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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. How? It's not a bone....er...is it?
  2. Ooooh - lots of options now. Thanks everyone for your help.
  3. I've always liked the idea of rebuilding the towers. Kind of like a "Take THAT you &*%^(* attitude to those who attacked us. Not sure I'm happy that Trump would do it though.
  4. Wow - you are bored. No.
  5. Except when the Bills play there.
  6. That's OK T. I'm not a woman - I'm a grandmother.
  7. The Library is a great alternative (thanks Carmel Corn), but I'm afraid getting these tickets online will be subject to a lot of delays etc., and Libraries usually have a time limit. Thesir? Kind sir, this a great offer and I would definitely drive to Amherst. If nothing closer is offered - I'll PM you.
  8. I will be in Buff for the weekend of June 4 to go to the festivities at the Ralph. Tickets for the Bills/Packers scrimmage game go on sale at 10am on June 4th and we all know those things will sell out probably the same day. I want to buy at least 2 because I am trying to go to it. That Saturday AM I will be near Ridge Road and 90. I don't have lap top. Is there anyone will let me come to their house and get online so I can purchase these tickets? Or Can anyone tell me where I can get computer/internet access so I can do it? The girlfriend I'm staying with has internet but her PC is on the blink. HELP.
  9. The center seat on a plane
  10. The best Bills Bar I found in Vegas was a bar called "The Stake Out". Great wings. But that was 3 years ago.
  11. OK - I'm not condoning what these kids did and they deserve punishment. But as the mother of two (sometimes totally stupid) boys who finally made it through puberty, I'll bet they (with their Ferris Bueller attitude) thought it would be fun to reach over and light the plastic bag and watch it melt. I'll also bet they had no idea of the result. At least I'd like to think that they didn't have an objective to set the guy and his chair on fire.
  12. Are they available as portables? We could have one at the opener for those who are so full of it.
  13. For any who followed the Bachelor on ABC, the winner (Sara B.) was the delivery nurse at the birth of my 1st grandchild last year. You can click on my name up above my sig line. There is a photo in my profile. It's amazing sometimes how small this world can be.
  14. I read it...but I'm not a wife...so I'm safe. This is amazing.
  15. Your daughter must either be very important or very good looking to get that kind of tour. Good for her!
  16. That's funny. Yep - I actually had to request a clip from NFL films of the 4 guys dressed as nuns. It took two years to get it. There was a quick span that showed my twin daughters sitting next to the nuns. My daughter still has the clip to "prove" that we didn't leave. Did I say sitting? Nope, by that time we were standing, yelling, and crying with sheer joy.
  17. Diane (Aussiew) One car - general is OK. Will be there early and willing to help set up.
  18. Oh come on Mike. Come to the Ralph and see it in person.
  19. He may be a horrible human being.
  20. Didn't you get yours in this group Rich?
  21. You really don't think the guys out on that track will let her win, do you?
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