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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. I think I love you for these words Cincy (with apologies to Mrs. Cincy)
  2. God I must be getting old. Why do you need to play a joke on a first time camper?
  3. The phone # and email addy may be fake. So call on the 2nd day (yes, we women all know about the 72 hour rule) to make sure the phone # is real. If it is - it's a clue she's trying to get out of her current relationship. Then proceed slowly and make sure she's broken up with the other one before you go beyond 2nd base
  4. Hank was before my time of football fandom. However, I learned something new during the announcement this morning. There was a team called the Dallas Texans, who moved to Kansas and became the Chiefs.
  5. Boxing Day is the day after Christmas. I'm not sure how old it is but it goes way back. It was the day the "Gentry" or Lords of the Manor would put their leftover food from the Christmas meal into boxes and give it out to the starving peasants who came to the kitchen door. Not sure when it actually became a holiday. Don't have time to Google right now.
  6. Or a bullhorn? Might be less complicated.
  7. Now you're talkin'.
  8. Or just burn the darned thing.
  9. My 4 votes (4 people) are for the limited menu. A whole buffet would be wasted on them because they just drink a bunch of beer and get an order of wings.
  10. You could try Sherkston Shores but it may be pricey.
  11. It's a good central location for everything you intend to do during your visit. I've stayed in them in other states, but not NY. I'm sure it will be great.
  12. Would we have to do the buffet to participate? Or could there be some kind of sticker or ticket for those paying for the buffet. And others could order from the menu.
  13. Aaaaaah Nick. You've been away too long. You've forgotton how "dry" R. Rich's wit can be.
  14. Kind of like an Aussie suicide.
  15. Hey - isn't "dork" a whale penis?
  16. The guy must be a politician. He wrote 7 paragraphs and didn't answer your question.
  17. 114 posts in over 2 years? You're gonna' have to get a real job like us! Happy Birthday
  18. You're the best Lori - thank you for such a detailed report.
  19. If this is the show that talks about Buffalo going back to the turn of the century - it's a GREAT show and well worth watching.
  20. Thanks guys - looks like with your help and assorted reference material, I might just win my home cooked meal, freshly cut lawn and back rub after all. I owe you one.
  21. Don't forget the beer drinking, hugging, picture taking and verbal replays of the "glory years".
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