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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. Au contraire mon cherie! I'm at Home Depot at least once a week and I'm definitely not seeking other single women. The problem is that things in my house, yard, pool etc. need fixing and I can't afford to constantly hire people to do it. For some reason, the men I date aren't "handy" (they're also the kind who just make it worse). I go there so often, the staff even greet me when I go in.
  2. But it only works for "older" single guys, the generation that does their own repairs. Most younger single men tend to pay someone to fix their stuff.
  3. The retired friends I've met who seem to say their choice was the best are those who actually sold their home and all their junk and purchased two small trailers. They put one in the north (like near the Lakes) and one in the south (Florida or Big Bend, TX area). There are many very nice trailer communities for adults. They would purchase a little used "runaround" car for each location and each Spring and Fall, they would switch around - spending their winters in the south and their summers in the north. Another one is to purchase a Motor Home and take turns visiting your kids and staying in their driveway! It's great revenge!
  4. God loves you Chris....and so do we. Stay strong and positive.
  5. Lowes or Home Depot isn't bad for meeting single guys..
  6. Right now? Half a glass of Aussie Merlot.
  7. An old saying: "Don't go fishing without the right bait". Red boots work for a women like a muscle car works for a guy.
  8. And the "peaceful Irish" in the USA didn't speak out against the terrorism, did they?
  9. It's called Summer near Niagara Falls. I'll bet most of the rooms are filled with out-of-state and out-of-country tourists.
  10. Since last night around 8:00pm....yes, I'm officially available. But we have to ride in my car...
  11. Go OZZIE Go!!! Have a cuppa for me too, love!
  12. What could be more important?
  13. No diagnosis yet? Sounds like a bad case of Strep. Listen to #89 - she's right. Lots of prayers.
  14. "Losman will get the benefit of working in front of more than 60,000 fans on Family Night, which is August 5 at Lambeau Field. Traditionally, the event has consisted of an intrasquad scrimmage or regular practice, but with the Bills in town, the two teams will be able to measure themselves against an opponent in a gamelike setting. " Correction - 59,996 Packers fans and 4 Bills fans.
  15. And he looks just like his Dad!!
  16. Yep - you're so right. I just wanted to give him every chance. But now that I've taken the time to put this issue in writing and read the responses from men, it has become so much clearer and I know what I have to do. I've probably known for a while, but kept putting it off because of his other great qualities and the hope that he may admit his demons and ask for help. Damn.....I'll have to drag those red boots out of the closet and go hunting again.
  17. He drives because he knows I won't let him ride in my car with a drink. And also because he feels that the man should do the driving, open the doors, etc.
  18. Serious questions - and I need some answers from a men's perspective please. My women's intuition tells me that my beau is an alcholic. He admits to at least three whiskys every evening. But sometimes sounds a little slurred on the phone around 9:30pm. On the weekends he smells of whisky when he comes over in the afternoon and will drink at least another 3. If we go out- he pours himself a "roadie" and drinks it in the car which I hate but if I say anything about it I'm "nagging". I've not seen him stumble or "sound" drunk, but after the 3rd or 4th drink he gets very emotional (I love you, you're the best, etc. etc.). I've tried to talk about this situation because I'm concerned about what will happen as the relationship goes on. I really like this guy's personality and we get along really well - but this issue sets off little warning bells in my head. He firmly insists that I'm over reacting and he just "likes a few drinks". I like a few drinks too, but not every day! He's also on blood pressure and "stress" medication. Isn't that a vicious combination? The few times he's stayed over, I've detected some shaking in the AM. In those cases, he has left to go and "run errands". No one is perfect and when we go into relationships, there will always be a few negatives - especially as we become older, wiser, and more cautious. But am I over reacting?
  19. I'm waiting for FAT - I need advice.
  20. Gotta love those Brits! They really "get 'er done".
  21. Damn.....us few Hippies are surrounded. It's a cruel world out there.
  22. Sound to me like copy cats. Bastages.
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