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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. Absolutely!! Damn, you really ARE good.
  2. You're my kind of guy Bill......Blind.
  3. Thousands actually.
  4. I've read this thread twice. I give up. Can't understand any of it. Must be a generational thing. Nope - can't be that. Lana doesn't get it either.....
  5. You give the phrase "Taking one for the Team" a whole new meaning sweetie.
  6. I like it. But I missed it this time - on the damn phone.
  7. DM scored. Must be that Campbells soup
  8. 12 million people in LA and they can't even keep a team. Why do they care when MNF starts?
  9. I know. But shame on a man who would want a woman who has so little self respect. It's so funny. Now that I'm mature and confident. I'm the one sitting on the couch watching MNF with the remote and the beer (well, wine anyway). But I don't scratch my sllab.
  10. It's perfect for giving big smilies on the way to work?? It's not enough that we girls have to juggle the Latte, the mascara and the cell phone? Now we have to think about the "O" in the morning traffic? Just your average "multi tasking" day......
  11. Darn. Dontcha' just hate guys that don't follow through and give us an update? This is so "threadus interruptus"
  12. JP=RJ
  13. You trying to suck up to CTM so he'll quit picking on you Steve?
  14. No....a better scenario yesterday would have been if the Dolfags had beat the Pats.
  15. Looks like "pants down" to me. And confirmed by the kids looking at his rear end and laughing. I miss being at the games....
  16. I heard they planned to wear them at the Texans game (opener) and the Miami game on Oct 9 because of Thurman going onto the "wall". Then they changed it right after we won the opener. Can anyone clarify?
  17. Or better yet. Eat the meal then insist on watching Sunday night football even though she wants to watch Extreme Makeover and Desperate Housewives. Lay in the middle of the couch with the remote in one hand and a beer in the other. Be sure to ignore her - burp once in a while - and be sure to scratch your sllab often (put the beer down first). This may help!
  18. This sounds like the same thing that happened to me last night. I went anyway and enjoyed the dinner (dutch treat by the way). Then when the "hits" got more obvious, I started to talk about how I was ready for marriage again. That always works It would probably backfire for a guy though. Seriously, just go over and enjoy the evening. No one says sex always has to be part of the equation.
  19. I'm a blonde for God's sake. Give me time. I'll learn how to do it eventually.
  20. I wonder if they're getting ready to ask for a big loan?
  21. OK BiB. When I show up for the fat duck liver - you can tempt me with a Bombay Saphire gimlet.
  22. You're soooo dreamy CBB.
  23. I wish I could attach pics from Bills games and my grandson.
  24. Actually - strange as it may seem - at this time of the year the weather in Orchard Park could be different from Buffalo. I go to weather.com and search for Orchard Park weather. Then I keep searching right up until it's time to leave for the airport because it can change in 12 hours.
  25. We can attach images? I thought we could only attach links to other sites.
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