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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. Nope - it's for large vinyl banners. But when you blow up some of the little low res images they get all pixley.
  2. Hi everyone. I'm having trouble finding the charging buffalo in high res - the online images seem to be all low res or I have to pay. I need it for two 10' banners I'm having made for the Bills tailgates in Dallas next Sunday and I'm trying to save some $$. If you can help me, please send the logo to me at info@dfwbillsbackers.org or send me a PM with instructions on how to find it. Thank you. Now I can get ready to watch us beat the New Jersey Jests. Diane
  3. Thanks Mead. My afternoon tea is now in my keyboard. Funniest line I've seen in a while... Go Rangers.
  4. Hurry up Rangers....I'm getting sleepy. It actually feels weird - rooting for a Dallas team. But at least Jerry Jones isn't anywhere around. Go Rangers
  5. Suggest you replay the all the games where TO would catch the ball if it was aimed right for the numbers. If he had to dive for it - it went right by him. He didn't impress me at all.
  6. He might have behaved himself...but have some of you forgotton how many drops he had? Or how many times he wouldn't move to catch the ball if it wasn't right on target? I'd still rather depend on the hungry "no names" than the rich prima donna.
  7. Best post of the week IMHO.
  8. At the stadium cafe in Addison, TX (the Dallas Bills bar). Once in a while I make the treck over to Ft. Worth to an authentic Buffalo bar (Buffalo Bros - our Ft. Worth Bills bar) when I need a "wing" or "beef on weck" fix. GO BILLS
  9. This game isn't sold out yet. Tix are still available. We're ready for you Plenz! Party plans in place. Still rooms available at the "Bills" hotels. Look at the tailgate thread for details. Aussie Diane
  10. Any time sweetie. And please bring your American girlfriend too!!
  11. Welcome back all you jumpers.
  12. We have two great Bills bars in DFW. I wish Buffalo Bros would open another location over here on the East side...
  13. I'll be there with my son Matt, his friend Ron and newest ultimate Bills fan, Ezra. 4 total.
  14. Eric: I'm bringing a 25' RV and a compact car. Arriving Friday afternoon and leaving early Monday AM. Will need power please. Thanks, Diane
  15. Have a good one Harriet!!!
  16. You talkin' about the Cowgirls game? Of course he would rather watch South Park...that just means that you've raised him well.
  17. We almost always have to do this at "away" games. It's a coordination nightmare when you're trying to put together a group tailgate for visiting fans. At this year's Bills/Cowboys game we'll be tailgating in a private lot and just walking to the stadium.
  18. Two bars in the Dallas & Ft. Worth area. Go to www.dfwbillsbackers.org
  19. Finalizing plans for a big pre-game party on Saturday night, an outdoor tailgate on Sunday AM within walking distance of the Stadium, and a choice of three hotels with negotiated prices (also near the stadium). So, all you have to do is get game tix. I should have all the info firmed up be this weekend. Stay tuned....
  20. OMFG. She's a traitor! Sydney hussy! Her only saving grace is her degree. You comin' for a game this year Irish? I have 1 or 2 extra tix for the Cowgirls game.
  21. I don't think he loves us quite that much!
  22. I've been sending messages to mods but can't seem to git 'er done!!!
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