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Everything posted by ricojes

  1. http://blogs.buffalonews.com/live/2010/04/...ps-manhunt.html Airs tonight at 10pm "Ralph 'Bucky' Phillips escapes from jail and sets off the most expensive manhunt in New York State history. Bucky leads hundreds of state troopers on a chase through the backwoods of western New York for the better part of five months. An amazing series of lucky and reckless maneuvers allows Bucky to avoid capture. But the case turns uglier when Bucky shoots three state troopers. Captain Steve Nigrelli spearheads the hunt and is determined to nab Philips before more blood is spilled."
  2. Juliet is on V, she may have shot an episode before she left, but I don't see her returning. Ethan was a nice surprise when taking care of Claire and baby, but I think it would make more sense if it was Jack...
  3. "Unless he's covered in bacon grease", ranks up there as well! Random ramblings... -- Interesting the Jack tells Sun he's going to use the plane to get off the island and Richards plan is to destroy the plane to keep Flocke on the island. Looks like another Jack/"insert name here" confrontation coming. -- It's not clear if Desmond was locked in the locker, not saying he wasn't, but they didn't show it. They always drugged people when bringing them on and off the island via the submarine, so it could be the sub was returning with Desmond still drugged. Daniel Faraday did write in his notebook "If anything goes wrong, Desmond Hume will be my constant." -- Flocke says he needs all six remaining candidates in order to escape from the island and he needs them to come willingly. Why does Locke need all candidates to get on the plane together? Is it like a time/space thing just as all 6 were needed to get them back to the island? Does it imply they are all using freewill to reject Jacob? -- Sun gets shot, Jin rushing her to get help. Paging Dr. Jack Sheppard...
  4. As we have seen in the past, the island can move. So there's no telling where the island was at that point and time.... But here's some information from another forum:
  5. That's not the question I posed, I was saying that he defended himself against Richard, but not Ben. Since you bring it up, didn't Jacob bring Richard to the island? And from the wall in the cave, I think it's clear that list of candidates continues to grow or else I think it would have been a more uniform list. But now that Jacob is "dead", there are only 6 remaining. I think by killing the remaining candidates, MIB will have an excellent chance of escaping, but it doesn't necessarily guarantee his "freedom".
  6. With only 1 year left on his contract, the only way the Bills get or even want McNabb is a sign and trade deal. With a sign and trade, obviously McNabb would have to be willing to negotiate a contract. If you're a 30'something year old QB, most likely negotiating your last contract, do you really want to go to a team that has been rebuilding for the past 10 years? Put all these rumors to rest, McNabb is not going to be a Bill...
  7. Goose should get a big assist on that last goal. Hamrlik was cross checking everything in sight, might have been Pominville first, knocked him clear out of the crease. Then he cross checks Goose out of the crease and then cross checks Montador to the ground. But Goose comes roaring back and muscles his way past Hamrlik to the post, that allowed Montador to get up cleanly, and then Hamrlik couldn't go after one or the other and had to hold his ground, leaving 2 Sabres in great position. This is the type of hard work that will win games and the type of effort the Sabres will need in the playoffs! Damn, that sounds good, may have to write that again....playoffs!!! I'll be there Friday, hopefully they can break the Ottawa spell...GO SABRES!!
  8. You may have a bad cable run to your house. My parents had a terrible non-HD picture and had the cable company check the line, sure enough after it was replaced, it was a much better picture. Also, showroom TV's are usually set to Vivid or high contrast/brightness settings, but this will cause your tv to burn out faster.
  9. I agree with that. Jacob gave Richard an a$$ whipping, yet Jacob just stands there and lets Ben stab him. We just haven't seen enough to figure out why, although it appears that Jacob may be more powerful or persuasive now that he's dead. But he is also putting all his faith in the remaining candidates as well. The thing I don't understand is why Ben, but not Richard. I get the whole good/evil/making choices speech he gives, it's pretty much confirmed with Miles saying that right up until the end, Jacob hoped he was wrong about Ben. I am sure it was Jacob's plan because Jacob clearly wanted Ben and MiB to enter his "house", he said nobody comes in unless he lets them in. But again, it will probably be explained later.
