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Posts posted by RU5781

  1. I bought one today. Anyone own one or know how to play?

    I love the sound, and I totally dig cultural instruments. I can play the sax, piano, and bagpipes. I'm going to now learn the didge, and in the future I want to learn how to play the accordian (I know I'm a nerd), and the harp.

  2. I like the sounds of Brian Leonard (Rutgers), Daymeion Hughes, and USC center Ryan Kalil. Leonard could go no earlier than second or third round and could give the Bills a real big runner with some good lead blocking. A good FB with various uses could be a nice add. Hughes might be the best CB. We might need him if our young guys don't come along as planned and we can't resign/sign a CB in free agency. I like Kalil because USC players have a good rep as pros and we have the room to take a center for the futue.


    I would love if the Bills drafted Leonard. I've met him, and is such a good guy.

    He is a perfect example of a team player (turned down the NFL last year to come back to RU this year, because he wanted to help RU win its first bowl game). Very unselfish, and the guy can flat out block.

  3. nahhhh, cant be ed. there just happens to be another poster who loves rutgers and goes out fo his way to trash texas and FSU, and calles me and bluefire out by our names.


    Show me a post where I trashed Texas and called you and Blue out by your names.

  4. I only caught the stuff that happened near the end. The 16 year old kid who thought it'd be a good idea to juggle while he "sang" (or whatever the hell that was) was the highlight for me. He absolutely could not have sucked any more. And then he comes out of the room swearing at everyone and crying.


    The best was when his mom tried to console him:

    "Honey, it's OK, you're only 16 years old..."

    "I know, but I wanted to start out famous! WAAAAAAH!"


    I can't believe no one ever mentioned to this kid that 16 year olds with greasy hair and acne don't "start out" famous. Oh, and also this particular kid will never be famous unless he becomes a serial killer. He sucks.




  5. Has anyone here heard of him or seen him play?


    His mother works at the same place as me, and she says he is getting calls from agents? I was hoping that some of you Ct. people mightknow something about him.


    This site lists him at the bottom of DT prospects, but at least he made the list.

    He sure is big enough. :cry:


    I think UConn had one of the worst run defenses in CF, if I'm not mistaken. Teams ran all over them.

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