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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. The north Atlantic has some pretty viscious storms and the resultant surge is what prompted the building of the dykes in the first place wasn't it? I was writing notes in school and missed that part of my social studies lesson
  2. I'm still coming. But my son and his friend can't make it. So I have two extras if anyone wants them. Posting here first.
  3. In the TSW group that Jay purchased - $50 each. Please PM me if interested.
  4. This may seem like a silly question. But if you're evacuated and your company is destroyed and you can't go to work and you can't get a pay check then.... How do you live? How do you pay rent? How do you buy food? Or does the Red Cross and other agencies support you with basic necessities until you find work? How do you pay your bills? I know that FEMA can stop problems with the mortgage payments, but what about credit cards, car payments, insurance, medical insurance etc. This must be an administrative nightmare for months. I just can't figure out how someone survives this.
  5. What's the latest on the levee repair? Anyone hear anything?
  6. How did you find the list of the countries offering help? I can't find it with google.
  7. Perhaps that's why the police are not stopping anyone that is walking out with basic necessities.
  8. And the snow never had to move our football games to another city.
  9. What can 3rd world countries send us that we don't already have? We already have the most sophisticated equipment and resources to handle these kinds of emergencies. I'd compare that to a bicycle trying to tow a broken down semi-trailer. Refugees are trickling into Dallas right now. I do some volunteer work with the Red Cross and they are asking for help. I may have some house guests for a while.
  10. Well, at least if it's in Baton Rouge, I already know the way....
  11. Thank you to all my wall friends for your kind words and good wishes. After watching CNN all last night - I really do feel blessed.
  12. This is the norm for me because I hate utility bills anyway and am always looking for ways to reduce them. Also have set my AC at minimum during the day and slowly cool off in the afternoon. We can't turn it off down here because we must keep the inside air dryer. I pre-plan all trips in the car and try to complete all stops on the way home from work. Have a brick in my toilet tanks to save water. Run pool filter pump at a minimum. Keep sprinklers properly aligned and run at a minimum so I don't water the sidewalk. Not sure what else I can do.
  13. I'm thinking that Mississippi will be reporting more damage than New Orleans will.
  14. Yes But my company is paying for it. $139 one way and I had to trust it to 6 strangers for their continuation up to Shreveport. We called the Avis 800# and they said since it was an emergency, to do what ever we needed to do and turn in the car in Shreveport. I think I'm OK provided they didn't have a wreck. They were all professionals who were in NO on business.
  15. So, yours truly flew down to NO on Sat AM for a last meeting with the hotel for my work conference and the Bills weekend. I even called Jay on Saturday to boast about looking out the window of the 18th floor and seeing the Superdome. I was soooo pumped about our upcoming game. I heard the news about the approaching storm throughout the day, but I knew I had an early flight out at 8:30am so didn't worry (that was 24 hours b4 the storm was due to hit). Evacs were taking place throughout the afternoon from the parishes right on the gulf. But the general feeling in the city was quite calm. Lots of tourists, walking around in the late afternoon sun acting so normal. The casino closed at 11pm on Sat night. That was a warning that I'd better leave early for the airport. Left at 6am by cab - the cab took side streets to the Airport because the driver said the main highways were jammed - he was trying to find an open gas station on the way but they were all closed and boarded up. Not sure how people are supposed to evacuate if they can't buy gasoline. Then I started to realize how serious the situation was. Got to the airport and found thousands of people, all flights quickly cancelling (including mine). Walked around wondering what to do. Starting to feel scared (and kinda' alone) by that time. Long lines everywhere but for the most part people were quite calm. I guess they figured that the storm would turn and they might get out of town Monday night or Tuesday. Not knowing what else to do, I felt that I'd rather ride out the storm in the hotel than the airport - at least I'd have a bed. Called the Holiday Inn to ask if I could come back - they said no because the city