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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. If he needs me, tell him I'M IN MY OFFICE!
  2. Those would be championships...
  3. Ahhh, the old setting up the framing for a set up...oldest trick in the book...
  4. Can never have enough FB's...
  5. Different event...Return of the Black and Blue...
  6. Wasn't there video evidence in the Ray Rice case?
  7. Just got this email. Sounds like a nice evening for the family!
  8. For me it was definitely when the Bills were flexed to a night game against the **Patsie's in 2007 and were drubbed 56-10. The 6-3 Browns game was boring and bad football, but at least they won. This one was just miserable to sit through...
  9. The damage has been done to "the Shield" already. Cutting or putting him on the Exempt list (if they can) based only on allegations would make the Bills look worse...
  10. Lot's of people are gullible and believe everything they read on the interwebs, which make social media a very scary weapon. Want to get even with or hurt Shady, just cast some doubt...
  11. And the plot thickens...
  12. Not a big fan of Hennessy? I am not much a brandy person either...
  13. Ouch...Unfortunately, now that slogan makes sense...
  14. what's the difference?
  15. Facts don't need to exist in the court of public opinion...This thread is a perfect example of that...
  16. This response may just be funnier than DC Tom's, which made me laugh quite a bit....well played sir!
  17. Ozark season 2 release date is August 31st...looking forward to that one. The Affair is a good show. Season 4 is about half way through currently, haven't started this season yet. I am almost half way through Trust on FX and it's pretty good to this point. It's about the Getty family, so far it's focus is the 1973 kidnapping of John Paul Getty III.
  18. According to the teasers for the upcoming season, it looks like Danny is looking to sell most of his collection...I find that hard to believe... RIP Old Man Harrison
  19. Do they make them pay for Cleveland news?
  20. I pulled my hamstring about 5 weeks ago, felt a pop for the first time and dropped like a rock. Thought I really did some damage, but luckily no muscle tear or anything. That night was brutal though, one of the most painful things I have experienced. Now the most difficult part is it feels really good at times, but also can get really tight at times. Currently doing light squats and riding my bike, but I am not going to really try to push it for at least another month.
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