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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. http://uscis.gov/graphics/citizenship/
  2. If you're already in the country as a legal resident, it doesn't cost much. If you're here on some other kind of visa e.g. work visa, student visa, visitors visa, etc., and trying to get citizenship, it's much more complicated and needs a good immigration attorney which costs thousands. We'd need more details regarding your specific situation to offer any advice.
  3. I did that a long time ago at a Hilton in Cleveland, OH. It was awesome. I'd suggest you contact the Rochester Convention and Visitors Bureau info@visitrochester.com They should be able to help you.
  4. Fishing or trawling?
  5. Now there's a picture..........
  6. Make sure it's WHITE vinegar.
  7. And look mighty fine doing it. Right Cablelady?
  8. Bump. Come on guys don't let me down now. It'll cost me a steak dinner at Ruths Chris. Someone out there must know if Kennedy White House tapes discussing his re-election plans were released and featured in a documentary.
  9. Agreed.
  10. Any of you out there with adult children should appreciate this: Thanksgiving Divorce A man in Phoenix calls his son in New York the day before Thanksgiving and says, "I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough. "Pop, what are you talking about?" the son screams. We can't stand the sight of each other any longer," the father says. We're sick of each other, and I'm sick of talking about this, so you can call your sister in Chicago and tell her." Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. "Like heck they're getting divorced," she shouts, "I'll take care of this." She calls Phoenix immediately, and screams at her father, "You are NOT getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm calling my brother back, and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don't do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?" and hangs up. The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife. "Okay" he says, "they're coming for Thanksgiving and paying their own way."
  11. Perhaps a combination of both. But living near Plano, Texas really brings it to the forefront. And while you're on the subject of expensive gadgets, dont forget the brand new car for the 16th birthday (which is usually totalled in the first 2 years).
  12. I saw Jarhead last week and LOVED it. A real "Guy" movie.
  13. I've skimmed over a lot of the stuff that came up on google. But still can't find reference to JFK "secret" meetings discussing him using a proposed "pull out" as part of his re-election campaign. I'm still wondering where this person really heard this. He says that he saw it on a documentary many years ago. That there were meeting tapes released. I just have to win this argument because I think my friend is full of it. there's an expensive dinner hinging on this.
  14. Watching the weather channel. Feeling a little homesick. I know we've all seen the following before - but it's always good for a laugh: BUFFALO While living out of town, you've said to your friends.... "back home, you could get a case of Labatts for twelve bucks!" "back home, you could get a 30 pack of Genny for nine bucks!" "back home, this house would go for only 80K!" "back home, you could get a large cheese and pepperoni pizza for seven bucks!" "back home, the bars close at 4:00 AM!" "you call this snow?" "you call this cold?" "you call this a supermarket?" "you call these wings?" "you call this pizza?" "you call this beef on weck?" You know that "uppers" and "lowers" aren't drugs. You take real chicken wings, subs, beer, hot dogs, and pizza back with you after a visit home to Buffalo. You don't let a blinding snowstorm stop you from driving 70 MPH down the Thruway during rush hour. You believe snow on Halloween is good because its bound to warm up in November (Mom's will say you need the first freeze before Indian Summer. you hate Genesee Cream Ale, but crave it when you're in another state. You don't put away the winter clothes, they stay in the front closet year round. You've fallen asleep waiting for the light to change at the intersection of Niagara Falls Boulevard and Sheridan Drive. You think the idea of "California pizza" is as sacrilegious as cheering on the Miami Dolphins. You watch the Bills on TV with the sound turned down , and the radio turned to the game. You still can't say Interstate instead of Thruway when you relocate to another state. You've been around Buffalo a long time if you've ever called... Bon-Ton - "AM&A's" Kaufmanns - "Hengerer's" or "Sibley's" Quality Markets - "Bells" Buffalo State College - "State Teacher's" Daemen College - "Rosary Hill College" TCI -"Courier Cable" Adelphia - "International Cable" Super Flea - "GEX" (or I.D.S.) Jubilee - "Super Duper " Half of your friends moved to Charlotte, North Carolina ... and the other half went to Florida. You use the word "the" before the numbers of expressways, like "The 90", "The 400" and so on. You save Canadian coins to use at tollbooths and parking meters. You've held a "wave-a-thon" at four way stop intersections ("No, you go...") When someone speaks of "family restaurant,"you think of names like "The Olympia," "The Hillview", and "Your Host." (not Denny's or Perkins) You can tell what part of town someone is from because of their accent (especially dem der Chickatavagas town der,an' de Wesside). You've ever feasted on these treats ... Real chicken wings (not "Buffalo wings") real beef on weck (and you call it "beef on wick") real pizza, with no crust, cut lengthwise into