had just issued a mandatory evac and under those rules they had to get rid of all non-emergency guests. Called American Airlines on my cell because there were about 300 people in the line (getting "re-accomodated). They said if I could find a way to Baton Rouge they could get me on a flight that evening. Proceeded down to the rental car area and here are about another couple of hundred people in lines. Only 2 companies were giving out cars because even though the others had cars in their lots, their employees had all left. I got in the Avis line and counted about 150 people ahead of me. I called a girlfriend and had her book me a car online, one way, to Baton Rouge. By the time I got to the front of the line, they had two cars left. So, I combined with 6 strangers from all different parts of the country and we took one of the cars (by this time I'm feeling like the start of a Stephen King movie plot) Headed out of the city but couldn't get on 10 West because of Contraflow. Had to go 61 all the way. It was about 70 miles and took us about 7.5 hours. Bumper-to-bumper all the way. Nothing open along the way, no gas stations, no stores, no bathrooms. Made for a tiring and frustrating trip but at least we started out with a full tank of gas and some crackers and water in the car. We saw many people who had run out of gas along the way, car loads of people just standing, waiting for emergency personnel to assist. I felt so bad for those with small children. So we make it finally to Baton Rouge airport at 6:30pm, the group dropped me off. They had to proceed on the Shreveport because their airlines had no more flights out of BR. I go to the counter and had a confirmed seat on the 9pm flight. I figured I'd check in early and go have a comfortable meal and a cold beer. So I see a 6:55pm flight to Dallas on the board and ask to go standby - they had one seat left. I run for the flight (no meal and beer) and just make it on. It's one of the American Eagle 40 seaters and as we're getting on the Captain makes an announcement asking people to get in their seats quickly because we're going to take off a few minutes earlier than scheduled. The one flight attendant was trying to get everyone buckled in FAST. We pulled away and he hauled ass out to the runway and took off. From the East side of the plane I could see all this black cloud SHCITT approaching the airport (more Stephen King stuff!!) The plane took off to the north and he made a sudden bank to the left trying to turn West. Then he came on and apologized for any discomfort So I get to Dallas, and as we're getting off the plane, the Captain tells us that he had 3 minutes to get the plane off or we would have been grounded. They were shutting everthing down. That's why he was rushing - none of the crew wanted to get stuck in BR for an indefinite period. So, someone up there must have been looking out for me. I got in one of the two last rental cars at the airport, and got the last seat on the last AA plane out of BR. Thank you to the wonderful God who watches over me. Having just been there so many times over the past few months, I feel especially sensitive to those still down there. Especially the thousands of tourists and families who couldn't find a way out. Cajun Bills Backer is in Houma which is west of New Orleans, so he may be a little safer than those on the east side of the city. Now we just hope and pray.....
  16. It will be shown on NFL network tomorrow at 1pm Eastern time
  17. This is too damn funny.
  18. I don't think about being scared of the Texans - we have the talent to take them out if we get our schitte together. I'm just looking forward to 3 days away from Red Neck accents, tobacco spitting and big hair. I might miss the sweetie, baby, sugar, honey though.
  19. I fully agree with eball (but I'd add punctuation) Wear you're colors proudly (even if they are that ugly green and white) and don't be obnoxious and you'll be just fine.
  20. Football and Blondes Football FINALLY makes sense.......... A guy took his blonde girlfriend to her first football game. They had great seats right behind their team's bench. After the game, he asked her how she liked the experience. "Oh, I really liked it," she replied, "especially the tight pants and all the big muscles, but I just couldn't understand why they were killing each other over 25 cents." Dumbfounded, her date asked, "What do you mean?" "Well, they flipped a coin, one team got it and then for the rest of the game, all they kept screaming was: 'Get the quarterback! Get the quarterback!' I'm like...Helloooooo? It's only 25 cents!!!!
  21. I enjoyed it as well. It's a humbling experience for him.
  22. Why is there so much space between them??
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