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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. Please tell us why this is a "trash" pick?
  2. That was so awesome! What a great moment. I know some people whine about the use of term mafia, boo hoo it means yada yada yada, but that just shows how strong the mafia is and it will never die! Go Bills, Go Buffalo, Go Bills Mafia. So glad I didn't give up on watching after trading the 2 second rounders, just a fantastic moment....
  3. With only one post, I can already tell you fit right in on this board! Welcome...
  4. Probably listen to Murph and Tasker on WGR and watch ESPN without sound. I know, I know, they suck and are homers, but I like Bills fans talking about the Bills...
  5. Waiting on the fax repair man... But seriously, it all depends on who the Browns take at 1. If they go with Mayfield or Allen, the Bills probably don't need to go to 2 to get their guy, they can afford to go to 4.
  6. They are, they aren't, they are, they aren't....Yay, They Are!
  7. Look At My Post. Fear of someone not seeing their thoughts in a large thread, so they start their own on the same topic.
  8. It's a LAMP, lots of those going around lately..
  9. Yes. And I hear he has it right!
  10. Ha Ha...Can we just say no one outside the Cleveland top brass knows who is going #1?
  11. They both agree? I didn't listen today, but it sounded like Murph was high on Allen previously, didn't think Tasker was though...
  12. Sounds like a Captain obvious commercial...They would be fools not to listen to offers, of course this is the Browns, so I guess it is news.
  13. 100%...He talks sports 3 hours per day and works the sidelines during the NFL season, those are not bad gigs. Maybe he actually likes talking football...
  14. Don't most trades happen during the draft? The Jets trade was not the norm. So, this really tells us nothing.
  15. Don't be surprised if there are more to come...
  16. This draft will determine who the Browns select #1 overall next year, so it's imperative they get on the same page...
  17. 250,000 last year in Philly... https://247sports.com/nfl/philadelphia-eagles/Bolt/NFL-Draft-in-Philadelphia-sets-attendance-record-52558567 https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/NFL-Draft-Philadelphia-Experience-Eagles-Record-Breaking-Attendance--420827683.html
  18. This is my feeling exactly. At 3, you may get the 3rd player on your wish list. Not worth that kind of risk.
  19. Rumors, oh we have them. Credible? There is no such thing pre-draft. Enjoy the gossip though.
  20. I copied the link and began to post this yesterday and then thought, you know what, who cares. Figured someone would post it eventually. But it's like the Bills getting their regular "oops, our bad" letter from the league regarding officiating.
  21. Unfortunately his receivers will be turning their heads at the balls thrown behind him. But his work ethic is great!
  22. In April, it absolutely is. Just ridiculous to make predictions at this point. But I'll go out on a limb and say that the 2019 Cleveland Indians will win 90 games...
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