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Everything posted by Nuncha

  1. I understand the constituion clearly - maybe YOU should try to undersand why dishonoring your country to raise awarness is unacceptable to alot of people.
  2. Don't dishonor the flag as a vehicle for your cause. There are other ways to make your point.
  3. LOL yea or like those candy things you can buy and stick into the frosting.
  4. WHy? I think my post was pretty self explanatory. Belicheck is still there and they have a solid Defense. D can carry a team a long way. Until they show they are average or below, I will assume they are a good team. They lost a 43 year old QB and people are ready to write them off. I'll believe they are average when it actually happens. The year they lost Brady for the season they went 11-5 with Matt Cassel....MATT CASSEL as the starting QB.
  5. Until they show they are not good, you have to assume they are. Billy B is still there and they have a solid D.
  6. Year of the music city miracle......we had a really good team and if we win that game I think we go to the super bowl. My expectations were really low when Rex was here. I knew we would suck.
  7. Where did I say we didn't deserve it? Is it too much to expect professionalism from the "GOAT"??
  8. COme on man...Brady laughed in our faces on the field. He "praised" us in front of the media to make it appear he was a true professional instead of a tard.
  9. He's Junior to this tool? No way he will work out playing here!! The week before Cox and the Dolphins visited Rich Stadium in September 1993, Cox told a Miami newspaper: “I don’t like the Buffalo Bills as a team, I don’t like them as people, I don’t like the city, and I don’t like their organization. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree...
  10. Dude...he had just over 200 yards in 2019. The original post are his career stats. lol We have to get the economy going and people moving again....this quarantine crap is messing with people....oh wait. Stuff like this is normal for this place. 2019 Regular Season 27 216 8 23 0 Career 110 1184 10.8 57 9
  11. Great example of a guy who was good in college and horrible in the NFL. He had 158 catches his senior year...he is 48 below that after 3 seasons in the NFL...ouch.
  12. If Rex Ryan were coaching he would sign Percy in a heartbeat.
  13. Yup he can't complete a deep pass.
  14. They actually wore those from 62-64. I agree they are bad.
  15. This was a sad attempt at the "retro" Bills helmet back in the early 90s when the league started doing them. Of course we had the red background back then and they didn't bother to change the background to white so they stuck a white standing buffalo logo on the red helmet. I remember thinking how bad/lame this looked back in the day. Other teams had exact retro replicas and we had this POS....I think they wore it for one game...maybe two at the most.
  16. See a lot of these alternate helmet designs lately. The red one here looks pretty good. Here is the source if you want to look at the other teams.... https://www.culturehook.com/artist-unveils-crazy-new-helmet-ideas-for-the-nfl/13?utm_medium=TAB&utm_source=TAB-DES-ALL&utm_campaign=TAB-NFLHelmets-T1-V1-D0-S0-DES-ALL-USA-4203254&utm_content=TAB-NFLHelmets-2890711677&utm_term=TAB-NFLHelmets-1047944-msn-defaulthomepage
  17. Yea Karlos - it was Doug Whaley's fault you weighed 1,000 lbs and had zero work ethic after your rookie season. It's Doug's fault you were doing drugs and flunked a drug test. Look in the mirror and you will see who to blame.
  18. Two first round picks for Samantha.
  19. ED OLIVER. Its as simple as that.
  20. Didn't he officially change his name to EJ Pains?
  21. Dan Manucci, Joe Dufek, Scott Norwood, TJ Graham. Maybe Diggs can break the curse, but I have a feeling he will be wearing 14.
  22. Look at the history of Bills who wore 11 and you will see why it is cursed.
  23. 11 is cursed. He should stay far away from that Bills jersey number.
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