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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. Yeeeaaaaah. Another female Bills Fan! Love it. Congratulations!
  2. Yep. That's my 2nd choice but it will be on tape delay and I won't see it until the 22nd. I'm just seeing the Colts game this afternoon at 3pm Central. Yuk. But there's a Champs sports bar here that has the big dishes and they say they can get the preseason games via satellite as long as they are on a major network and they can catch a rogue signal. But they don't know if it will come through until after the game actually starts. What a way to screw with your afternoon! This is so damn complicated. I think we should revolt. Why should pre-season games be so difficult to get?
  3. Great dancing song. High heels and a skirt that twirled. Aaaaaah Disco. What memories.
  4. I always liked REO Speedwagon. Does that make me a weirdo?
  5. You didn't make it to the restroom?
  6. What "Network" is showing it? I don't know the channels up there and sometimes we can a rogue satellite signal down here on a big dish.
  7. Welcome aboard. Glad you traded in that ugly yellow towel.
  8. Exercise, exercise exercise. You CAN do it!
  9. Oops missed that reference in the prior message. Was that the right spelling? Kadish. Wasn't it more like Lodish?
  10. I can't remember his name. Played in the Glory years and then went to Denver. Got two super bill rings
  11. LOL - read this http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/181_1462967,00040006.htm and compare to your training camp report.
  12. OK as a recap to today's threads here on TSW. Am I to assume that if Rockpile will be present at the Home Opener tailgate, then we don't have to bring our cell phone chargers with us?
  13. OMG - this really happened to me on a blind date.
  14. Damn you Dan - coffee in the keyboard.
  15. Agreed. I think she's simply whacked out.
  16. 25: Take off your wedding band and leave the tan line there.
  17. Agreed. I met him and his wife at the Bills/Cowboys game and they were so much fun. He rode with me and my son from the airport when we flew in for last year's opener. He was so normal in person. Strange.....
  18. Actually, the #2 group isn't so bad. I have more time to keep up with the yard work.
  19. Great reports - thanks everyone!
  20. Love your new Avatar BIB
  21. Damn - I'm in group 2.
  22. Well I was going to take a few hours of vacation time Wednesday to rush home and watch the 3pm replay. But if they've butchered the 2nd half - perhaps it wouldn't be worth it?
  23. 47 - don't tell her how well your mother can cook.
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