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Posts posted by JOHNNYFAIRPLAY

  1. Most of you already know this but the Colts have stated that they have no concern in winning this game. I Believe that the only chance we have is St. Louis and their semi-retarded coach Martz. SAY YOUR PRAYERS..

    p.s. The Bills have to win too

  2. I have been planning on going to this game for the last couple of weeks, but due to finances and my buddy deciding he couldn't go, I backed down from it.


    Now, 18 hours before kickoff, I'm really thinking about it again.


    What do you guys think?  I'm really on the fence and could probably be convinced to make the trip pretty easily.  :(  If I'm going, I should get to bed soon, as I'd be leaving around 4am for Orchard Park.


    The big plus is that I'm guessing it would be easier for me to scalp 1 ticket by myself than to get two or more.



    Where are you coming from..? and yes you should go

  3. Time to show some class people.  If it wasn't for Mr. Wilson, "Buffalo Football" would mean an afternoon in Amherst watching the Bulls get pounded again and again by SW Michigan Parlegal Technical University.  Mr. Wilson and his daughter deserve our thanks for not selling out.  Bills fans are better than this and you are dragging down with posts like this.


    It is your right to post stuff like this, but it certainly isn't your obligation.


    you're right, and I'm sorry

  4. Does any of this remind you of the Buffalo Braves?  They gutted a good franchise so they could argue lack of fan support to move them to San Diego.  "Genius" Donahoe must be working for L.A. interests.  The guy can't be that stupid.


    By the way...you don't score points with people calling their daughters a bee-yotch.




    You are 100% right. I just love the Bills so much that it really hurts to watch this weekend and hope a move is not in our future. Ralph is heatbroken = So are the rest of us. I just want a winning season for US all.

  5. Thats funny steve...It takes me the same amount of time to get to work and I work 52 miles away...haha....btw, could you imagine being behind this old geezer when this happened?



    Thats Funny, If I drove 52 miles to work everyday, I would probably look for another job. So Joe, why dont you get job at LS like everyone else?

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