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Everything posted by JOHNNYFAIRPLAY

  1. OK, I really want to camp for the opener, the problem is that I dont have a camper. Does anyone have any Ideas? I would like to utilize this swee tent that I recently purchased. Is it a lost cause or does anyone have any ideas? P.S. damn that 4 hour rule that is supposed to prohibit drinking all day yet in turn has just forced binge drinking on fans due to lack of tailgate time.
  2. Yeah looking at it, Steve, you're in trouble. When I first lived there there was a hurricane that was a little ways north of Palm beach, it was actually closer to Vero Beach, but you could still feel the affects of it. Scary stuff. As for Danny, I presume his packed to the brim GMC Jimmy (which he will be paying for the rest of his life) and his hairy A$$ will be heading HOME. HAHA, thats the word from his brother chris.
  3. Jesus Clause you better get the hell out of there. Jet over to Naples or something. How is Daniel taking Hurricane Frances? I bet he's real scared.
  4. You did mediocre, at best, there were a lot of suspect picks by you which I was surprised (especially not picking Reimersma). Im sure that although we're not in the same division, I will see you at some point in the playoffs.
  5. Im with Fez, Aqua Teen Hunger Force is probably funnier, at the same time, I do love Family Guy
  6. its the rueble's fault
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