  10. Probably should have used the old "as is" tag line. that's how a lot of sellers get around selling stuff that most of the time does not work. Not saying you did this intentionally, but it usually is cut and dry when it's sold as is. Not hat it does you any good now, but if you sell a lot, you really don't want any negative feedback. So it's a tough call on your part...
  11. Really? Lets's do a no harm playoff "trial" run of the rule? Why not try, let's see....oh maybe, pre-season? might be a little more harmless IMO...
  12. Posting the question might help...
  13. You might very well be, although I think he has an upside. The Bills moved him to LB which fit in last year with all the other small LB's. He should be playing Safety, but there is a lot of competition there. Unless they trade Donte, it's going to be tough for him to earn a roster spot.
  14. That's what I heard as well. and it makes sense, why change it only for playoffs? As a coach, you're kind of going into the playoffs blind this season with no experience with the new rule. Does a team kick on 3rd down any more? or do they go for the first and try to end the game, rather than extend it...
  15. The way my dog recycles his food, I should have definitely named him Hurley. But I think I would go with Hugo, before Hurely...
  16. And Bush was cleaning up the mess that Clinton left....yada, yada, yada...
  17. Got ya again...
  18. I am with you on this one, what if the smoke monster is MIB's curse? He really can't control it, he did kind of warn the people at the temple. And going back a few seasons, why kill Echo? you would think you'd want that big dude on your side. Just throwing it out there because this show has need been the obvious and right now it seems cut and dry that Jacob is good and MIB is evil, we are due for a big twist.
  19. FYI....full episodes can be watched at hbo.com, you just have to register with name and email. I plan on watching the first one over the weekend, don't necessarily care for watching on my PC though. Any suggestions for piping PC feeds to TV? Will it work fine with just a cable? or is there software involved?
  20. So, Sawyer is a cop, but he lets Kate escape the authorities at the airport. Was it because the only reason he's a cop is to catch "Cooper", or is because he was hiding the fact he went to Australia? And do the writers really have to keep hiding faces when everyone knows who it is? Like it was a total surprise it was Kate, give us some credit... The code word was "LaFleur"... When Miles was telling Sawyer about setting him up with Charlotte, he said that she worked at the museum with his "father." Is he referring to his step-father. Or did Chang get off the island as well? I think Charlotte was snooping, she was really digging all over to find a shirt. Maybe that's why Miles set them up? Just a wild guess, as are most of my theories... I think Flocke slapping Claire is a clear indication that she is under his control, her and Sayid will do whatever Flocke says... One of the books on Sawyers dresser was Watership Down, the book Boone had in his suitcase that Sawyer found and read on the island...
  21. Can we until he's in the league before we play the under/over rated game....
  22. Love Cleveland, usually go 4 or 5 times a year....Mallorca's is my favorite restaurant by far, fantastic service and food!
  23. waht a cowinkidink...that's what I think as well...
  24. A few observations: I think most believed that being touched by Jacob would give them special powers or immortality on the island, but not off as Locke was killed off the island, but it was finally confirmed. Although Sayid "died", so that's an interesting twist. And we found out that Richard could die on the island, but not by his own hand. Reminds me of Michael trying to commit suicide off the island, but couldn't. I think Jacob's plan worked with Jack. Jack now believes he has a role on this island and he is indeed there for a reason. Richard saying not to trust Jacob was interesting, We should be finding out more of that back story soon. Illana has a rocking body! Needs to shed some clothes though... Also, Illana could be like Richard and appear not to age. She did claim that Jacob was like a father to her, so she obviously has known him for a long time. The Richard and Blackrock connection would explain Flocke's comment about getting out of his chains. He must have come to the island in chains and maybe was freed by Jacob or something. Ben's father talking about the island brings up the question, was the island sunk by jughead or some other means? I think it's the latter, I never believed the bomb sunk the island. I think it's more feasible that they hit the magnetic pocket while drilling or something. That would mean that he plane never crashed, although Juliet mentioning "it worked" to Sawyer definitely has me doubting myself. But when the submarine was evacuating people, Ben was shot so they could not have left the island immediately prior to the incident since Ben was at the Temple recuperating, So if the bomb sunk the island, how did they get off of it? Final thought...I had a feeling of déjà vu when watching the slow motion seen at the beach. Didn't they do that in a previous episode? I want to say it was almost exactly the same, but I would have to re-watch it. does anyone remember what season and episode that was?
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