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Everything posted by RU5781

  1. She dumped me years ago!
  2. T-minus 4 hours and counting!
  3. University of Buffalo. Isn't that on the same level as a community college?
  4. And somewhere, NavyBillsFan is weeping into his Hulk Hogan wrestling buddy.
  5. I enjoy the "Iron Mike." It's 151, Wild Turkey, and Tequila.
  6. Congrats! You need to come out and get her to her first Rutgers football game (she might as well like a winner, unlike Illinois)!
  7. I read that Jenna Jameson wants SJ to play her in her upcoming movie. We can only hope.
  8. How did I get brought into this! Incidentally, this is no lie. I had a dream that you Scott moved across the street from me, and was educating me on the finer points of DirecTV.
  9. Don't believe Georg...I remember him causing problems at some point.
  10. "I just wanted to be a big brother to her." "Mmmm-hmmm. Is that what you mean when you say you want to blank her in the blank with your blank?"
  11. Wahhhhh! Wahhhh! Give me a break...Illegal hockey?
  12. Peters is so much bigger than Janssen, he SHOULD have been able to kick the crap out of him. Janssen caught him with a nice hook to the face, and Peters just kind of went limp after that.
  13. They will see each other in the Eastern Conference Championship... Few points: -Was it just me, or did Peters totally give up in his fight with Jannsen (the Devs announcers made that statement too)? -The Devs seem to have the Sabres number!!
  14. We just found Detoxsmurf's new hero...
  15. Leonard won't be there in the third. He is guaranteed to be taken in the second, possibly first.
  16. I forgot Nebraska and New Hampshire...
  17. I worked with severely mentally ill adults (schizophrenia and such).
  18. $2.35 in the Somerset/New Brunswick area of NJ.
  19. Don't the two teams play again in a few weeks up in Toronto? That is going to be one physical game!
  20. OK, after seeing the replay, I agree. It was late.
  21. I admit I didn't see the direct hit, but it didn't appear to be that late. I easily could be wrong. We were kind of chuckling that the Leafs didn't respond. I turned to the guy sitting next to me and said "crap, the Devs are about to get their asses handed to them." If I were a Leafs fan I would be embarassed that the team didn't respond.
  22. I was at the game last night. The hit WAS clean, perhaps a TAD late but clean. And i say this as a non-Leafs hating fan (the fiancee is a die hard Leafs fan). I like Kaberle, and I wish it was anyone but him. He's my favorite player on the Leafs.
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