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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. Sounds like some of the women here in the local Dallas singles bars. She justs needs big, glittering, "star" earrings and fake cleavage.
  2. So glad you're feeling better. Must have been one of those strange, fast moving virusus that tend to move on before medical science can identify it.
  3. I cannot tell a lie.....
  4. Sounds strange to me. I thing he just forgot to zip up afterwards. It's out of character for them to expose anyplace where they can't get away.
  5. Be careful. If you're not planning on re-selling soon, a lower appraisal can be your friend. Unless it affects your new mortgage loan. I refinanced two years ago and was all excited about my high appraisal (extra equity etc.) then I got my new property tax bill and homeowners insurance rates After all was done, I ended up only saving only $40 a month on my payments from re-financing.
  6. Nah...I'm more of a movie person.
  7. You're right. And your brevity is appreciated.
  8. Damn - they're not playing in Dallas this year.
  9. Please check it out.
  10. Watch them for me too (especially from behind) . And I'll watch them next weekend in Green Bay. Have a wonderful time - I'll miss you all.
  11. You could take them over to the Pinto to see the ketchup and mustard throwing! Little kids seem to really enjoy that. Just keep them away from the bowling ball.
  12. I think it may be a weapon, not a gun.
  13. My son did that too. Got married at Sandles in Jamaica because the "wedding" would be free!!! Of course it's free in an all inclusive resort. And they were planning on taking their honeymoon there anyway. What a load of crap. We tried for months to talk them out of it but they wouldn't budge. Everyone who went had to pay around $2k each for air and hotel. I had to pay for myself and two of my kids to go because they didn't have any money and didn't want to miss their brother's wedding. My married daughter couldn't go because her husband didn't want to spend the money. It was hearbreaking. So us being there was their wedding gift. I threw $5,500 on my Visa card to spend five days in Jamaica with my grown children (how romantic ) Just tell your friend that you really can't afford it and give them a nice wedding gift when you go over to see the video after they return. If you need to choose, a vacation with your wife would be a much better investment long term.
  14. Even turkey bologna with Cleveland Stadium mustard
  15. LOL - perhaps. But in another 20 years you won't say that.
  16. I re-play that movie every Christmas. Love it.
  17. Would she really qualify as a MILF? If so, then I should qualify as a GILF.
  18. (singing) "If I had a hammer"......
  19. Having raised kids as a struggling single working mom and a homeowner, I was forced to learn a lot of stuff and do it on my own. So now I'm almost an expert on most home repairs except for electrical wiring. But men can often find that somewhat "threatening". OK so here's a question to all the "fixit" guys out there who pretend they know how it's done. How does a women offer help to the guy (because she already knows how it's done) without destroying his delicate ego?
  20. 78 degrees at 8:00am. Will be a 100 today.
  21. Y'all better look for me in the stands. I'll be one of the 6 people there in Bills colors.
  22. This showed what that team was all about. I couldn't have been more proud.
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