone would pretty much forget about Lynch's off field activities. Deflect attention, brilliant....
  15. Seeing that you have discredited Modrak's talent evaluating skills throughout this whole thread, what exactly are you trying to say?
  16. Exactly! Leinart was rated higher than Cutler and would have been the Bills pick had they gone QB. I still remember when the Raiders past on him, it was definitely interesting when the Bills picked next to say the least. But Cutler wasn't even in the conversation at that time, it was Leinart or pick another position. In hindsight it would have been a great move, but all hindsight moves are great...
  17. Which is the whole point of this thread, 8 Million per season for 2 relatively unknown players. The money is just out of hand. But in this league, if you want to keep your young talent, you have to overpay at times. Just the nature of the beast...
  18. Not at all, and I am very familiar with him as well. But ask the average fan to name the top CB's in the league and I wouldn't think his name would come up often. He had one great play on the game's biggest stage, other than that he's been a solid, but quiet, corner...
  19. Robin Givins was more apt to play that position because out of all the money that Tyson made, she got half back...
  20. I agee, just saying the guy pretty much is an unknown in the league (at least amongst fans)...
  21. Which was his only interception of the season, other than that you would have never heard of him.
  22. Absolutely! Average players are getting all pro money, which in turn raises the bar for all pro money and it just spins out of control. This is happening again to hockey as well, I can see another lock out in the near future.
  23. Ok, coffee on my keyboard after reading that comment. the worse part is, it's pretty much what we did give up...
  24. Let's not get crazy here, franchising Greer would be about what 8 or 9 Mil? Not sure at all, but it would imagine it would be in that range. Greer is a nice player, but he is far from an elite player. Wow, Greer in the 8 to 9 Mil range? Who would have thought that a couple years ago? He was always the guy that lit it up in training camp and disappeared during the season. He had a nice season, but is not an all star. I like Greer and would love to have him back next year. Maybe I am in the minority, but I really don't think he is worth that much. Edit: Trufant was franchised at $9,465,000 for 2008. So maybe it's about 10Mil this year, Greer is not worth that. The Bills are definitely not "absolute idiots" for not franchising him, no way...
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