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Everything posted by JOHNNYFAIRPLAY

  1. God I hope not...he's not a good quarterback and its not an improvement.
  2. I liked everything about this dude all year except for his unbelievable inconsistency. But he's raw, has the stature we needs, and if CG is the QB's genius he's touted to be, we should be ok with this guy.
  3. Wait...The Mens US Hockey team is playing at 6:00AM West Coast Time....9:00AM East Coast Time? That doesnt make sense.
  4. Total bust...mirror image of the organization for the past decade. I dont expect him to get any better or see much of him. I am surprisingly confident this organization will wash away this bad memory
  5. It was great....and I hate Scott Van Pelt
  6. John C....Dead on. That is the most dead on statement on this board this morning.
  7. I do, always liked him..he had all the raw tools needed to be a successful NFL starter...his future was destroyed by the Bills shoddy organization. I hope he does well...but the Raiders are just as bad of an organization as the Bills, so I dont have high hopes.
  8. I dont believe it because its extremely poorly written...but I guess thats what I can expect from BuffaloBills.com
  9. Alright EZC...get in your rig and begin your 1 hour ride home
  10. I thought I heard somewhere that was the case....I could very well be wrong...more of a question than a statement. Either way, Im all for paying taxes for a new stadium...I pay a ton in taxes now, and the roads in my town are like driving through Bahgdad. Its the only thing I really care about and my taxes dont do anything for it.
  11. Naaaaaah, just build a new stadium downtown. besides, arent we financing the new Giants/Jets stadium?.....Im pretty sure some of our tax dollars go to that.
  12. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Just blow-up that piece of crap already and build a new city downtown. I dont care where the money comes from, and since none of you are financing it either, you should not care!
  13. sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh as soon as I read this. Yes, RWS is utilitarian, which is basically my problem with it. I noticed you did not address my points to Miami and Tennessee. I can care less about tailgating and hanging with the likes of dirtbags like yourself. I like to party with my own crew before near a place cleaner than a SuperMax Shower Unit...ie, the parking lot. I go to games to watch football, and the more comfortable the better. Im not about the tailgate going on in the parking lot, Im about the game thats being played on the field, how comfortable my seat is whilst Im watching, how accessable and clean the concessions and bathrooms are, and how well posted information as to what else is going on around the league is. Partying "DirtBag Style" at a facility that was built exactly for that and promotes that type of behavior, has no draw for me. and PS, yes I've been to Candlestick, its not pretty, but it there's two things it does have over RWS, 1. I didnt feel like I should have been wearing an orange jumpsuit with NYSDOC on the back. and 2. It wasnt in the middle of a field with garbage housing and highway around it...yeah, OP is no prize (nobody's ever told those residents that). IM OUT
  14. Agreed. Clausen actually sucks. You will see. And why chase players anymore? Unless you see a real uniqueness I say draft where youre slated and mold.
  15. I made it all the way until roughly the end of February to say this............but this is the craziest S**T I've heard in 2010. Where do I start? 1. $200 for 50 yardline seats..is cheap. 2. RWS is not a treasure, nor is the Peace Bridge, or the other piece of garbage relics that have remained to stay constructed in the city of Buffalo....and frankly its people like yourself, and your mentality that are forcing, with all your might, out of Buffalo. Young fans with their money (who are basically responsible for the viability of the team, with some other variables) want to pay to go to an awesome stadium and root for their team. Not a place that is built like a maximum security correctional facility....which is essentially what that eyesore is. 3. The stadium is in Orchard Park.....its almost like when they built this stadium, they said "forget downtown, which has 25 different ways in and out of the city, and with all their restaurants, bars, and ability to offer other activities...lets put this thing far enough out there that its a complete nightmare to get to" The stadium is ugly, uncomfortable, plain, completely boring, but functional. Go to a game in a place like Miami, or Tennessee, when you get closer to the stadium, there are vendors with tons of games and parties and different things all set up for the fans.....get closer to RWS, and its a total crap hole, all you see is dumpsters and security. Its more of a penitentiary than a stadium.
  16. ok, welcome back.... can we get rid of this thread now?
  17. That would be sweet actually. I just doubt you'd see this. ...man the bills would never put a draft together like that.
  18. No, he doesnt. You're high.
  19. What is this statement based on? Some Reports dont cut it.
  20. yeah because when looking at where to put a new stadium, tailgating always comes up....dumb.
  21. Hahahaha look at this psycho's response!
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