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Posts posted by JOHNNYFAIRPLAY

  1. The prime example of whats wrong with professional sports, and why there may be no NFL next year.


    Guy just made 34 million dollars in 13 months and now he want to be traded. Shut up and do what you are asked and stop being a little sally about it.


    I think AH has serious mental issues...If I got 20Mil, I'd sow footballs if thats what they asked me to do.


    And he seems very very uninformed...wish i was his agent..I'd call him a fat dummy everyday..


    ring ring...AH "hello?"

    ME "hey you fat stupid tard, you want to see how fast you can blow 20 Mil?"


  2. :lol: ay yay yay! What's with this wobble fixation? Not every pass is a laser beam. I don't care if a pass makes loop-de-loops if the receiver catches it.




    The wobble throw is an indication to TE's mental state. Get TE in pads with someone coming at him (which is going to happen a ton with the garbage OL) and he's done.


    But picking up Thigpen?


    I just dont see us adding another QB, I think if anything, theyre going to see what happens this year with the staff they have...and work on QB next year.


    Everybody has to keep in mind the concept of rebuilding...they have no plans for post season play, its a long term (3-years down the road) goal.

  3. I just wish all of these idiots picking us as the worst team in the league this season we willing to bet on it. In fact, i can virtually guarantee we will not be any worse than last season. So, if they think that the Bills will be the worst team in the league at 6-10 (at worst), then so be it. But if they think we are going 0-16 or 1-15, these guys are even dumber than they are already considered.


    Talk about mailing in their job. These so-called "experts" are all idiots. Look, I am not sure how good we will be. I am not sure if we will make the Playoffs or if we will struggle again this season. But I GUARANTEE that we will not have the worst record in the league. I'd bet my house on it.


    Im willing to bet on it......and Im a fan.


    1. This team is rebuilding.

    2. They have an offensive line that has not gelled.

    3. They DO NOT have a franchise quarterback or even a proven winner. God help you if you're going to make the TE argument.

    4. New coaching staff.

    5. New defensive scheme.

    6. And maybe the most concerning especially regarding the future of the franchise, a meddling owner who is hell bent on running this business his way, which is based on outdated philosophy and is rapidly deteriorating the franchise from the interior.


    Tell me, of the other 31 teams in the NFL, which one exactly do you think have 6 points that match up to that?


    Thats what journalist are basing their "Ranking" on. Its got nothing to do with your pride. So look at it more objectively.

  4. High ankle sprains can be lingering. Takes about 5 weeks or so. Lucky it happened now instead of during training camp if there is a good side to this.


    Shouldnt have happened at all. It doesnt seem like the end of the world, but give me a break. It is so taxing being a fan of this team. This type of stuff happens to no other team.


    Makes me think I'll never see the Bills in the playoffs ever again, and I'm only 30. If I could walk away from this team I would without question.

  5. Lately I am enjoying an unfiltered wheat brew with a slice of citrus fruit. As my friend from Germany tells me; Heffeweissen is what Bavarian haus fraus drink.




    Heffeweissen is CRAZY GOOD. Prior to my relocation to south florida, I used to go to Ulrichs 1 or 2 times a month for a Heffe drought and potatoe pancake.


    I def recommend this.

  6. Just an observation on my part and I realize its just practice, but it seems to me TE is making an effort to stretch the field when ever possible. TE also seems to be communicating well with the players and getting a positive response in return.


    Wait until he's wearing a helmet and pads....he'll be checking down and getting his bell rung constantly...cant teach an old dog new tricks.

  7. I love the optimism, but this is far from realistic.

    The Bills will end up at 1-7 with KC as the only real chance for a victory.

    On the back 8 games the Bills will be lucky with 2 victories, ending up at 2-6, Detroit and Cleveland should be the victories, but Cleveland will be up in the air.

    Cleveland defeated Buffalo last time out, there is not enough significant movement with this team specifically concerning QB to dictate they can defeat Cleveland this time around.


    Total season record will end up at a minimum of 3-13 with an outside chance at 5-11.


    Totally agree here, but am skeptical about Cleveland and Detriot. Realistically:


    Expect: 1-15

    Wouldnt be surprised: 3-13

    Completely Shocked: 5-11


    We're rebuilding, and I believe this is realistic.

