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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. Yup - works for me....
  2. And perhaps more sleep - thanks NG!
  3. I must be tired today - read it 4 times and still can't see Texas. And even stranger....I just read a report a month or so ago that said Houston, TX is the "fattest" city in the country...
  4. I met a French Canadian once. He liked me
  5. If so, could you please take the time to check out the parking lots for tailgating opportunities please. Chicago may be one of the preferred Bills fan road trips for next season and that information will be very useful in future planning. Also, anything else that may be of interest to visiting fans. You can PM me later. Thanks.
  6. Yeah - wasn't that a bummer? Took the fun out of it.
  7. Which muscle?? Good luck big guy.
  8. I've joined. But I cant figure out how to do my picks. It says it's closed for this week. But the season hasn't even started.
  9. What if he had a reading disability?
  10. I'm gonna eat everyone else's food. But will contribute some beer to a collection. I can't bring coolers etc., 'cause I'm flying in.
  11. So glad to see that someone else is watching this kid. I've been bringing up his name as someone to watch since 2004 camp.
  12. Ahaaaaa. Practicing for New Orleans perhaps?
  13. Happy Birthday to both of you.
  14. And I thought I had problems! Had to stay up until 2am to watch in on NFL network. It was worth it.
  15. There has to be some kind of connection. The Jags have been shown so much more than the other teams.
  16. For someone to explain how this whole thing works. Can someone PM me?
  17. And be prepared for when they change the schedule without notice.
  18. Glad you made it. Where are you from?
  19. And to make it worse - I was on a 1st "meeting" date for lunch today. We ate in a sports bar and what happens? I look up and see Bills Players on one of the TV screens. I jump up and go over to the wall of TVs. My date thinks I'm a whacko. Someone tells me it's pieces of the Bills vs. Colts pre-season game and it started at 1pm central. I couldn't leave the poor guy just sitting there - so I went back and kept looking over his shoulder for the next 30 minutes. NFL Network will have to stick to their advertised schedule - this sucks.
  20. I like commercials. I can unload the dishwasher, fold the clothes, take a potty break, take out the garbage, make a phone call, feed the cat. And if I'm watching with a date - good necking opportunity. What's wrong with that?
  21. NO. That's letting them get away with it. They should stick to what they planned to show.
  22. I took vacation time to leave work early. Raced home and got there in time to see the Jags. WTF?? So I waited a few minutes, figured I had been screwed and then decided to turn it off and go cut the grass instead. Now you tell me that they showed parts of the Bills Colts game?? Please join me in sending ugly e-mails of complaint to NFL network. That's just not right.
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