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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. Now that's what I call optimistic. I'd love to see this but realistically I'd expect more of a 10-13 score
  2. Hell hath no fury like an unfulfilled woman. So sad......
  3. At least you apologized and offered yourself up for ridicule from the TSW bullies. You're a real man in my eyes.
  4. Ok - so did Columbus really take a wrong turn??
  5. He's a Bills Fan from Mexico City. He and his wife drove up to SA for the game.
  6. Must have missed something here. Is BIB Russian with large, beautiful breasts? Why is he thanking LA?
  7. Hey Jay - Did they Photoshop the blonde into the picture? I didn't see her there. Did you?
  8. A beerball sighting? Welcome back to the board. You took a day off!
  9. Well thank you kind sire......but perhaps Peter is cute too?
  10. Works for me. And BTW - I knew nothing about the friggin' laces. So I guess I'm a dummy too.
  11. Damn you all - Jay, Lori, Rich, Lisa, Julio, Kenny, Scottie etc. I had such a great time in SA. I just have to be at the Ralph for Bills Backers weekend. See you there...
  12. Does everyone here know they can clear their cache and re-vote?
  13. I know there were a lot more pictures taken. Hopefully, tomorrow when life starts to return to normal.....
  14. It happened right underneath where we were sitting. The Saints guy took the first swing.
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