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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. Very true! That's DJ for you, Byrd wouldn't have seen much playing time had it not been for all the secondary injuries...
  2. Where would the Redskins be without him...
  3. Couldn't agree more! Especially a Monday night game against the defending SB champions. Where would you rather be???
  4. Maynard sitting out the first quarter due to team policy violations....
  5. That' sad. From a guy that usually spews the company line, that actually says a lot. He can't talk to the O-linemen when he's the starter? No wonder they aren't on the same page, he should be talking to everyone. The RB's, WR's, OL and even the defense for suggestions. Yet game after game, you see him on the sideline by himself when not on the field. He's just not a leader, very sad...
  6. I don't think it's possible to answer your question, but the Stillers travel well and there are many transplants. It's pretty much the same scenario as the Bills when they played Carolina. Go to just about any NFL city and you can find a Bills bar, same with Pittsburgh. Plus, it's not too difficult being great fans when all your team does is win...
  7. And exactly will that will help the offense score? The defense hasn't been the main problem so far this year. They have wore down in the 4th quarter from being on the field more than half the game. They haven't been great, but played well enough to get a few more W's with any kind of offense.....
  8. Yep, that really pi$$ed me off. I looked away as fast as possible and I didn't see enough to know exactly who won, but I know for sure a couple that didn't. I was more worried about some yahoo posting the winner in the thread title here and insead yahoo is the yahoo....
  9. There's a few on the list I really would have loved to keep, the others not so much. You probably could make a list like this for just about every team in the league. It's the one or two that got away, like Pat Williams, that really kill a team...
  10. Relax..he said dark horse, not underdog...
  11. Damn, I hate the offseason!!!
  12. Hey, what's up with the avatar....
  13. And the comments were? Found it... "Without referring to Buffalo quarterback Trent Edwards, Whitner said players are replaceable, and it's important for teams to bring in "other guys that can get the job done."" Nothing wrong with it IMO...
  14. Exactly, he spent only one year as a starter at Penn State and hasn't played that much this year. So the guy is very raw and we will need a few years to evaluate. Personally I would have liked Orakpo or trade down for Oher. If Russ would have known there would be a movie involved, Mister Marketing would have been all over Oher...
  15. rejuvenation process?
  16. Whatever make, DJ drives very conservatively, uses extra caution as to not get anyone hurt, but the really weird thing is that instead of implementing the 10 & 2 technique, he insists on 7 & 9 year after year...
  17. Novemer 19, 2006 -- Losman throws for 340 yards in a come back win over Houston. The Bills have not had a 300 yard passing game since. I know, I know, it's the o-line...
  18. I didn't say anything negative. I said the heavy favorites won, wich wasn't a surprise to me and I personally was not interested, that's all. Hey I would be thrilled if Ralph bought a championship. I think what Florida did was disrespectfull to the game. They bought a championship and then tore the team apart, that was bull. I don't see the Yankee's dumping salary, so I have no issues with it. Maybe a little...
  19. Alright, so maybe you know more than I do. But let's not be completely naive either. Do you think A-Rod would take steroids knowing that he would have to continue to use them for the rest of his career? Absolutely not. He most likely did not do a lot of cycles and used shorter cycles as well. Because the longer the cycle, the greater the chance of recovery problems . After steroid cycles there are ways to help in recovery, one way is to use Clomid to help restore natural testosterone production in the body. Or there are Testosterone boosting supplements that are helpful in raising natural testosterone production. That's what Ramirez got suspended for. Plus you can load up on Creatine after a steroid cycle to help maintain gains and prevent a post cycle crash. There are many options and a lot of people out there that know more about the drug than you and I, and I am sure he was getting very good advice on how to use steroids. The bottom line is he didn't do steroids for a short fix, he didn't need to. He did steroids for long term results, just like McGuire, Bonds, and Palmeiro. Now someone like Sosa and I-Rod didn't get very good advice and they shrunk big time. I know some do and I have seen it first hand, but just look at the before and after pictures and tell me that all steroid users shrink by noticeable margins. You have to be smart about it, but If you know what you're doing it can be very effective for years. But this is an A-Roid defending thread, so my bad and I will leave...
  20. The Yankee's were heavy favorites, sorry for not sugar coating it. It would have been a major upset had they not won. I'll give them credit for winning though, they did what they were supposed to do. Like a Yankee fan gives a rat's ass about my comments, please. They won the World Series and that's the bottom line...
  21. Of course they do not continue to work after using them, but a weight lifter will benefit long after the steroid cycle. I knew a few users back in the day, they would hit the wall at a certain bench. I'll use 300 lbs. as an example. Well with one cycle of roids they would go way over that 300 mark, we'll just call it 380. When they stopped using they couldn't lift 380 anymore, but they certainly could do 340. So while the steroids aren't in their system, they are still benefiting from the use as they can lift more than before, hence becoming stronger.
  22. Are the Bills getting a GM? There is currently no one in the organization with that title, what a joke...
  23. A-roid used PED's to get stronger or to get over a hump. Sometimes you get to a point when lifting weights where you max out, you need that extra push to get over the hump. He took the drugs and got stronger. Just because he stopped taking them, doesn't mean that he is no longer benefiting from taking the roids originally. He only batted .250 in the series, but did display some opposite field power on his one home run, wonder where he got that from...
  24. One of the most anti-climactic season's ever for baseball. After spending ridiculous money to sign the top 2 FA's and probably 3 of the top 5 FA's this offseason, the overwhelming favorites won it all as they should have. Not that there is anything wrong with spending money, it's well within the rules of MLB. But this is the first year where I didn't watch the world series. I caught bits and pieces, but it just wasn't exciting for me. I went to the Sabres game last night and caught a little of last nights game, they put the baseball game on in the arena in between the 2nd and 3rd period, but that's about all I watched. I woke up this morning, put on sports center, and surprise surprise NY won. Congrats Yankee fans, but it was a snoozer for non NY/Philly fans...
  25. Considering the Bills learned Turk's playbook, terminology, and Turk/DJ's philosophy last season, all of the OTA's, and training camp before they fired him, how much can AVP or any other OC do? It's too late to change play book. All an OC can do at this point is work with the offense that is in place. Even though I think AVP could be tweaking things here and there, for example, more motion. I really believe his hands are somewhat tied and he is stuck with an offense and an offensive philosophy that is already in place. I am not saying he doesn't deserve any blame for the offensive woe's, but this is not his offense. The Bills screwed this up big time and AVP was put in a bad situation with a pop warner offense and a conservative coach. Good luck with that Alex...
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