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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. I'd like my JP dreams to come true as well
  2. That was the bet - but I'll share So here's the clincher. Did the French Government arrange with the Allies to have Patton leave the area so that De Gaulle could lead the troops in the Victory parade? My beau says that the French wanted to take the credit for driving the Germans out and that's why they didn't want an American (Patton) leading the parade.
  3. I loved the Saturday night get together and have no suggestions for improvement except that name tags would be a big help. (I'll bring them). The only negative I saw at the tailgate was that it was difficult for out of towners to cook since they couldn't bring grills. And I didn't know about the raffle. I saw some Bills stuff laying out on the table under the tent, but thought it belonged to people. Seems like we have taken care of the raffle situation with Baby Rock. (I can bring name tags for the tailgate as well)
  4. Hmmmm. Interesting. So do we now believe that the French Resistance actually liberated Paris? And not the Allied troops?
  5. I'm sure he would have seen it as an outright gift. Because in their culture, someone of Kraft's stature "showing off" something like that would be considered classless, bad taste.
  6. Happy Birthday!!!
  7. No new song please. It could turn into some kind of a contest to be judged by some 25 year old recent marketing graduates from inside the Bills organization and will probably end up sounding like the Dolfags song.
  8. That only happens when she's around Tasker.
  9. OK - I can't seem to find this on google and it's not homework! Just a fellow Bills fan with a failing memory. I got into a debate with my beau last night regarding the liberation of Paris. He says that Patton was supposed to lead the allied troops through Paris for the victory celebration, but the French President (?) insisted that the allied troops gather outside the City and he would lead the convoy in order to save face. I didn't think that Patton was even near Paris at that time, that he was still in Germany! Does anyone know the "real" story? There's a home cooked meal, a free lawn cutting and a back rub involved in this bet.
  10. They may come from a country where there is little or no tipping.
  11. Great idea. Now, they add a lot of salt and sugar to baby food (get them hooked early). WTF? Why are we allowing this to be done to kids?
  12. It amazes me that some people still fall for this stuff.
  13. It's not just your members, it's the number that actually goes to bb.com and registers.
  14. It's been many years since I've been a little league Mom. But as I recall, back then, teams were assembled randomly so that each team could end up with many good players, many poor players, or a healthy combination of both. Everyone played. However, I'm hearing now that recreational leagues not affiliated with Little League can make their own rules, including a coach's right to build his own team with whoever he wants, provided he sticks to the age limits. This way, a coach that has been in the system for a few years and watching the good players, can "create" a winning team and basically ensure them a championship. Is this true?
  15. 99 down here!
  16. Go back further in your history VA. You'll find out why the Brits had to stop sending all their convicts to America.
  17. That's not as bad as the "stay at home" mom who takes her tribe of screaming brats to the grocery store between noon and 1pm. Right when I'm trying to run in and get a couple of items during lunch break.
  18. "the" Wegmans? Did you drive on "the" 190?
  19. Player: Bryan Cox Coach: Jimmy Johnson Owner: Jerry Jones. And I'll take this opportunity to say "I hate the fuggin" Cowboys"
  20. Come on back when you prefer post-menopause.
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