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Everything posted by VRWC

  1. Agree 100%. I was shocked by their picks and pissed off at first but after listening to various reports and analysis I think Marv did a good job and addressed some areas where it will pay off in the long run. Draft Grade A+ Superbowl 2009.
  2. Totally agree. I've been saying this for years and now I have proof. I dosen't make sense to punt on forth down inside the 40 in most cases. The risks of a long run, TD, bad kick, touch back to the twenty vs. a first down and a score seems to be a no brainer. Momentum is also a factor if a team can stop you on forth down inside their zone but overall I think it's sound move not to kick if you need 10 yards or less for a first.
  3. Sorry for the bad stat tables, check this! Jauron http://www.pro-football-reference.com/coaches/JaurDi0.htm Sherman http://www.pro-football-reference.com/coaches/SherMi0.htm
  4. If this was your record, would you hire him?? Rank Year W-L Off PT Off Yd Def PT Def Yd 2003 7-9 24 29 22 12 2002 4-12 27 29 25 25 2001 13-3 11 27 1 13 2000 5-11 28 24 20 16 1999 6-10 26 8 21 30 Percentile (est.) Year W-L Off PT Off Yd Def PT Def Yd 2003 7-9 25% 9% 31% 63% 2002 4-12 16% 9% 22% 22% 2001 13-3 65% 13% 97% 58% 2000 5-11 10% 23% 35% 48% 1999 6-10 16% 74% 32% 3% Out of all categories, Jauron's only surpassed the 50% threshold 25% of the time. Better yet, 75% of all major stat categories fell below the 50% threshold. Take the 2001 year away and you have 87% of major categories below 50%. A whopping 50% of all stat categories fall below the 25th percentile. If this was an SAT test score he would be classified as a retard, sorry mentally challenged. Top 75%-100% 2 Top 50%-75% 3 Bottom 25%-50% 5 Bottom 0%-25% 10 Total 20 Also, how do you go from 4-12 to 13-3 then back down to 5-11. The only conclusion you can draw is that the 2001 year was a fluke and that the norm is a losing record of abysmal failure. Jauron is a defensive coach and only 30% of the time did he reach above the 50th percentile. Way to go Levy and RW. We now have a coach with experience but also of failure. Maybe Levy is setting himself up as the next head coach when Jauron gives us a 2-14 record next year. FYI Sherman's Record Rank Year W-L Off PT Off Yd Def PT Def Yd 2005 4-12 22 18 20 7 2004 10-6 5 4 23 25 2003 10-6 4 4 11 16 2002 12-4 6 13 12 11 2001 12-4 5 7 5 14 2000 9-7 11 13 14 15 Percent Year W-L Off PT Off Yd Def PT Def Yd 2005 4-12 31% 44% 38% 78% 2004 10-6 84% 88% 28% 22% 2003 10-6 88% 88% 66% 50% 2002 12-4 81% 59% 63% 66% 2001 12-4 84% 77% 84% 55% 2000 9-7 65% 58% 55% 52% Top 75%-100% 10 Top 50%-75% 9 Bottom 25%-50% 4 Bottom 0%-25% 1 Total 24
  5. Stopping the clock with no timeouts? Two minutes left in the game, down by 10 points, no timeouts left, how do you get the ball back and win the game? Start a scuffle on each play, engage the other player to draw two personal foul penalties, the clock will stop, both players get ejected, no yardage or loss of down is awarded. The defense will be able to get the ball back with only burning 30 seconds off the clock. Is this possible? Does the ref start the game clock prior to the snap of the ball after each penalty? If that’s the case, then the above scenario could not happen. Should there be a penalty to the defense for time and not yardage for stopping the game in this situation? Are there any refs out there to clarify this rule or possible game plan?
  6. MM / TC should be called to the mat by the press and fans for this ridiculous play calling with two minutes left and no KC timeouts. They where not trying for a first down anyway so just kneel. Did they really think WM would break lose for a first down with a tight running formation like that? Plus I have WM on my fantasy team and when he fumbled I blew a fregen gasket, he cost me 5 points and ended the game with just 2 points. Thank God I picked up Gato from Green Bay and he got me 32 points. Also, nice call on 4th and a foot. That play was stupid and poorly executed to boot. It shows that MM and staff have no confidence in the line or WM to get a foot. Not that I blame them for that since they most likely would have failed that test also.
  7. Positives from the game? 1.) That the game is over 2.) That the defense is NOT as good as they think they are. (Best in the NFL, ha ha) 3.) J.P. / O-line / McGahee / Receivers realize they need a lot of improvement. 4.) Special teams are not so special.
