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Everything posted by JOHNNYFAIRPLAY

  1. PIZ - "Was he that little guy dressed like an Ewok?" That was funny as hell, kudos to PIZ
  2. I hear that Drew is afraid of being sacked by the Bye week. The Bye week has a great D-line. My money is on the Bills to lose against the Bye week. 0-3 going into NE.
  3. Its Definitely Houston, Definitely
  4. Hey NERDS, why dont all of you start your own message board where you can have all your intergalactic talk.
  5. yeah dude, eat a bag-o-dicks.......?
  6. So we abandon the run game completely? 1st and 10 pass 3rd and 1 PASS? ARE YOU FRIGGING KIDDING ME!
  8. I am so glad that ROCK pointed this out. I hate the Freaking wave. My interests at a Bills game are to watch whats happening on the field! I can give two stevestojans what everyone else in the crowd is doing. Im not sure who stated this on the first page of this thread, but you're right, some people have no reason to be at a Bills game. DO THE FREAKING WAVE FROM YOUR COUCH AT HOME WHEN YOU'RE PROBABLY NOT WATCHING A FOOTBALL GAME THAT YOU GOT FREE TICKETS TO. -OUT
  9. I hate to say Im right because i'm a pessimist, but I have been saying this about Lindell for 3 years now, we didnt know what we had in Christie until we let him go. For christ sakes, he spells ryan, r-i-a-n
  10. my bad, i read the wrong person.
  11. Yes, our D is very good, but in my opinion, not AS good as the Pats Offense. Why dont you start offering BJ's to everyone on this board who you agree with? There is two sides to a discussion, and this is a discussion board.
  12. Zona and RunTheDamnBall, so basically what you're doing is comparing our offense to the Colts offense? The defense had no hand in any of those turnovers? You fools obviously didnt watch that game at all. Either that or you're so oblivious to whats happening in a football game that you can not comprehend how a defense pinches (to cause turnovers) or how DB's Pull up and jam a run play as hard as they can to, not only stop the run, but pop the ball loose. Yeah, great take guys.
  13. Man USMC I hope you're right, but, I really believe that the Pats Defense played well, our offense is struggling. I think that Defense is going to have to win this game for us.
  14. Yeah, like i said before, I hate to say it, but Brady and the Pats are going to roll all over us. Its going to be a massacre
  15. do you have an IM name?
  16. Hell yeah, Tater is going to call me in the morning so I can take a walk down to where you guys are.
  17. I am honestly afraid to play the Pats, the way they looked last night, they're going to completely destroy a team like ours with no confidence. I honestly can not believe how freaking good they are again. Thats just my opinion.
  18. Hey Stalebird, why dont you drive to the west coast and watch it with James? Or go buy a generator for your house, you can rent them too i believe.
  19. I completely agree with pretty much everything being said. I do miss Brinson in the morning because at least he was amusing when he wasnt talking sports (which he did most of the time). Shoop and Bulldog, well they're just sad, they are completely negative, and I find myself constantly turning them off because I am annoyed with the whining they do. They are very annoying. I really miss 107.7 and hope something happens. WGR if you are reading this, get rid of your radio personalities. Nobody wants to hear about a lame ass bachelor party when their intent is to hear sporting news.
  20. Did he make the practice squad or was he axed?
  21. yeah thats what i was thinking, but i heard that the OPPD are not allowing lots in a certain proximity to allow tailgating? Also, does anyone know what happened to Rodney Trafford? #49 was on the practice squad last year and I dont know if he made it?
  22. Whats the deal? We want to get there around 7am and word is that no lots in the vacinity are allowed to be open until 9am. Does anyone know if this is true? If so, do any of you guys have a solution for me? MUCH THANKS TO THOSE WHO CAN HELP ME OUT
  23. The EZC says they welcome newbies, but then they dont call you because they're drunk. -JohnnyFairPlay
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