Better yet, He'll pull a "Clinton" and put his wife in charge. That way he'll have more time surf, bike, shoot (his illegal guns), and pursue another rich widow after he's done with Mother "T".
Jimbo was there and seemed to having a great time. The camera showed him on MSNBC prior to Bush speaking and he was standing with a big smile pumping his fist in the air. It was great to see Kelly getting pumped up to see Bush just like I did in 'ol Rick Stadium to see him.
Way to go Jim.
The RNC speakers were great this year. If anyone votes for Kerry after watching these speaches, they need there head examined.
This little story has been circulating around the building to the left the past few days. I have no proof or other valid source but it does sound like a very interesting story if true.
Who cares? Who cares? Are you for real?
If it turns out that this is in fact true, this blows Kerry and the dems right out of the water. Of course the press will make light of this and blow it off as some sort of right wing propaganda and that it just doesn't matter. But it does in this case.
It doesn't really bother me that someone requested a deferment based on valid grounds but to criticize others for doing so when in fact you did the same thing but where denied really stinks to hi heaven.
Kerry will have some splanin to do.
This is the next BIG story to hit the streets. Strap on your hats ladies, this is going to be fun.
Flip Flop No. 1:
Well, after I was denied a deferment, I volunteered for service so I could be an officer and not a grunt.
….. and the story continues