  8. Pape Quote: “The central fact is that overwhelmingly suicide-terrorist attacks are not driven by religion as much as they are by a clear strategic objective: to compel modern democracies to withdraw military forces from the territory that the terrorists view as their homeland.” I have a big problem with this statement. I can not understand the fact that if they (Islamic fundamentalism) want us out of their lands, all they have to do stop attacking their people and our troops. It’s as simple as that. We would have withdrawn over 50% of our troops by now if the attacks never happened and be well on our way to being out’ a there. They don’t seem to understand US policy or our modern history in regards to imperialism (we are not now imperialistic). As long as they continue to attack and disrupt the process, we will continue to keep our troops deployed in their lands. For this reason I think Pape is full of crap. Maybe the bomber themselves have been brain washed into thinking their acts will make foreign armies leave their land but I’m sure the leaders know the real reasons. This argument is extremely simplified give the circumstance and I know other factors such as Syria, Iran, Saudi, etc. all have outside influences but the underlying argument remains the same. I believe these people using this “military in our land” as a cover for a much more provocative and sinister plots against the west in general. I’m 100% sure that if Islamic states do not pose a threat to the US or other democracies that we would not have troops knocking on their doors.
  9. Very interesting and intelligent Posts BiB. What concerns me is that AQ/OBL know exactly how to manipulate the American public and media and is doing a great job of it. They are playing us against ourselves by having our own people calling us the “Bad Guys” and therefore bringing the focus of attention NOT on them but on our own Government and policy makers. AQ is counting on the U.S. to basically defeat ourselves and have us self destruct from within. They know we can defeat them on any battlefield anywhere but they also know that battles of this nature are not won on the traditional battlefield. This is a war of propaganda and perceived notions. AQ knows how to play the US media and the Israeli/Palestinian conflict to maximize their goals. They have however made some big mistakes as you have stated and are not without some very poor policy decisions themselves. We have weakened their leadership and structure possible too much so that now we have a very fragmented network working independently of each other for some common goal. This makes fighting them even that much more difficult. I don’t believe they will attack the American Homeland any time soon because that will harm their short term goal. It would bring the war back to the pubic conciseness and bring the American resolve in fighting terrorist to the forefront just like after 9-11. Another massive attack will validate the Presidents war policy and harm them more in the long run. Only after they achieve a pullout of troops and America has fallen back asleep will they attach with such vigor as 9-11 on our soil. They will however continue to attack across the world in places and countries that the average Joe American will not care about. Most people in this country have lost their backbone and memory. We (meaning most democrats and left wingers) are so isolated in this great country of ours that people have a tendency to become complacent and to forget about the past. All they seem to care about are their houses, cars, family and when their next vacation is. They feel better criticizing ourselves rather than confronting evil dictators and human rights violators. They would rather turn a blind eye rather than confronting “them” directly and heaven forbid have “them” not like us. They would rather give people handouts from our good nature and humanitarian efforts than to give them the tools and their dignity to do the work themselves. I think most people would come to the same conclusions you have stated but they are not getting the facts. It’s easy for them to listen to the liberal media and take their potion as if it’s the facts than to really investigate what this struggle is really all about.
  10. Make sure you're the primary or only shareholder. I would not recommend going into business with a partner unless you have a lawyer draw up a good agreement between the parties. I was burned big time in the past, never again will I go into business without full control / ownership. Good luck!
  11. "I showed the president my most recent Super Bowl ring," Kraft said in a statement released Wednesday. The Russian president "was clearly taken with its uniqueness," Kraft said. "At that point, I decided to give him the ring as a symbol of the respect and admiration that I have for the Russian people and the leadership of President Putin," Kraft said. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/3726702
  12. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/07/nyregion...agewanted=print
  13. Like when Cheney told that Senator to F--- OFF !!! This statement is just not true. He said go F--- yourself. He also said it to him in a very normal tone, in private, and it was not meant for anyone other than those in that area to hear. Not the press, not the public, only him. That my friend’s is a class act. How many times have you heard someone talking about someone else behind their back and would never say it to their face? Well, the Vice President said this right to his face with no apologies. That is quite different than standing on a soap box in front of the press calling another politician or the President a Loser, Liar, Scumbag, or any other adjative the dems have said about our president in public. I have no problem with people expressing their true feelings in a private conversation but to do it such a public manner that undermines the President and this country is just flat out unpatriotic. I hated the Clinton’s when they were in the White House but would NEVER EVER criticize him in a public manner as to belittle the Presidency, especially during a war. There are ways to dissent from the Presidents views but not at our countries expense.
