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Everything posted by JOHNNYFAIRPLAY

  1. NO, ACTUALL HIS NAME WOULD BE TAWNEE STONE! laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate hahahaahahah
  2. no that most certainly would not be gay. I love video games, they're a great hobby. And that would be cool. If I did that, the name on the back of my jersey would be "strongcock"
  3. you know the area code, 689-0202 x13
  4. That already sounds good, in the chess game of life, he is lower than a pawn, he's that piece of velvet that a pawn sits on. Unbelieveable, why does he even try? If I was him I would just pack my shizzzznit and move to Colorado, WHERE ALL OF HIS PROBLEMS WILL BE SOLVED!
  5. You need to get IM back at work, I miss the stories like a mother stevestojan
  6. Yeah thats right up there on my list, call Danny who I havent spoken to since last January when out of Florida. I'll make sure I do that DUUUUUUDE LAAAAAAAAAATe
  7. Finally our first win. Yeah it is coming. Finally
  8. Thats the funniest things Ive honestly read on this board in a while. Leave it to those second class Americans (canadians) to show up with total disregard for whats happeneing at the venue, and just get smashed. Oh man at the end of a long day, MarkyMann you really just made my Monday. Thanks
  9. steve you're a pervert. And now that I've interjected with a pervert comment, this thread is pretty much dead. Kudos to me
  10. Yeah, thats a good idea. p.s. Nice avatar, what do you work for six flags?
  11. HAMMER, Can I hang out at your lot next game?
  12. Mark is awfully quiet. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings
  13. Gotcha, simple explanation...simiple understanding. Can I hang out at your lot next game?
  14. Ok nerd, I've got an inkling that I'm most likely younger than you seeing as though Im not versed in "Bob Dole's Drug Use" based solely on the fact that I can give a Fu*$ about any politics (common trait found in Americas younger generation). Secondly, I was talking to Hammer and, yes, am too lazy to personal message him. So, go back to your Star Wars Trilogy dvd, have a coke and a smile brah 'cause i got no time for Mark XIIVX laaaaaaaaate
  15. Thats cool, but I'm not sure I understand. Exactly what kind of business are you running? The kids must have been a fluke, a couple of stragglers walking by I guess.
  16. How about thumbzilla produced by greenguy
  17. yeah you're probably right. What is your avatar?
  18. I just recently watch Al-four-A Great Flick
  19. Sounds like this is the beginning to the end of his stint in the area. Just my opinion, but if he does have "other endevors" it doesnt sit right with me as the owner of the Sabres is looking to make major life changes at 62. ' Anyone else see it that way?
  20. " Bird watching? Ahhh... that's funnier than you even realize! " HAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH
  21. Nothing really, I just finally stumbled on to it, didnt know where it was before. I'll save my family fun for the other six days a week that dont involve football. And Paco's a retard but that was kind of funny
  22. Im def with R. Rich on this one, we can not write off any team or game as being "in the bag." Good job pointing that out Rich.
  23. and was not impressed, looked like there were kids everywhere. Not Johnnyfairplay's scene
  24. yeah Clause? Is that what you were really going to ask "'em" duuuuuuude?????
  25. Oh jeez EZC, go back to grading papers and taking lines of kids to the shitters. He throws hard to show his strength.
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