Josh's Greed is part of what makes him Great. If he completed the deep passes nobody would have noticed or cared about the other the wide open receivers.
“A little I'm hurt, but not yet slain; “I'll just lie down and bleed awhile, “And then I'll rise and fight again.”
Perfect description of Buffalo, the Bills, and their fans.
If the hit on Johnson wasn't a penalty (and it should have been - as they are supposed to "care" about player safety) the disgusting celebratory dance by Hurst after he saw Johnson laying on the turf injured should have been unsportsmanlike conduct.
Hurst's head shot on Johnson could have been called a penalty and it was absolutely disgusting to see a "celebration" dance out of him after Johnson laid on the turf injured. Total douche bag.
Been saying it for weeks. The sloppy play will be huge against the top teams in the league. They have to find a way to tackle better and receivers have to stop dropping the football.
They haven't run the ball since McCoy left what makes you think they are going to start now? We haven't had a 100 yard rushing game by a running back in almost a year (1-2-22 vs Falcons).