strips (ala "Bocce's"), charcoal broiled hot dogs (ala "Ted's"), Niagara Street clams, Anderson's custard, pierogis, Weber's mustard St. Joseph's day bread, Miller's Horseradish! and washed it down with ... Genessee Cream Ale, in a 16 ounce bottle ("'da pounder") loganberry, Vernor's OV, Labatt's Blue, Visniak or Black Rock pop You slam on the brakes and slow to a crawl whenever you see the "Village of Kenmore" sign You watched Canadian television, just so you could see U.S. shows a day or two earlier than they would appear in the States. You can make the coins land perfectly in the toll basket at 20 MPH or higher. You think it's quite acceptable to take a day off work on .. Dyngus Day, St. Joseph's Day, St. Patrick's Day, St., Stanislaus Day, Ash Wednesday, the Monday after a Bills victory. You use your garage as the living room during the summer, putting a big screen over where the overhead door would be. You still go to all the neighborhood and ethnic festivals, eve n though they're really all the same. You don't really think there's anything wrong With Pat Gambino Ford commercials. you know the lyrics to ..... "You Know We're Gonna' Win That Cup" The Bills "Shout" song Any song by Rush, Kim Mitchell or Honeymoon Suite, "Talkin' Proud" The Crystal Beach "pay one price" jingle The Tops "Tops never stops saving you more" jingle The Sattlers "998 Broadway" jingle, even if you weren't alive when they were still open you've nearly gotten into fights over topics like.... Malecki vs. Sahlen vs Wardynski vs. Shelly vs. Redlinski vs Zwiegels, Anchor Bar vs. Duff's Bocce Club vs. Leonardi's. Tops vs. Wegmans You go to Niagara Falls for the outlet shopping and the Italian food, not the scenery. You spend hours planning drives to avoid toll booths. Your snowblower has more horsepower than your car. You've ever sarcastically said "Fun? Wow!" One of your friends claims to have known Ani DiFranco, a Goo Goo Doll or Baby Joe Mesi from high school. You have more than one shovel in your garage. Your car has more rust than exposed paint You stocked up on Malecki hot dogs after you heard the company was going out of business. You know several people who have hit deer more than once. You often switch from "Heat" to "A/C" in the same day. You use a down comforter in the summer. you see people wearing hunting clothes at social events. You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked. You carry jumper cables in your car and your girlfriend knows how to use them. You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit. Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow. You think sexy lingerie is tube socks and flannel pajamas. (YOU MEAN It's NOT?????) You know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter, construction. It takes you 3 hours to go to the store for one item even when you're in a rush because you have to stop and talk to everyone in town. You actually understand these jokes and forward them to all our friends from Buffalo, NY
  15. Can't seem to find references on google. I was in a discussion with a guy a few days ago about JFK vs. Vietnam. He said that in 1962-63 JFK believed that we couldn't do any good in Vietnam and we should start a pull out. Supposedly, he was going to promote this in his 1964 re-election campaign. My friend said that these confidential white house "discussions" were revealed in a documentary that was eventually shown on TV. This story is in direct contradiction to anything I learned about JFK - in fact I was taught that he actually escalated the troop numbers. But since I didn't live in the USA in the 60s, my knowledge of those early Vietnam and JFK situations depended on the Aussie press. Can anyone verify or deny this story? With a source? I'd appreciate any help you can give me.
  16. Happy Birthday all! And Happy Thanksgiving too!
  17. After reading this thread, I'm hoping for just one little positive comment for the over 50 women. It would be sooooo welcome right about now That libido thing can get even stronger in the 50s.
  18. Took a half day vacation to do the grocery shopping, bake pies, move the furniture, drag out the fancy china and silverware. I have 12 for Thanksgiving and get a big thrill out of decorating the table and cooking the "perfect" meal. I'm baking BiB's Sweet Potato pie recipe as I write this. It smells great. Thanks sweetie. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
  19. I don't know about the Hybrid. I'm relunctant to invest in anything until it's proved itself in the marketplace. I had a 2002 Escape and loved it so much that I traded it in a few months ago for a newer model. I got the Limited this time because I liked the "one color" style. The Escape handled very well, and I had no problems with it except a weird wiring problem that we traced back to the people who replaced the rear door due to hail damage. I trade in every three years because being a woman alone, I want a car that's always under warranty. Too bad you've had trouble with Fords. I've driven them for years. My other car is a 93 Mustang 5.0 Convertible - it's been a mechanical dream (except when my son blew the transmission).
  20. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday...and a Happy Thanksgiving.
  21. With the name "cat" in their name, half the guys on this board already have their er....weapons out.
  22. He did remarkable therapy on her HIP.....perhaps that takes a guy with experience.
  23. So sorry guys, but it's stuff like this that makes me glad I was born a girl. That had to be the worst thing I've ever seen.
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