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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. Ok, then I wouldn't stay around OP after the game. Although Rhino's may be worth a try, not sure though. I would probably head to Buffalo. There are 4 or 5 bars around the Allen and Elmwood area that are pretty good, but not sure about the Sunday night crowd. There are a couple places around Chippewa that used to be prety good, but I haven't been there in a while... I'll ask around and IM you with more information....
  2. I guess it depends on your age. Chippewa is very young, so I usually stay away as I am a little older.
  3. I mentioned Rhino's and the Warehouse because they are close to the stadium. I haven't been to Rhino's after a game, so I can't comment on that. I went to the Warehouse after the Monday night game last year and it was decent, mostly dudes though. But I guess it's to be expected after a football game. I don't know if that matters to you, as I don't know if you're married or on the prowl or both. As for the Anchor bar, it has a very tight bar area, so I don't know how much fun you will have there, but have never gone after a Bills game so I don't know if it's any good. Are you staying in Buffalo Sunday night or OP?
  4. Anchor bar is in downtown Buffalo, nowhere near the stadium. Duff's "2" is near the stadium, but I would recommend the Warehouse or Rhino's. Rhino's has bands just about every night. http://www.rhinosrocks.com/ http://www.buffalobarfly.com/bars/1550/Rhino's/ http://www.buffalobarfly.com/bars/1504/War..._Pizza_Company/ As for Saturday night, I would hit the Allen and Elmwood bars instead of Chippewa....
  5. So what? You'll never know if he was sincere or not, so don't beat yourself up over it. If you called the police and they took him away, how would you feel? You might feel worse. I don't think this was a life defining moment, one way or the other, in this young man's life...
  6. Excellent news, hopefully he is signed by the Saints and we don't have to hear about the Bills should sign him talk anymore....
  7. If he did speak to his parents and they weren't too concerned, it sounds like they are the softie's. There is no right answer as to whether or not you did the right thing. You decided to let him go, so obviously you believe it was the right decision and that's all that matters. I mentor students at a city school in Buffalo and they have some unbelievable story's of neglect and hardship. But they always appreciate me coming to visit, as I am sure the kid appreciated you cutting him some slack...
  8. I was actually going to make a tasteless Vick joke about that, but it was too horrible of a situation in Lockport. And besides any dog/Vick jokes are childish and I feel embarrassed for even thinking about posting something of that nature. I really hope this was an awful accident or else I hope they really teach these teens a lesson. I was really sickened when I heard this on the news a couple days ago. I hope and pray the Bills do not sign Vick. He would be a great addition to the team football wise, but at what price. It's just not worth it IMO...
  9. No, I don't drive a cab. That's why I preceded my statement with "sounds..." and "I don't think....", rather than "I know." I just find it hard to believe this whole thing was over 20 cents and will reserve judgement until I know all the facts. If he did do it, he's a punk. But I really could care less (It's not like he plays for the Sabres... )...
  10. Sounds a little more risky to me. If the doors are unlocked, someone may run and not pay. If the doors are locked, a potentially violent fare is locked in a car with you. I am not doubting that some do it, but I don't think locking the doors is the smartest choice...
  11. Wow! What a great idea, let's wait until we know all the facts! Unfortunately athletes cannot tell their side of the story until after consulting with lawyers and as a result they are guilty until proven innocent in the media's eye's. Have we forgotten what happened to Corey McIntyre already?
  12. 7PM (ET), can't wait. That's when the regular season b!tch!ng begins...
  13. Exactly, he was in the long snapper position most of the time in prison....
  14. More ridiculous than an on-side kick to start the game? Also, why risk injury by putting Roscoe, Leodis or Omon (a 2008 draft pick) back there...
  15. Check around the league, injuries happen and players sit out of practices...
  16. The "right now" part kinda bothered me....
  17. The guy gives like 80 interviews a day. He's bound to say something that can be interpreted several different ways. Take it easy and don't let it bug you, he is with Buffalo right now...
  18. Blocked here as well. Don't think I'll be watching this anyway, I heard about these types of shows in Tijuana...
  19. I haven't lived anywhere but NY, so I am not sure, but isn't that the case in most states? As far as NYS goes, I know Patterson will be gone, he's clueless and not well liked at all. He took over by default. But you're pretty much right, usually 80% of the incumbents are re-elected. Although the next election could be different The whole embarrassment of Congress not showing up for work for a week, and still getting paid of course, really pissed tax payers off. NYS continuing to spend more than budgeted, even when the deficit is in the billions. Not to mention new taxes on everything from bottled water to gym memberships. I can see the next election being a bit different, at least I hope so...
  20. TO is in his mid 30's and going to a team that hasn't made the playoffs in 10 years. I believe he is just referring to the lack of the Bills success and not anything to do with the City. Usually at the end of ones career, a player tends to chose teams on the cusp of a SB and not a team struggling to make the playoffs. Don't read more into this than necessary. If the Bills win, they will attract FA's period...
  21. The dude you're replying to is from Virginia. Don't even start that small-minded Buffalo sh-- again, I'm sick and tired of that crap. Not everyone that posts on this board is from Buffalo, so don't lump everyone together!!!!
  22. I get it....
  23. Probably the most overrated restaurant in Buffalo. I have been there a half dozen times. The service is slow and it's a very loud restaurant. The food is good, but far from great. And for the price, I expect more. EB Green's & Fiamma Steak are much better steak house's for the same price. As for the show, it was a pretty entertaining episode. Showed off Buffalo in a very good way. I mentioned a while back the folks were encouraged to go to the airport to greet TO and got scrutinized, but oh well. And the B&B part was hilarious. Just the look on TO's face when he found out they were sharing a room was classic. Good stuff!!
  24. I'll have what he's having....
  25. A co-worker of mine did and is selling the lot of 11 tickets for $10. He's a cheap SOB always looking to make an extra buck, but I thought I'd throw it out there...
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