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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. While reading a history book this past weekend, I was surprised to find the Kunta Kinte had a sister who was a prostitute. Her name was Renta Kunt...
  2. Yeah, my bad. I don't like it either, but it happens all the time on this board. Not that it's right. It was more about being lazy, easier to cut, paste, and edit. I got the information about the hired people second hand. When talking directly to the individual, they weren't hired, just called and encouraged to come down and be on television. But I was merely speculating in my original post. Funny how some people get so defensive...
  3. I do not miss renting at all. My wife and I live in the Raintree apartments years ago and that place was horrible. We specifically asked for a building with no babies. Or at least babies directly above or below us and they did have one. So the first week was great, quiet as can be. But in week 2 the couple who lived above us came home from the maternity ward with their baby! The floors were so thin, we could hear their every move. When the baby woke up crying at all hours of the night, they would sit in a creaky rocking chair. It was brutal, we would sleep with tennis balls and throw them at the ceiling when hearing that damn creaking rocking chair. Technically there were no babies when we moved in, so I didn't fault the owners and they did let me break my lease with no penalty. But that was a miserable couple months.
  4. A grasshopper enters a bar the bartender says "hey, we have a drink named after you" The grasshopper says, "you have drink named Steve?"...
  5. Everyone I talk to is really excited and upbeat about the Bulls. TG has brought some really excitement and national exposure to the program. Some of my friends that would never have gone with me to a UB game in the past are all asking me to get them tickets for the upcoming season. I don't know where you're getting the "everyones down on the Bulls" from, but I haven't seen any of it. I am ready to go to another bowl game...GO BULLS!!!
  6. Saw both posts and clicked on Dib's post for 2 obvious reasons...
  7. Got 6 tickets for the opener for a friend, only tickets remaining were upper deck and that was at 9:15! Probably sold out by now.
  8. Hence the use of the word "may" in my post. And it would not surprise me one bit... 6 of one, half dozen of the other...
  9. After listening closely to TO's comments on the house renting incident, he states that he received a report stating that the home owners did not want to rent to him because it may cause "drama" in the area. So he didn't talk to the home owners directly, only heard the information second hand. I am willing to bet the VH1 has a role in this whole incident. They may be the ones who gave TO the "report" on the home front and in turn are trying to make a story out of it for their show. At first I thought a reality show about TO, being mostly filmed in Buffalo, would be a good thing, but now I am seriously beginning to doubt that. So far they have hired extra's to greet TO at the airport and NF, making Buffalo look kind of lame IMO. And then they organize TO getting the key to the city, again lame IMO. And now this whole possibly dreamed up or exaggerated story (btw the home owner denies the incident.) The president of VH1 is a Buff State graduate, so I hope he would want to show Buffalo in a positive light. But it's all about ratings, we shall see....
  10. Yes...One person doesn't want a media frenzy on his property and it means no more love for TO, huh....
  11. No, although I heard Ben Roethlisberger had them on in Pittsburgh. But maybe that was just to protect his SB rings....
  12. That stinks...
  13. Link from the Buffalo News.
  14. Thanks....Almost completely forgot about the sport...
  15. Good to hear..... Sorry Matt, you probably would have gotten a few replies had he been able to attend OTA's. But since he's still in school, this will probably go 2 or 3 pages....
  16. True, and it's a pretty cheap cab ride down Lundys Lane as well. Nothing beats the Downer, so it's well worth the ride!!
  17. Just look how accurate last years pre-season rankings were...
  18. I wouldn't recommend straying near the South Campus. Crime rate is really escalating in that area, but there is always the Marriott near the North Campus. That's a pretty good party hotel. And I think a few folks stayed at the Hotel Indigo for Bills games this past year, but I have no idea what that place is like. There is also the Homewood Suites, Sleep Inn Amherst, and the Ramada right around the North campus as well.
  19. I agree. He may not get all the calls early, but all his bitching and moaning lead to the calls late in the game when it really matters. Kobe is like Sidney Crosby, they both have mad skills and are great players. But they are unlikable due to all their whining, you simply cannot root for them unless your an LA or Pens fan...
  20. Very commercialized area and the night life caters to young kids (18-23'ish). The only ballet clubs within walking distance are nasty and the surrounding area is pretty much a dump. I would prefer the casino's over Clifton Hill any time. Although back in the day, Rumors was great place to party.
  21. I don't believe he ever comes to the optional OTA's. He works out in Miami, nothing new here....
  22. I would be happy, as long as he is indeed the "leaning tower of Pisa" and not just a Pisa sh!#......
  23. Well why do you think he signed with Buffalo? To resolve that issue, of course....
  24. Is VH1 still hiring people to bulk up the crowds for TO, as they did at the Buffalo airport?
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