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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. Hey Rich - do you ever make mild or medium wings for wimps like me and #89?
  2. Are you coming to Hammer's?
  3. You sure are some tough bastarges! Where is that Buffalo hospitality I used to know? If no one offers you a ride, PM me.
  4. Exactly - I was in NO on that Saturday and I see it this way as well. The mandatory evacuation order came AFTER: 1. Almost all gas stations in the city were closed 2. All but one airline had cancelled their Sunday flights out of New Orleans. Why did Delta cancel all their flights after 2pm on Saturday - a full 50 hours before the storm was due? Then, why did AA cancel all flights after 7:15am on Sunday morning - 24 hours before the storm? etc. etc. The airline's decisions to start canceling so early caused thousands of tourists to be stranded. 3. All but one rental car agency had closed their facilities - their employees went home to make plans to evacuate. 4. Most of the city buses had stopped running - again, their employees had gone home to deal with their own families. The local officials did a great job of standing in front of TV cameras telling people to leave the city. But there was NO DAMN PLAN to offer any method of conveyance to the tourists or the poor. Emergency plans must come from the local level first.
  5. And we'll also give you directions to "the Pinto". It's another great place to drop by.
  6. Power returning Parts of the Central Business District and the Warehouse District had power Tuesday, said Dan Packer, president and chief executive officer of Entergy New Orleans. He said he hoped to have the entire CBD up in a few days. Authorities worked to get hotels up and running to house hundreds of workers who will be faced with the daunting task of helping rebuild the city. CBD is the Central Business District
  7. You can always stop at the store get a pack of hotdogs to contribute as well. That's what I do.
  8. Quit with these "teaser" posts.
  9. The Hilton Riverwalk and the New Orleans Convention Center have power. Plus some other buildings downtown. Wow....
  10. It may sound insensitive. But they are in business to create revenue. They have to consider where they can best fill the stadium and also to have the supporting infrastructure (hotel rooms, security etc.). I'm starting to think they may do it in Buffalo - at least they'll fill the stadium. There are no available hotel rooms in Baton Rouge. And if they do play in the Ralph - I would expect to see every fan in that stadium on their feet and singing "When the Saints go Marching in" as the Saints come onto the field. This out of respect for all those devistated by Katrina.
  11. Me too. And maybe Perkins early Sunday AM
  12. Funny you should say that. When I was 8 years old I stole some money from my mothers purse to go and buy ice cream. She caught me and walked me down to the local police station to Sergeant O'Riley. He was about 18 feet tall. This was a town of only 1100 people - there was one policeman and 1 cell. He looked down at me and told me that since was 8 I would only get a spanking from my mother, but if I were grown up - this is what will happen to you if you break the law. He put me in the cell and slammed the door shut. I think the iron bars were about a foot wide . The clanging noise has stayed with me all these years. I stayed in there for about 10 seconds (it seemed like hours) and came out actually grateful that a spanking would be my only punishment. That deterrent worked well for me.
  13. Prisons in Australia aren't as comfortable as those in the USA. The food is nutritionally balanced but not very yummy. I think it's designed to convince them to not return.
  14. What kind of fan doesn't check when the games are played before signing up your kids for sports? It was the first question I'd ask.
  15. I'm so proud that my Aussie land has pledged $10 million. Their total population is only about 22 million people. That's an amazing percentage.
  16. Y'all should be happy. Lots of skin showing at the game.
  17. If she chooses to go, she will set a wonderful example for her children that will eventually return to her a hundred fold. Please show your support by assuring her that you and the kids will be fine and that she should go. I'm a Red Cross volunteer locally. And things are improving by the hour down there now for incoming volunteers. Conditions aren't the most comfortable - but they'll be secure and safe. She won't regret that she answered the call.
  18. I'm confused. The NG convoy arrived this afternoon with 9 MILLION meals. But at the same time. FEMA said they plan to have all refugees removed within 24 hours. Who's going to eat all those meals?
  19. Wow all those buses just sitting there - covered in water. Too bad the city didn't use them during the evacuation last Saturday and Sunday so that those who wanted to get out could get to safety. Kinda' looks like all the airlines that started canceling flights 36 hours before the storm, the trains that shut down, the bus companies that shut down, 6 of the 8 rental car companies at the airport that had lots full of cars, but their employees had already evacuated so they are now covered in water. There were so many modes of transportation available for the thousands who were trying to leave. But we couldn't use them....
  20. Where is it OFFICIAL? Please don't tease me. Gotta call immediately for rooms.
  21. This has become very similar to war, and as in war, the military is better equiped to fight it. Not be sitting around waiting for government departments to give them their orders.
  22. OMG - it's starting to look like "Escape from New York".
  23. I like them on the main forum. Variety.... Besides - they don't come up very often once training camp starts.
  24. See ya SIDBUFF - and I'll have the Corona.
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