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Everything posted by RU5781

  1. Haha. It's nothing too exciting. I work with the sites, the CRA's, and data.
  2. Gabapentin is Neurontin, Pregabalin is Lyrica. Lyrica frightens me more than Neurontin. Lyrica can cause significant weight gain, and could be a B word for diabetes. Also, it is addictive. Neurontin has been around much longer, but eventually you become tolerant to it. Fentanyl is good, but STRONG! Has he tried Lidoderm for specific site pain? The FDA is dragging its heels on Acomplia, and I'm not quite sure why (the data doesn't support the holdback). I believe Merck and Pfizer are also working on something very very similar. It's going to be an entire new class of drugs, and they think they have only scartched the surface (I'm sure Coli, NG, and Mr. Info know a lot more on this than me).
  3. There is a drug from Sanofi-Aventis awaiting approval called Acomplia (it probably won't be marketed under that name). They are expecting sales to be around 12 BILLION in its first year. The drug deals with the endo-cabbinoid (sp?) section of the brain (the first of its kind). It was originally developed to help people stop smoking marijuana. What they found out was, it stops addiction (alcohol, food, drugs, smoking), lowers your blood pressure, lowers your cholesterol, and raises your good cholesterol. Practically everyone is going to jump on this drug (myself probably included). Sanofi better hope and pray that there are no serious events associated with this drug, or they're done. The only documented side ffects are it could cause/increase depression, and could raise anxiety is a small portion of people. Disclaimer: I don't work for Sanofi-Aventis. I read about this is Reader's Digest a few years ago (when it was being developed) and have follwed it ever since.
  4. Check your PM.
  5. Morrissey is one of the greats of our time. I saw him a few years ago in Philly, and he's playing at The Mann Center in Philly in June.
  6. Haha, there is no skewing whatsoever. The FDA watches like a hawk, and if they suspect ANYTHING fishy went on (anything, to the point if they even suspected we randomized the patients incorrectly), the fines are astronomical.
  7. I work in LSDS (Late Stage Development Services) dealing with Phases III and IV of the Clinical trial.
  8. Zelnorm was approved in July of 2002. It had gone through Clinical Trials before that, so you're talking at least 7-8 years of data on the drug.
  9. I've always wanted to go there Pete. How is it?
  10. I don't have a link (I'm sure it's all over the internet) put today the FDA put pressure on Novartis to recall Zelnorm. They found that the drug causes a higher incidence of stroke and heart attacks, and can also lead to heart valve problems. I work for a drug company and this was all over today.
  11. Marty played a crappy game. Big deal. I'd take him over Miller in a big game any day of the week.
  12. Who's crying Jimmy? We all know come playoff time, the Sabres CHOKE!
  13. Wahhhhhhhhhhh!!
  14. My father needs to take a spelling class.
  15. I saw it yesterday. I thought it was great as well.
  16. Hey, don't lump me in with our NJSue wannabe. Anyway, thank you for all of your warm wishes. The ceremony was beautiful, and the reception was so much fun.
  17. Haha, we're not going on our official honeymoon until December (she just started teaching college, and wasn't allowed to cancel class for more than two days. Plus, I start a new job on monday, soooo...) We've been banging since like the second week in our relationship, so it's not like it's a "new" thing.
  18. It's just a sample. Once you submit you rpics, it's voted on, and you get accepted, then everything changes. I have a friend who is on there.
  19. I really thought Cammy won the fight (mainly because Belak didn't want to fight anymore and gave up). Thanks for the nice wishes! Do you live in Toronto (my wife used to live there and had seasons for the Leafs)? I want to make it up there at some point and see a game.
  20. Considering Bleak is like 5 inches and 50 pounds heavier than Janssen, he got his ass whipped! Belak wanted out at the end! Go Cammy!
  21. I agree. Boon, you're not going to win. When your past gets brought up, which it will, you'll look like a bitter, vindictive 19 year old. You can then be sued for defamation of character. I love today's youth.
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