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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. Big Ben and the Steelers O line will be part of Monday night raw tonight. There was quite and uproar in Pitt, because when it was announced they were still 1-2. But the players have life's too, if they do not have practice on Tuesday, I see no problem...
  2. First week in a long time that he hasn't allowed a sack....
  3. You could probably create a list like this for just about every team in the NFL. The problem with the Bills is they let most of these guys walk without having a solid backup plan. AW - really liked him, wish we kept him NC - over payed, over hyped TS - too bad he got hurt, would probably still be here if not LF - i liked London, could easily still start for the Bills PW - Obviously one of the biggest mistakes ever JP - only time will tell if he is worth all the money he wanted leonhard - good player, but not a difference maker. Pretty much what the Bills have a lot of... Crowell - injured again, but was a nice player here...
  4. before or after my nap?
  5. I've actually had a lot of fun at both games. The first was a little more fun after the game, but they both were good times. I'll sell my tickets once the Bills are officially eliminated from contention though. I will not be freezing my a$$ off in January for a meaningless game...
  6. Or at least throw a shoe or two at him...
  7. A true slant pattern is a quick three-step move to the inside of the field before the defense can react, that was not a slant yesterday.
  8. Stanford's coach must have really sucked...
  9. Link to one of the discussions on this topic from a while back. should have, could have, would have, we didn't....
  10. They're supposed to run it at different paces to catch the defense off guard, maybe throw in a quick snap every now and then. Here's a concept, call 2 plays in the huddle and run the hurry up on the next down. But if they just run it at the same pace all the time, it does absolutely nothing. Get rid of it, it's an embarrassment...
  11. When the Bills signed TO, I thought finally, a big body to help the Bills run the slant route effectively. They ran the slant in the HOF pre-season game and it worked like a champ, what a great addition to the play book. But to my knowledge, they have not tried it since then. Very disappointing...
  12. If they were 20 or 25 yard passes, then maybe. But those were not long throws...
  13. I will be emailing this out, good stuff!
  14. I think might implies, he might be good or he might not be good. But no biggy. I really have lost all faith in TE and I refuse to blame the coach's on this one. How do you game plan with a QB that isn't very good and doesn't do what you want him to do? It's got to suck. We want every OC out of here because of poor QB play. Well maybe it's time to look at the QB and stop blaming the coaches for everything, some people here think JP was run out of town because of poor coaching. That's just ridiculous, he just wasn't good. I am by no means giving the coaching staff a vote of confidence, they should go as well, but I don't think they are the main problem with the offense.
  15. Exactly, anyone can win with a great Defense. thanks for confirming my point again. The Bills have an average D at best and the O needs to score at least a couple TD's a game to win consistently, I don't have faith that TE is the guy who can do it on a consistent basis...
  16. That's exactly what I am saying! Dilfer played on team with one of the best defenses of all time and won a SB by probably checking down more than TE's. But unfortunately the Bills are nowhere near having a dominant D, so I have no faith the TE can be successful on this team...
  17. Why not just move Russ Brandon to HC? He would be cheaper than AVP. He had very little football knowledge when he was hired as GM/COO, so why not head coach. Git'er done Ralph...
  18. I'm just playing the devil's advocate here, but what if it's the other way around? What if the QB position really has been the main problem here? Can an average coach win with a great team? Of course he can. It all starts with the QB, he's the focal point of any offense. Until the Bills have a legitimate QB, all coach's will fail. Unless they build a monster defense, which they aren't even close to at this time...
  19. Would you mind listing that stellar cast of QB's. Edwards might be good on a very very good team, as I said in my post, he could be a very good system QB. But he is not an elite QB, who can win when conditions aren't optimal.
  20. The thing with Trent is that everything has to be perfect for him to excel. The line needs to give him great protection, the running game has to be clicking on all cylinders, the weather needs to be great...yada, yada, yada, you get the idea. But unfortunately perfect conditions rarely exist in the NFL and Trent cannot win games on his own. The Bills need a franchise QB that can carry a team and make plays in tough conditions and TE is simply not that type of QB. I thought he had potential and he probably could be a nice "system" QB, but that's not what the Bills need at this point and time.
  21. I'd throw the 3rd quarter INT in there as well...
  22. We know: The Bills should be 2-1 right now, but blew it in NE and stand at 1-2 0-1. This game on Sunday is huge, an early must win. Running game has been very good, and we get ML back which should only make it better. Trent still checks down too much, LE and TO are being wasted in the offense, but is it the QB's, OC's, or HC's fault? AVP is learning on the fly, but I have confidence in him, something I did not have with TS. The Bills injuries are pilling up again this year, but I think they have more depth than last year. If the Bills can squish the fish this week and beat a lowly Cleveland team in Buffalo, they can be 3-2 1-1, going to NJ for big showdown! Keep the faith. GO BILLS!!!
  23. Well, they got rid of Turk. I know that was a hot topic for discussion. AVP can't change the playbook now, he can change the plays that are called, but he's stuck with the playbook for this year. But it's not always the QB, it's usually the coach, Ralph, "GM", or former GM's that get the blame on this board..
  24. Most visiting teams do stay at this location. I am not sure which hotel the Bills use for home games.
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