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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. Go here and change the provider to Verizon, it will list all the stations available.
  2. lol, greatest golfer of all time gets his ass kicked by model wife for sleeping with dozens of women. Nothing to see here people, move along.... I am sick of hearing about it and won't bother to watch his presser, because I really don't care. But I don't think poor Tiger is getting ridiculed any more than any other public figure/celebrity would. Unfortunately it's the media crazed world we live in... Although the thread title is "Things Tiger won't say", so my bad, I think we're on the same page then...
  3. Here's the whole video... "ooooh, he's leakin"....Freakin' Classic...
  4. Brings back memories. Back in the day, if anyone would ever call me a p***y. I would respond with that phrase, only I would add "right dick", to the end of it....
  5. 18 holes played this morning, now it's time to golf...
  6. Getting money back, the question is when, Patterson wants to hold NYS's returns until June'ish. I just love this state...
  7. That may very well be, but to me, that doesn't seem legit. I don't get the impression that he needs someone's body to leave. I believe he needed someone's body, specifically Locke's, in order to get Ben to kill Jacob. I don't think Ben would do that for anyone else. And if you needed a body to leave the island wouldn't you want to leave in Sawyer or Jack's body, rather than Locke's? The game in my guesstimation is Jacob trying to "save" the island, most likely from it's sinking, and MIB attempting to leave the island. My guess is if Sawyer shot MIB/Locke there, it would have been "game" over. And then in a Ground Hog's day movie sort of way MIB and Jacob would revert back to the beach to start the game all over again. The ending of the show will be Jacob and MIB sitting on the beach with the ship on the horizon and Jacob saying "you almost did it" or something. Just a crazy theory, but with this show I don't think anything can be called crazy... Interesting that Kate is eliminated from contention. Baby Kwon is a good point, Jacob did touch both Jin and Sun, but would have had to know that Sun would get pregnant. Not that that's out of the realm of possibility. Helen ripping Jack's business card feels to me as though she finally feels that Locke has accepted his handicap. Obviously Locke was in complete denial, he's attempting to go on walk abouts, choosing not to park in handicap parking spots, and wanting to be a construction foreman. And Helen ripping the card is symbolic of them moving on with their life by Locke accepting his condition. Other notes: Love the inside joke comment by Locke, very funny. Hurley is rich and is lucky, the exact opposite of how he was when the plane crashed. I have to think it's going to be very difficult to convince Hurley to leave all this to help save an island, should it come to that... I believe that anyone the Jacob touched, cannot be killed while on the island, those are the "rules'. Interesting tidbit I found on another site: Jack's number was 23 on the wall. Psalm 23 "The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters...."
  8. Ordered some Paczki for some family and neighbors, picking them up this afternoon...Happy Paczki day!!
  9. I don't think it's inconsequential at all, and definitely not a fairy tale ending. But I think it will become crystal clear as to why the losties needed to go to the island very soon. I also think that Aaron flat lining was a significant scene, lots of possibilities there... Another thing that struck me was the whale inside of Claire's bag, didn't Aaron have a similar whale when Kate and Jack were his "parents"?
  10. Exactly my thought, I don't believe it's a backup plan or secondary protocol. I believe the sideways timeline is life as if none of the losties and some of the others never went to the island, but shortly we will find out what would happen had they not gone. My guess is it's something of catastrophic proportions. It is kind of interesting how the losties, or maybe in a sideways timeline "not losties", seem to have a sense of déjà vu or at least a recognition of sorts of the other losties...
  11. Sounds like a player looking to cash in on an uncapped year, look for him to sign a one year deal...
  12. So, then why would anyone want to trade for someone with a $9+ million a year contact and average numbers?
  13. What's for dessert?
  14. Big deal, Maybin's stock was dropping and he was draftted pretty high....
  15. These are their paths had they not went down obviously, so you have to think of these characters as they would have been, not as how they have changed through the years on the island. Sawyer doesn't "go back" to being a con man, he continues to be a con man. Sayid probably will find his love again, as he did when he left the island last time, but this time years earlier and she probably doesn't get run over. But he has a dark past and I think the island helped him come to accept it and move on, it will be interesting to see his internal struggle. Kate continues to run from the law and is still a fugitive at large. Jack and Locke as "lost", they do not know there purpose and seem to be searching for a reason to live. It's interesting having these dual lives, not quite sure if I like it yet, but definitely different. One thing I found pretty interesting is that while the smoke monster could not break the barrier of the ash, but it could cause an outside interference to knock someone or something out of the ash circle. Which got me thinking about the Pyramid people laying the ash after they found out that Jacob was dead. I am beginning to think it is more likely that Sayid is the MIB than Jacob. It would be interesting, if that were the case. Then he would actually be confined in the temple, due to the ash, and would need someone to break the ash to get out, maybe Ben? I am also thinking about Jacob and MIB's agreement that they cannot kill one another. I am wondering if by Jacob touching certain lostie's, does that then make them off limits as well? That would really be interesting, especially if Sayid is indeed the MIB. That's all I can handle for now...
  16. He was referring to the board height in relation to his height, that's why he did the little dip in the beginning, but he's going to hear about that one from the bosses for sure...
  17. Some good info here...
  18. Unfortunately, it's not up to Ralph and the Bills organization as per the deal. I would doubt Pittsburgh, since they played there already. But to increase ticket sales, that would be the way to go, with the Patsie's a close second.
  19. That's the key. If he can improve his blocking skills(and stay healthy of course), he'll be on the field more...
  20. Does Maybin need saving? He was drafted as a project and "played" one season. You guys crack me up...
  21. Exactly, that's the reaction from the majority of southerners, they just don't have the sac to live here. I'll give TO credit for giving it a shot.
  22. Look up one of a million Buffalo bashing posts here, by former residents and Bills fans, and they are far less harsh than what TO said. Heck, I just went to Florida in January and said the same thing, but I wouldn't consider it a diss. I was happy to be in 70 degree weather, rather than 20. Big deal...
  23. I was thinking the same thing and just feel the Sayid/Jacob connection is just too obvious, and this show has been anything but obvious from the beginning. I did get a good chuckle when Jack approached the leader of the pyramid people and he flattened Jack in a second flat, yet they still continued to point guns at them the whole time. I really don't think they could have done anything against them, just found that a bit humorous. I watched the 1 hour recap episode last night and they must have mentioned the Richard "appears" not to age a half dozen times. The "appears" mention has my mind wandering as much as the "chains" comment from Locke to Richard. Someone mentioned a possible Richard flash back. I thought I read that all the flash backs and back stories are done, or maybe it was just the first episode. I would think we'd have to know more about Richard, Jacob, & MIB via flash backs. Anyone else read or hear anything like that? Anyway, another episode with more questions than answers. But a lot to think about...
  24. He can't say anything about signing Vick, as Vick is currently under contract by another team...
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