  8. lamely


    Main Entry: 1lame

    Pronunciation: \ˈlām\

    Function: adjective

    Inflected Form(s): lam·er; lam·est

    Etymology: Middle English, from Old English lama; akin to Old High German lam lame, Lithuanian limti to break down

    Date: before 12th century


    1 a : having a body part and especially a limb so disabled as to impair freedom of movement b : marked by stiffness and soreness <a lame shoulder>

    2 : lacking needful or desirable substance : weak, ineffectual <a lame excuse>

    3 slang : not being in the know : square

    4 a : inferior <a lame school> b : contemptible, nasty <lame racist jokes>


    — lame·ly adverb


    — lame·ness noun





    FYI, your signiture blows.

  9. I'm not because I see the whole picture. The Pass protection sucked because of all the guys on IR AND ****ty QB's. That is FACT.


    Another FACT, this OL put up the 16th best run offense and made a nobody a 1000 yard rusher.


    Some of you need to stop with the pure bull **** you are spewing because it is exactly that, bull ****. This team and its Lines are NOT anywhere near as bad as stupid fans and stupid media make them out to be.


    Better strength and conditioning, better coaching, better systems and hopefully better QB play (brohm or brown) and this team is going to make good strides this year.


    Agree with:


    Better strength and conditioning, better coaching, better systems.


    Disagree with:


    Everything else. 16th best is TERRIBLE. Freddie is somewhat talented, and did most, if not all of this on his own.


    This team and its lines are not as bad as the fans and media make them out to be...? You're kidding right? They're terrible, in fact they're so terrible, I dont see us winning more than 2 games.


    **Point is this, they're building a good foundation and in 3 years or so, they'll have a shot at playoffs. But keep your expectations at bay for now DarthIce. I fear you're wrapped up in excitement, and its clouding reality.



  10. -A 70+ yr old GM, who has never been a GM before, and was the only canidate interviewed for the job, and no one - no one - knows exactly how his draft boards have looked in the past. He is given a lot of credit as a great talent evaluater guy, but reality is we have no idea who he has and hasnt liked. He may not have even been in the draft room on draft day in SD - a lot of teams operate that way.


    - Our head coach is a guy no one wanted. He has been fired from every job he has ever had without much, if any, consistant success. Then, he brings in a RB coach to be OC from a team that couldnt run the ball, and 90% of his sh*tty staff at GT - a staff that couldnt get it done at the college level.


    For me its not what the organization is trying to do, its how they are going about doing it.


    I was starting to get a bit optimistic with the possibility of us acquiring Gaither....then I read what you posted here...and I am back to earth. God this is gonna suck.

  11. I don't any meaningful to back this other then a gut feeling and that not this year, but in the future this guy is gonna be the man. He just looks the part.


    Plus it's the off season I'm looking for things to be hopeful about, and this is my bold projection.


    Go Bills


    He will make the practice squad, and thats where he'll spend his career.

  12. Are the players stuck in some boring part of town?





    I hope they are in Kenmore. When I was a kid growing up in N. Bflo, they treated us like filth if we dared cross into the territory. The NFT bus company made you pay an extra 5 cents in and out, too.





    what the hell did you say here? I cant make any sense of it at all.

  13. I would go:


    1. DB's- Top 5 in the league

    2. RB's- If Spiller is half what he could be and Lynch sucks it up and accepts his role, we should be right there with the Cowboys

    3. DL- Really excited about our D-Line

    4. LB's- Shakey, but could be solid if Schobel returns. Maybin huge x-factor, obviously.

    5. TE's- Could be a sleeper position- more a question of learning how to use them than talent

    6. OL- Wood and Levitre should come into their own this year. Wood being 100% may be biggest x-factor on team. Calloway will make the team and provide excellent depth.

    7. WR's- Not confident, but extremely intrigued in seeing Hardy and Johnson play all the time. Good thing they didn't dress the second half of last year.

    8. QB- Not worth getting into.


    1. DB's - Top 15, not Top 5

    2. RB's - Rank somewhere between 15 - 25

    3. DL - Rank between 10 -15

    4. LB's - Rank between 25 - 32

    5. TE's - Rank between 30 - 32

    6. OL - Rank between 25 - 32

    7. WR - Rank between 25 - 32

    8. QB - Rank 32


    Rebuilding decade starting. I think this is accurate....thoughts?

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