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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. And not one of you buggers risked that humidity to come out and say hello. Poor Aussie was crushed. I had to drown my sorrows in the parking lot with Ken, Scott, and some wild Canadian boys.
  2. Happy Birthday BIB's Ghost!
  3. No fried bologna for me. But I did get a quick "unofficial" bowling ball shot in the parking lot. Yes, of course Pinto Ken was there!!
  4. Losman. It was amazing to see so many people coming out of the stadium immediately after the unveiling with their new jerseys on.
  5. Those 4 VIP tix would have been great . So I sat down in the stands with the poor people and the humidity while some fellow wallers sat in the air conditioned comfort of the Paul Maguire Club But it was great to be under all that blue and white ticker tape when the new jerseys were presented.
  6. Not even that. They didn't have a dance routine prepared for those two songs - they just did one or two repetitive movements.
  7. He was pretty good. Only a few songs though. The Jills came out and gyrated along to two songs so it took the attention away from the band
  8. That's an urge for fish.....not beef.
  9. Jay: I've negotiated an $8 for 24 hours special rate at the Holiday Inn. But frankly, I don't think a car is worth it. You can catch an airport shuttle (or cab) from the airport and everything in town is reachable by the Canal Street trolly, hotel shuttles or a short cab ride.
  10. My digital isn't working. So I have to do it the old fashioned way. Then I'll scan them in and e-mail .jpgs to whoever asks for them.
  11. I'm flying to Buffalo in the morning. I WANT a fish fry tomorrow night. I'll be staying right near the stadium. Can anyone help me satisfy my urge?
  12. Hey Rock: Can you translate the Latin for me? It's been way too many years since I took it in high school.
  13. We're not like other boards Welcome to the wall.
  14. Excellent advice. I would have gladly taken less money for a job to have every holiday and summers off to spend time with my kids when they were growing up.
  15. Funny how you get older and I don't. Have a wonderful day.
  16. And the Comeback game replay tomorrow night is being hosted by none other than #89 (the "real" one). Oh Cindy - you're gonna miss your boy! I'll take lots of pics.
  17. Will we see you at the Saints game??
  18. Welcome aboard.
  19. We'll also be with you in spirit.
  20. Wouldn't miss it for the world. Friday, September 9th. Etched in stone.
  21. So now that you've seen the links to the yellow dress - anyone see any underwear lines?
  22. Gotta love those Cajuns! And he's an original! Not a transplant.
  23. Nope. 4 Super Bowls, the Comeback game and the Music City Miracle = 6
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