  14. You will not regret the move. Although it is pricey, many single people share apartment's/condo's/townhouses. This area is pretty much recession proof due to all of the Gov't agencies, contractors, tech companies and tourism $. Don’t fret too much over commuting in this area if you are single. Many employers offer flex time which allow you to start work and leave work early. If you are flexible, you will have no problems. I work at the Pentagon and live in Ashburn (30 miles). It takes me about 35-40 minutes at 6:15 AM to get to work. A little longer to get home at 4:00 but not bad. If you keep your commute away from the beltway you should be OK also. You should do OK at $60K/yr. There are a lot of jobs in this area, so if you’re aggressive and good at what you do, you can job hop and make much more in a small time. Good luck
  15. Look into Loudoun County my young man. Tons of new schools are being built all over, new hospitals and health care facilities are also being built. Housing prices are very steep but you can still find affordable housing in the out lying areas west of Leesburg. If you are working in Loudoun you really don’t have to worry about the commute living even as far West Virginia. I live in the Broadlands in Ashburn and there are tons of kids and plenty of activities for a young family to do. Loudoun is one of the fastest growing counties in the country and is home to AOL, MCI (Verison/Quest), and the Redskins (big deal) Good luck, the whole area is all very good but stick to Northern Virginia if you can. Maryland is way to Liberal.
  16. Worst moment: Reports on exit polling that were noting but stevestojan. I starting getting sick to my stomach hearing this over the news and the Drudgereport. Best moment: Fox News calls Ohio. Just seeing the poll results I knew it was over at midnight. Most ridiculous: Current news organizations still not calling the election for Bush. What is their problem? You don’t need calculus to figure this one out. You just need to be honest. Honesty is not the liberal news best attribute.
  17. Are you for real? The whole world hates us, boo hoo hoo. Who gives a rat’s ass if the world hates us? Who says the world hates us anyway? The press? The press has lost all credibility this past year the way they report "the news". The press these days is news makers, not news reporters. The economy is bad? What planet do you live on? Maybe the economy sucks in France but not in the USA. The unemployment rate is better than when Clinton was reelected. Just look at what the markets are going to do in the next year. Home ownership is thru the sky, and all stats look great for a break out economy. Do you really what to know why your guy lost? Because you are a bunch of pessimistic, pabulum puking, left wing, weak, defeatist, blame America first weasels.
  18. This election shows our enemies that the USA is serious about fighting terrorism and that we will not cow tail to European, U.N. and liberal points of view. I am very proud of this country this morning for keeping things in prospective and voting with their harts and their heads. I am very pleased that I did not wake up this morning and see the terrorist, French and German citizens dancing in the streets over a defeated President. That would have sent a wrong message abroad about our resolve and commitment to defeating evil in the world. On a conciliatory note, I hope that this election process will give the President more incentive to reach out and bring in the other side and truly build a coalition within this country to be more unified than ever against our enemies. This country gave Bush four more years to finish what the terrorist started. God speed Mr. President, our country has spoken and we are with you.
  19. Totally agree. I was not polled after voting, but I was thinking to myself that if I was polled I would give a false answer just to F&^% with the pollsters. I wonder how many did what I was thinking and totally screwed up the results.
  20. I'm done.
  21. Here’s my little story about why I’m a Republican from WNY. Background: Grew up in NT graduating in ‘79 and from UB in ‘83. My father was a union factory worker working for the same company for 45 years. My mother was a housewife and worked part-time at night. We went to church each Sunday. My brother and I played little league baseball, football, basketball and my sister was a cheerleader. We rode our bikes everywhere, played pickup games with the neighborhood kids We hardly ever watched TV except Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom and Disney. We never took family vacations further than 60 mile from WNY if at all. My father never made more than $35K per year with overtime. My father and most of our friends and family where Democrats. So, What happened to me? The first election that I was able to vote in and hence became politically aware was in 1980. The economy in the country and especially in WNY was horrendous. The country was the weakest at any point since pre WWII. The moral of our country and military was terrible and the discipline even worse. Iran held 53 of our citizen’s hostage for close to a year. Gasoline was being rationed and people went to Canada for gas. Jobs were not to be found and inflation and interest rates were outrages. Take a guess why I voted for Regan? Strong leader, bold initiatives, reduces taxes, reduce inflation, stimulate the economy, strengthen the military, make America proud again, and defeat communism. I learned all of these traits and beliefs from my father and my family life. But I remember telling my Dad I was voting for Regan and he was shocked. How could you vote for a Republican he would ask? I said Dad, how could you not vote for Reagan? You thought me to be strong, be a leader, be proud of your country, save your money, work hard, get educated, nothing is for free, if you want something then go get it, do what ever