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Posts posted by JOHNNYFAIRPLAY

  1. 27?  I'm freaking 37 and still playing video games.  I only play madden and GTA, though.


    I even contemplated getting a custom Bills jersey with the name of my Madden Franchise-mode QB.  Would that be gay?  I don't me gay in a homosexual way, but gay in a "That's pretty gay, man" way.



    no that most certainly would not be gay. I love video games, they're a great hobby. And that would be cool. If I did that, the name on the back of my jersey would be "strongcock"

  2. This one is f-cking good. Lets just say it involves a woman. And fudgie getting the short end of the stick yet again....



    That already sounds good, in the chess game of life, he is lower than a pawn, he's that piece of velvet that a pawn sits on. Unbelieveable, why does he even try? If I was him I would just pack my shizzzznit and move to Colorado, WHERE ALL OF HIS PROBLEMS WILL BE SOLVED!

  3. You may not be far off with that Canada thing, cause 2 guys in my section had Leafs jerseys on, which I though odd.  Don't know who they rooted for cause one of them yelled "GO LEAFS GO"      :(



    Thats the funniest things Ive honestly read on this board in a while. Leave it to those second class Americans (canadians) to show up with total disregard for whats happeneing at the venue, and just get smashed. Oh man at the end of a long day, MarkyMann you really just made my Monday. Thanks

  4. He's not quiet, he's carefully planning your demise.


    Did you lock your doors? Have your buddy start your car before heading home tonight (maybe not a good buddy, maybe someone u hate).



    Yeah, thats a good idea.


    p.s. Nice avatar, what do you work for six flags?

  5. Thats cool, but I'm not sure I understand. Exactly what kind of business are you running?


    The kids must have been a fluke, a couple of stragglers walking by I guess.


    Business? I am a provider. I try to help people have a worry free, good time. A carefree release from the work week.

    Alot of restrooms, Security on the lot when you are at the game, all the garbage picked up while you are at the game so no broken glass on the ground when you leave.



    Gotcha, simple explanation...simiple understanding.

    Can I hang out at your lot next game?

  6. Too many kids would be hard for old folks like you. People who talk about themselves in the 3rd person are usually older twits with little tolerance for youngsters. One ran for President " Bob Dole eats blue pills and has a woody. "


    Case in point.



    Ok nerd, I've got an inkling that I'm most likely younger than you seeing as though Im not versed in "Bob Dole's Drug Use" based solely on the fact that I can give a Fu*$ about any politics (common trait found in Americas younger generation). Secondly, I was talking to Hammer and, yes, am too lazy to personal message him. So, go back to your Star Wars Trilogy dvd, have a coke and a smile brah 'cause i got no time for Mark XIIVX


  7. 8 restrooms for my customers use, more per parker than ANY other parking lot



    Hammer, I got nothing but love for you man....but this is just too funny. Bragging about the seating?


    You miss the point!! I take care of my customers. I see too many parking lot's with no restrooms. Instead of providing a basic human need I see The owners just put the $$$ in their pockets leaving you hanging!!!!!



    Thats cool, but I'm not sure I understand. Exactly what kind of business are you running?


    The kids must have been a fluke, a couple of stragglers walking by I guess.

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