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Everything posted by JOHNNYFAIRPLAY

  1. Yo Dean St. Augustine Beach sucks... ...and Hossage...gay jokes are funny +1 HAHAH
  2. What about Whaley? He has to be in tune with this signing right? Isnt there a positive in that?
  3. Because he's better than our starter (whoever it may be). and what has he done since being in the NFL...? The same thing everyone of our current roster QB's have done - Absolutely Nothing....but there's more upside with his mobility.
  4. There's probably a ton of good insight here...but you HAVE TO figure out how to organize these thoughts and articulate the informaiton.
  5. Well done. I agree with everything, except: 1. Black coach interview - I really dont think they interviewed Fewell because he was the interim head coach. 2. I dont think getting him potentially hurt, under that awful O-Line last year, was at all necessary seeing as though they're rebuilding. But well put, great theory
  6. War AlaskaDari & Tom Modrak riding a tandem bicycle!
  7. Exactlly...and where does Calvin Johnson rank on this list? If youre going to blame it on the team thats around him, this might be a little reality check.
  8. Did you see the declining cities here?: Detrioit Pitt Cleveland Buffalo Roch New Orleans (that one is understandable) Youngstown Flint Basically all of Ohio Every other place is growing really.
  9. No i honestly didnt know. Thanks.
  10. what does that mean? Also, what does it mean when people say "bump" in threads? Thanks for clearing up the confusion.
  11. Absolutely....50% of a QB's success and play is mental. JP got totally F'ed in Buffalo... And I cheat on my girlfriend all the time, ends the same way, she forgives and makes excuses for my actions. You're either too chicken to or too stupid to pull it off.
  12. What you're talking about is completely different than what I commented on. Cheer on your team, hard, soft, whatever....but stop trying to get anyone else involved in anything you're doing. That was what that jackass was referring to. I said he was standing up trying to rile up the crowd, etc.... People like me are there to watch the game live, not to talk to or interact with the other people there. Its idiots like this that skew my concentration on the game. While this $***head is trying to get some attention from the people in his section, I'm watching the sideline, substitutions, who's on the bike, etc. So I think you just read what I was saying wrong. Im just saying that idiot is a distraction, not cheering on your team.
  13. Honestly, I only expect 1 win...over KC. Anything above that, I think, is really a pipe dream. But the idea is to get the foundation in place over the next 3 years. So really any improvements will be seen as a positive. People who have even the faintest of thoughts of playoffs....you need to get the hell off the board and get checked into a mental institution.
  14. No, they didnt. I hate when tards like you do this. Go to the game, watch the game, cheer when appropriate, and get a clue man. Nobody is there to see you, its not about you. You're an idiot for thinking anyone around you was entertained by your selfish antics. Those were not cheers or smiles from those people, its was the look an sound of embarrasment and uncomortableness. $***head
  15. Definitely the new Bills theme.
  16. +1 That song is really sad. Like the Bills
  17. Yes. Its very close to walking into a supermax prison yard.
  18. she's not from Buff area is she? If so, she doesnt have a dad.
  19. Thats my uniform at the Sabres games Armchair!
  20. First, you're an idiot for the following reasons: 1. You went to an away game with your family (consisting of your wife and young daughter) 2. You bought tickets in the endzone....yeah yeah the will call mixed them up. 3. You were driving a minivan 4. You coated that minivan, in opposition colors....then drove to the stadium. I mean, what in the hell did you expect? Was it your first NFL game...or do you like in a tunnel in Kaisertown? Let me tell you something, NFL games are fueled by mob mentality in the worst way, its ABSOLUTELY NO place for women or children especially if you're not rolling 6-10 guys deep, and you're ready to kill...not fight, kill. You're either really really really really dumb, or just plain crazy. Either way, I think you got off easy.
  21. Not ever, but this season and next. Take a look at preseason games and let me know. $10 wager is fine.
  22. I agree with all of this.. But I would be willing to bet a years salary Levi never see's regular season action....think about it, play the odds on that bet. Im simply tired of hearing from dreamers that he's going to challenge a starting spot for this team...as horrific as they are. JMO
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