it takes within the rules, be prepared, make your own opportunities, don’t take no for an answer, be honest, pray to the lord, thank the lord for what you have, be generous and kind to those less fortunate. I was so naive back then that I really didn’t see it terms of Democrat or Republican I just knew in my heart that Regan was right President for the country and me based on what I knew (which wasn’t much). I would later find out more about what each party stood for and how things have changed over the years for each party. But the core principles of my beliefs are still with me that I learned in WNY. I now live in DC with my wife and two kids and my Dad (living in Florida now) is voting for Bush. I finally was able to turn his teachings around on him and to make him see the light of the Republican Party and savior to our nation. Here is why I’m a Republican: Strong sense of Country and will do anything to protect it. Support a strong law enforcement policy with fair and tough punishment. Support equal rights to ALL citizens. Support and appoint judges that interpret the law not make the law. Support a strong military. Support a fair and balanced tax code. Support a reduction of Federal Government entitlements and related bureaucracies Support the free enterprise system Support less Government regulations Support freedom of speech and the right to bear arms. Support a strong family unit (no gay marriage) Support a strong education system Support strong immigration policy and strict enforcement of those laws Revamp the litigation, lawsuits and tort laws Keep the religious faith in our society and our founding principles in the Constitution Help those who need help, DO NOT help those who CAN help themselves Revamp the Social Security Entitlement program Eliminate all special equal rights protection laws and quotas
  22. What is the "PLAN" that Kerry and Edwards have talked about in the last two debates? Does anyone know? Based on their voting history in the Senate and statements made over the past year, here is what I think their plan is. Kerry/Edwards – 10 Point “PLAN” 1.) After the elections in Iraq and Afghanistan and send the troops home. 2.) Negotiate unverifiable treaties with Iran and North Korea. 3.) Apologize to all nations that we may have offended over the past four years. 4.) Ridicule all allies that have supported our efforts in the fight against terror. 5.) Increase taxes for those making 100K or more 6.) Decrease taxes for all others. 7.) Increase spending on social programs and welfare. 8.) Allow the UN and EU to dictate policy. 9.) Increase regulations on big business. 10.) Appoint liberal judges and policy makers. RESULT: Total Disaster for the USA
  23. Can anyone really visualize Edwards as President? This guy is a joke. What is his real experience in domestic and international affairs anyway? Two and a half years in the Senate? (The last year doesn’t count because he was MIA) Dose anyone really thing he will track down the terrorist wherever they live and destroy them? NOT Does anyone really think he can get the military and intelligence community to perform better? NOT Does anyone really think the war on terror is going to be fought better because they are in the White House? NOT Does anyone really think they have the guts, fortitude, vision, conviction, and patients to continue this fight for the next four years? Double NOT Dose anyone really believe that we will be safer because we have anti-war pacifists in the White House? NOT Does any really believe we will be safer by spending more money on first responders and defensive measures rather than on intel, troops and offensive measures? NOT If you where a terrorist, who would you vote for? If you where a Frenchman, who would you vote for? If you where a German, who would you vote for? If you where a North Korean, who would you vote for?
  24. I watched this abomination of a football game with my jaw on the floor, eyes bulging out and just plain dumb founded. I looked like ‘ol Wade Phillips on the side lines in my own living room. I need to vent. Where do I start? OL – Just flat out stinks, looks like McNally brought over the Giants OL from last year. QB – Can’t throw an out pass, can’t get rid of the ball, can’t escape a pass rush, and can’t make a decision, not vary accurate. WR – Can’t catch, can’t get open. RB – Can’t keep their feet, can’t pick up a blitz, no breakaway speed. TE – non-existent ST – undisciplined bunch of losers. How can you lose over 200 yards on special team penalties? How? How? On-side kick, just knock the ball forward and scoop it up. DL – Not a bad bunch but we need more push on passing plays. DE – Lousy performance, not much talent or speed at this position. LB – I’m sick of this bunch over rated players. Fletcher needs to just play and stop being a showboat. Spikes need to get mean and make some plays, Posey just needs to go. DB – Above average with Milloy, very average with wire. If the Bills do not blitz, no pressure is ever put on the QB. NE will eat us alive. 3rd and long: We may as well just give the opponent a first down on these situations, we flat out stink. Coaching: Very bad at this point. I’m very disappointed with Malarkey and how this team is prepared. No intensity, mental mistakes at all levels; poor play selection in most situations. This is smash mouth football? Bad luck: When it rains it pours, what’s up with that holding call in the end zone? He got tacked in the end zone and should have been a safety. Prediction: 3-13, 1st pick in the draft, Donahoe is gone. I’m crying now.
  25. Cheney will have him for lunch. Cheney is very smooth and does not get rattled or emotional. Edwards is very animated, gets very emotional and moves around to much. This will be a classic for the books with a huge Cheney victory. Unfortunately, no one really cares or votes for the V.P.
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