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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. Oh - shame on you #89.
  2. You were there? Wasn't it almost surreal? The air was so heavy. Our breath was frozen, tears frozen etc. I can't remember anything about the game other than we won it.
  3. Well....I'm in no mood to think about being some Chinaman's B word.
  4. Dream on guys. She could be a TDF (typical Dallas female). And if you don't know what that is...just move to Dallas for a while (but bring lots of $$$).
  5. You guys must be having a tough week. Take a good look at her. A tough, "two many late nights" kind of face. Flabby chest....
  6. You've been given some excellent advice on this board, Jeff. Good luck in your new job.
  7. One out of four. You're getting warm!
  8. Not really. They gave us Miss Liberty. But it does embarrass me that 95% of Americans don't even know who our strongest ally is....
  9. You're kidding, right? What about when the cowboys are playing the late game? After the Bills game, wings and beer, that big comfy couch is the best and Madden's voice just lulls me to sleep.
  10. Hmmmmm. She is a perfect example of that old saying..."Ridden hard, put away wet".
  11. Yeah - what JSP said.
  12. Never fear Mead107...someone is listening to you!
  13. Now I'm really glad I took that 3 years of French. Merci bien mon cheri.
  14. Figured you did. I was referring to the "good old boy" network of favors given and returned.
  15. Withdrawal symptoms Deb??
  16. You're such a giving guy Guff!!
  17. Wow - this is probably a breakthrough for a lot of guys. Not sure if 40 seconds is quite enough though.
  18. Yum - I wonder which one he ordered? I'll bet Rock is still stuck in traffic.
  19. Additionally, she's from the Hearst Castle, Newspaper Hearst family. Need I say more?
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